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September 20, 2024, 08:25:30 pm

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Topic: The Batshit/Ratshit/SlothThatCausesEarthquakesShit insanity of Zoo  (Read 2577 times)

lazzer grardaion?

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I just want to pop in here to talk about the absolute dumbest most wonderful show I've seen in a long time, a show where there's a sloth that causes earthquakes.

Recommended by Scott Benson (@Bombsfall on Twitter), and this delightful Vox article, the premise at the start of the show is that animals around the world are conspiring to attack humans, and nobody knows how to stop them. This seemingly simple premise becomes increasingly stretched and distorted and delightfully silly. By the second season we're into full-on animal superpowers (there's a sloth that can cause earthquakes), and in the third we go into some supremely wild sci-fi shit.


Bombsfall did his own tweet thread of processing the show, which is absolutely worth a read, and I did something similar to an increasingly incredulous sibling. This thread is for talking about your favorite fucking nonsense thing that happened in "Zoo: A real show that was put on television for people to watchTM" (after the sloth that causes earthquakes, of course).

Spoiler Alert, I guess?:

RoeCocoa GirlKisser420