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Topic: Phobias  (Read 15887 times)

Emperor Jack Chick

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Do you have any?

I'm an arachnophobe, but its been getting less intense as I approach my grave. When I was very little I got attacked by a dog that was a lot larger than me, so big dogs always make me recoil at first (esp really boisterous ones)

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Phobias #1
Heights. This was pretty much cemented during a trip to Cedar Point with friends, in which I burst out into tears from terror on a baby roller coaster ride and swore I would never step foot on one of them ever again.

Nifty Nif

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Phobias #2
Heights. This was pretty much cemented during a trip to Cedar Point with friends, in which I burst out into tears from terror on a baby roller coaster ride and swore I would never step foot on one of them ever again.
Sanguinary Novel, May 10, 2016, 11:58:52 am

Oh noooo, that sucks!  This must have been so miserable for you.  I'm terribly sorry.  Cedar Point is a very bad place to go if you're afraid of heights, especially with the 400+' Dragster at the center of the park, which is an incredible 45-second ride.  I hope someday it will roll backwards while I am riding it so I can ride the launch hill twice!  Not worth more than an hour wait, but lots of fun and worth a try on a light day.

I am afraid of suffocation, drowning, and choking.  I'm not sure if they're phobias.  I don't really know.  The choking thing might be linked to some trauma thing that happened several years ago.  I had to go to therapy for it recently because I was unable to swallow food as a result (it had not been addressed previously).  The therapy seemed to work, but sometimes I get freaked out and it will flare up again as a one-time event.

A Meat

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Phobias #3
Do things that trigger you as a result of trauma count? Because I get instantly panicked by the sound of an office phone, and I used to be incapable of actually answering phone calls in general (out of the logistical reason of not being to calm myself down quickly enough to not miss the call).

I'm afraid of losing control of my body and being trapped in it, but I'd assume anybody who thinks about it would.

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Phobias #4
Heights. This was pretty much cemented during a trip to Cedar Point with friends, in which I burst out into tears from terror on a baby roller coaster ride and swore I would never step foot on one of them ever again.
Sanguinary Novel, May 10, 2016, 11:58:52 am

Oh noooo, that sucks!  This must have been so miserable for you.  I'm terribly sorry.  Cedar Point is a very bad place to go if you're afraid of heights, especially with the 400+' Dragster at the center of the park, which is an incredible 45-second ride.  I hope someday it will roll backwards while I am riding it so I can ride the launch hill twice!  Not worth more than an hour wait, but lots of fun and worth a try on a light day.

I am afraid of suffocation, drowning, and choking.  I'm not sure if they're phobias.  I don't really know.  The choking thing might be linked to some trauma thing that happened several years ago.  I had to go to therapy for it recently because I was unable to swallow food as a result (it had not been addressed previously).  The therapy seemed to work, but sometimes I get freaked out and it will flare up again as a one-time event.
Nifty Nif, May 10, 2016, 12:33:02 pm

Same here. I had mild exertion asthma as a kid that improved as I became more active, and by the time I was in college I could run and all that with no issues. Occasionally when I get too drunk I'll get anxious and struggle to breathe, but that hasn't happened in a while. I still regularly have nightmares about slowly suffocating while my friends and loved ones look on in horror.


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Phobias #5
I haven't had a blood test in over 10 years I think, haven't had a single vaccination since the mandatory ones in the military (where I also managed to weasel out of one), and when I go to the dentist the worst part for me is the injection at the beginning, after which I don't care what else they do to me.
It's serious enough that I've tried to treat it - to no avail.

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Phobias #6
I had a needle phobia that was so bad I actually got professional help for it. After lots of therapy I've gone down from "Screaming at my top of lungs to the point where I wake up other people in the hospital" to "crying and cursing softly". Which is a big, big improvement in my book.
Ashto Nifty Nif


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Phobias #7
I'm not sure it counts as a phobia since it's more like intense disgust and loathing and fear, but I really don't like the bugs that start with C. It's ridiculous I know, but I prefer not to even write or say the name cause it makes me feel ill. I also don't like closed spaces, but it's not really bad enough for a phobia. Just bad enough to make me hate flying.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Phobias #8
Spiders. Fuuuuuuck spiders. I think it's the legs.

I will happily sleep on the sofa rather than go up to my room if there's a spider on the stairs. I live in England where we don't even have the nasty ones, outside of zoos and people who keep them as pets (what the fucking fuck). A kid in school did a presentation about his pet spider and I had to go outside. People say they're our friends because they kill flies and shit, but I'd rather have the bugs.

Digital Walnut

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Phobias #9
Adult babies and regression creeps me the fuck out. Is there a word for the fear of humanity causing a massive ecological collapse and degrading living conditions while barely giving a shit? Because I have that.


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Phobias #10
Debt. I am absolutely horrified by debt. I am fighting like mad to never have debt, and I can will and have made my life worse to avoid having any sort of debt at all.

Fuck debt and fuck the system that creates debt and double fuck the system that expects you to have debt
Digital Walnut Baldr


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Phobias #11
but I really don't like the bugs that start with C. It's ridiculous I know, but I prefer not to even write or say the name cause it makes me feel ill. montrith, May 10, 2016, 11:19:39 pm

I didn't say her name but, damn, Montrith.  I don't get it.  She's fuckin lovable.

By the way, I am now getting all sorts of messed up thoughts creepin' in about choking and falling and other stuff that I never once gave any sort of damn about, before.
I fear nothing.  Unless you count this thread.
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Phobias #12
The only thing I cannot do is climb a ladder past the second step without feeling panicked. This also includes rockwalls. You might say it's a fear of heights, but it really REALLY isn't. I kinda enjoy being in high spaces actually!


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Phobias #13
Is there a word for the fear of humanity causing a massive ecological collapse and degrading living conditions while barely giving a shit? Because I have that.
Digital Walnut, May 11, 2016, 04:54:40 am

It's called reading a newspaper.
Gyro birdie Sherman Tank Digital Walnut Liatai

Sherman Tank

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Phobias #14
I'm utterly fucking terrified of dying suddenly alone and not being discovered for months and turning into a stinking wrinkled mummified monstrosity in the mean time.

That and heights.