Snakes In The Ball Pit > Announcements

If you have opinions about typography...

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I just made change to the F+ CSS that I'm kind of on the fence about.

It used to be that all the text on went wall-to-wall) (if you're on desktop, that's from sidebar over to the right side of the screen, with text that scaled at 1.6vw (which basically means a letter is 1.6% of your monitor's width) It's an interesting look as a snapshot, but I've always felt it had some legibility issues, especially when you had a bigger block of text.

I do like the legibility of the episode summaries so I added a max width to these text sections for better vertical rhythm. You'll see the change most notably on the submit page, but it's having an effect other places as well.

Anyway, if you have an opinion one way or the other, let me know here. If not, that's totally fine. Don't be compelled to care about typography, it's not a good thing to care about.

chai tea latte:
Looks okay to me, even on the submit page.

It feels a little odd to me, which might just be because it's new, but it does feel like there's places where the text only goes to its max-width but other content--and even other text--goes beyond that. For instance, on the episode page below, the contributor text passes beyond the max width of the description. It feels a little weird on other pages too, like the merch page, where the boxes for merch fill the whole page, but the text only fills so much horizontal space.

Yeah, I see what you're saying. I think it might be just "new" and maybe a matter to just let rest and come back to.

That said, I did change around the HTML structure to fix the problem you screenshotted below.

This is off topic but I'm really proud of that episode cover btw


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