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Topic: Better Call Saul  (Read 14659 times)


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Better Call Saul
I expected to like this show. I goddamn love it.

Adam Bozarth

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Better Call Saul #1
More people should watch this show because it is its own show and a funnier show than Breaking Bad.

And Breaking Bad was hysterical.


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Better Call Saul #2
I'm an episode behind right now, but I'm curious to find out how much of the billboard con was premeditated, because the whole thing seems really convoluted. It seems like, if the end goal was to be portrayed as a hero, he didn't really need to do the dozen things before that.

And I totally agree with Adam above, it's a funnier show, and I think it's a comedy first, but in a really weird way,

PS The Ketelmans are total dicks.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2015, 10:25:17 am by Lemon »

Adam Bozarth

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Better Call Saul #3
To your point, Lemon, he's got to appear as though he was forced by Hamlin to take down the billboard, and it also showcases his blending of confidence tricks and legal expertise.

People really should get on board with it, because it's another great AMC show that isn't a dreary crime drama like Low Winter Sun or Rubicon. It's got some real laughs in it. Might be my favorite show airing at the moment. House of Cards is great and all, but it doesn't hook me like Saul.


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Better Call Saul #4
I was very pleasantly surprised when I watched the first two episodes. I expected a show that was decent, but not nearly as good as Breaking Bad, and I got a show that is pretty much right at the same level of quality. I normally just wait until I can watch every episode of a season before actually watching it, but with this show I eagerly await every new episode.


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Better Call Saul #5
I'm really enjoying how ballsy this show is, as far as withholding information from the audience. I spent at least half of the Five-O episode not knowing what was happening, or where in the relative timeline we were in anything being shown, but they still buttoned it up and made sense of everything by the end.


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Better Call Saul #6

I'm failing to understand how the Ketelmans are attractive clients. All of the money they have is stolen and HH&M's recommendation is for them to return the money to the police and plea bargain. But if they return the money to the police, how much money would they have to pay the absurd legal fees? Even if the goal is for HH&M to have a high profile case, doesn't that kind of thing only work if your case actually goes to trial?

Also there's no way that entire bundle of cash is completely intact. And even if it was, upon that money's forfeit to the police...
"Hey, there's $30,000 missing."
"Oh yeah, we gave that to this lawyer who didn't represent us."
"No they didn't."
"Okay then, well, clearly these people are huge liars."

All the stuff with the Ketelmans was terrific. I really like watching this dogged determination to stick to a lie and not get broken by the idea that everybody knows that you're lying. Beyond reason and even beyond self-interest, I want this thing to be true so this thing is true.

Adam Bozarth

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Better Call Saul #7
They USED to be attractive clients, then after Jimmy finds out they did, in fact, embezzle the money into cash, he takes a bribe to keep quiet. Now, they are a loose thread. They strong-armed him into being his lawyer when they weren't satisfied with the answer.

The implication seems to be that the money hasn't been spent yet. The legal fees aside (they probably can afford it outside the stolen money), it makes HH&M look great as a firm if they can turn a possible 30 year sentence into 18 months. At least that's how it seems to me. Even if they did spend it, they can implicate Jimmy for their sudden disappearance and for obstruction of justice. Not that it would be something Jimmy couldn't get out of, but it would be a big news story at the very least. Plenty of reasons to not want to be accused of any wrong-doing of his own. It could tarnish his budding reputation and it could also lead to Chuck relapsing into his electromagnetism allergy.

The Ketelmans are great characters, and I think very indicative of the tonal shift this series takes. I really wish people were on board with this show now, because I think it deserves the same Breaking Bad level of adoration. Maybe not to the point where Saul is showing up in insurance commercials, but so Bob Odenkirk can make more movies.


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Better Call Saul #8
Maybe not to the point where Saul is showing up in insurance commercials, but so Bob Odenkirk can make more movies.
Melvin Goes To Dinner was... okay.

And the first like 2 Birthday Boys episodes were really good.


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Better Call Saul #9
This is probably the best thing Michael McKean has ever done.

That reveal in Pimento was heart breaking.  That is the worst thing you could do to a person.

Adam Bozarth

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Better Call Saul #10
I want him to keep making movies because I want to see him make a really good one. I think he has it in him.

And yeah, that was a rough reveal. They are really stretching Odenkirk's and showcasing McKean's range. I think I like this show better than Breaking Bad because it's not so nightmarishly gritty, but they still can create real emotional cliffhangers.

Steven Ogg's cameo was a lot of fun.


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Better Call Saul #11
Steven Ogg's CV is just a headshot with the caption "Crime ain't pretty".


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Better Call Saul #12
Did any of you watch season 2?  Thoughts?

Frank West

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Better Call Saul #13
I started watching this recently and just finished season 2. This is a really captivating show for reasons that aren't totally clear, because it feels like it shouldn't be? There IS good acting, and the plot is interesting, but it feels like it's a plot-based show where not a lot happens each episode? The events of both seasons would probably fit into 2/3rds of a Breaking Bad season. As a result, it ends up with a lot of extra drama scenes where nothing much dramatic happens, and a lot of comedy scenes in which nothing much funny happens. Yet it's still really enjoyable and really captivating, for reasons I can't fully pinpoint?
Amelia Blank

Amelia Blank

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Better Call Saul #14
Yeah. It's super deliberate but compellingly so? I dunno. There's something to be said for having characters you love to see just be and breathe. I adore a show well crafted.