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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2017703 times)


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Objectively the best thing you can own is a watering can that looks like an animal
chai tea latte


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My issue is that the early episodes of massively popular highly acclaimed series like Stranger Things and Game of Thrones (both of which I've tried recently) all seem to consist of a large number of things happening and literally zero attempts at telling me why they're happening, how they're connected and why I should give a shit. A season of a TV show actually takes quite a lot of free time and mental effort and I'm resentful of the idea that you should get a week of my free time before ever having to justify why.

The other part of that post is that I just watched spider man and it had a big old twist at the end and I realised at that point I dont want to have to think about a long running Marvel saga for another fucking decade.

I just want to experience something good without the expectation that I'll keep coming back or the spectre that any ideas I might have about it are null and vood because they're going to come back and just fuck it all up again.
boooo566, July 18, 2019, 06:01:31 am

Oh, I agree with you 100%, I just mean that the problem is unfortunately completely impossible to avoid if you seek entertainment from large, successful companies, because they're now all suddenly simultaneously realizing that expanded universes are a good way to make money, and like they say on the watchmen series, "nothing ever ends"

If you don't mind the shitty sound mixing, you might look into tv shows from england, which aren't designed to be financially successful, so will normally only run for 3 or 4 episodes. They can be knocked out in an afternoon or so.


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If you don't mind the shitty sound mixing, you might look into tv shows from england, which aren't designed to be financially successful, so will normally only run for 3 or 4 episodes. They can be knocked out in an afternoon or so.
ClaraTinSoldier, July 19, 2019, 11:17:09 pm
Ah yes, series like Black Mirror, intended to run for 6 episodes.



  • Professional Cool Guy
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That's because black mirror is no longer an english series, but an american one, and has to commit the apparently unforgivable sin of trying to stay on.

chai tea latte

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Hello is this the desk of mia khalifa. im calling on behalf of make a wish foundation,
GirlKisser420 Wrought Sherman Tank Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Spenny Turbo Sexaphonic Vampire Bunnybread Jr.

Shell Game

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if one puree white beans... one doesn't actually have much. i'm sure it tastes fine. one might think


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stop. saying. monkaS.


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if one puree white beans... one doesn't actually have much. i'm sure it tastes fine. one might think
Shell Game, July 20, 2019, 02:32:12 am

You're part of the way to hummus, but not the good part.


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Who is going to be the first clickbait media site to write an article about how furry forums reacted to the Cats trailer?
. Sherman Tank


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The difference between "asexual" and "a sexual" is, ironically, respect for personal space between the two parties.
Lemon Wrought Shell Game RoeCocoa

Salubrious Rex

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Iron Chef actually had some great plot lines throughout the series.
Shell Game

Shell Game

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Iron Chef actually had some great plot lines throughout the series.
Salubrious Rex, July 21, 2019, 05:39:02 am
I started thinking about how much i agreed and then fully understood the artistic merits of professional wrestling.
Carbon Salubrious Rex


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In the interest of pushing back about Internet People I’m going to defend the sapir whorf hypothesis