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October 04, 2024, 02:10:58 pm

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Topic: 336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch  (Read 10111 times)


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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch
Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte Immoral Filth SHAMBA~1.SBB

Secret Gaygent 69

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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #1
I just wanna say I found this website by searching on google for "biblical bigfoot".
ViviVixen Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Immoral Filth Lemon Seth "Slimy" Rollins Great Joe Ambious adrenochrome dome Dr. Buttplug Oats RoeCocoa NutshellGulag Antivehicular


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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #2
Biblical Bigfoot was a good Magic Tree House/Goosebumps crossover book but I liked Catholic Chupacabra and Lutheran Loch Ness Monster a little more.
Penultimatum ViviVixen Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Immoral Filth chai tea latte 1234GO! adrenochrome dome Dr. Buttplug RoeCocoa


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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #3
Dammit, you can't just take the domain "bigfooteruption.com" and not make it into an archive of hardcore Bigfoot erotica!

the ill literate

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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #4
Who would have guessed that the Curse of the Nephilim was Hank Hill ass?

A Meat

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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #5
Only YOU can prevent Bigfoot blood feuds!


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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #6
I wonder if any of the flashlight enthusiasts started believing in bigfoot just so they had something to look for at night in the woods
ViviVixen Antivehicular

chai tea latte

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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #7
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Penultimatum Wrought KingKalamari GirlKisser420 ViviVixen Mix Secret Gaygent 69 Achilles' Heelies Puppy Time adrenochrome dome Dr. Buttplug Bunnybread Vinny Possum Shell Game


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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #8
Nephilim Bigfoot and his pet Anubis

Secret Gaygent 69 Wrought Puppy Time ViviVixen Deep 13 adrenochrome dome Dr. Buttplug chai tea latte GirlKisser420 NutshellGulag Antivehicular

adrenochrome dome

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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #9
"Patty" is an affectionate name for the alleged bigfoot in the famous Patterson-Gimlin film. This knowledge brought to you by my teenage obsession with cryptozoology.

Puppy Time Secret Gaygent 69 chai tea latte KingKalamari Lemon GirlKisser420 ViviVixen RoeCocoa NutshellGulag

Dr. Buttplug

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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #10

Started messing with Corel Painter and made this. Wooh brushes! I was thinking of adding text but I can't find a version of the proverb "There are two sasquatches fighting for your soul, which one survives depends on which one you feed" that fits in the space. 

I'm still learning Corel stuff too. You can't see it because I couldn't get the Beezleboob inspired purple one to come up over the other because of watercolor transparencies but he/she has a butt and is farting.
Puppy Time Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB Macho Masc Sangy Savage Secret Gaygent 69 NutshellGulag adrenochrome dome


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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #11
I wake up every morning and pray to Yah
And he decreases my number of bigfoots by exactly one
Semantic Weeb GirlKisser420 Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Lemon KingKalamari

Shell Game

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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #12
I listened to this and retained absolutely nothing about the subject.
Adam Bozarth Puppy Time xX_sp00ks_Xx chai tea latte

Great Joe

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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #13
I got that these guys listen to a lot of Outkast.


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336: Hungry Like The Sasquatch #14
I listened to this and retained absolutely nothing about the subject.
Shell Game, October 09, 2020, 02:00:48 am

This is definitely one of those "crazy person's words wash over you, leaving nothing behind" episodes. I mostly got that Bigfoot are descended from Nephilim, and also they take fuckin' majestic shits.