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September 20, 2024, 08:25:54 pm

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Topic: Episode 50 - Once A Week I Pretend To Be A Worse Version Of Myself  (Read 8700 times)

Shell Game

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chai tea latte GirlKisser420 Mix THE LESBIATHAN Argyle Funk


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Someone I recognize! I got stuck on Minit and looked up a walkthrough and for whatever reason the first result was from One Angry Gamer, who talked a lot of shit about how Minit is an SJW game and the director of it is an SJW but still made an in-depth detailed walkthrough for whatever reason
Shell Game

Shell Game

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Yeah he sounds like a real swell guy making the best of his time.


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And as a bonus course, here’s The Tao of D&D.

See, I take a rather confrontational style with D&D, just as I take a confrontational style with real life.  If I happen to be in a place where some sort of stupidity is taking place, all too often I'm inclined to speak out.  I'm that fellow on the bus who tells you to turn your fucking headphones down.  I'm the guy who, when standing in line behind someone screaming at the employee at the complaints counter, gets involved. When I see two Jesus freaks cornering some hapless and all too polite fellow on the street, I walk over and pick a theological argument. I like tearing born again Christians apart limb from limb and picking my teeth with the bones. That sort of propagandistic terror-spreading pisses me off more than I can express.

So if I have some hapless moron in my world, in my house mind, eating my food and making my chairs squeak, I'm not going to hold back. Fuck the game - what the fuck do you think you're doing, buddy? What are you here for? Are you aware there are four other people at the table? Are you aware of anything except your own derisive self-aggrandizing kindergarten pud-pounding jizz-spreading happiness? Hm? Can you tell me just what exactly the fucking point of killing the old man was? Go on. I'm waiting.

These are things I'm saying while standing up, looking down at the player, ready for his answer and by little freaking gnomes in the well water, it better be a goddamn GOOD answer.

Said author also endorses a D&D campaign of mustard smuggling, which would be a hell of a lot of fun in Traveller but is entirely missing the point of fantasy heroism.
GirlKisser420 Shell Game


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This really stuck out to me:

These are all player characters in the Invisible Sun tabletop RPG. They are no longer trapped in Shadow—where you are right now—but inhabit the Actuality, a world that seems like a surreal dream to those of us toiling aimlessly in the boring, grey realm that we falsely believe is the real world. These characters face incredible challenges, visit breathtaking places, and discover secrets so astonishing that the only ones who can cope with them are those that understand the truth of the real power in the universe: Magic.
Imagine being so blinkered that you cannot conceive of our "boring, grey realm" having "incredible challenges" or "breathtaking places" and deciding that such wonders must only be possible in an imaginary setting for a game that you play on top of a goddamn table.

Sherman Tank

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10 minutes in and I'm already goddamn furious.

Shell Game

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I am still tickled by the thought of a playable race that just dies if you don't get a specific amount of palladium.

Frank West

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Just listened to this. The guy who thinks of himself as being progressive but also thinks it's very important that his game shows the real life hardships of being a lesbian to a real life lesbian, because presumably she doesn't know this, is real bad and I hate him a lot!

Anyway, this guy:
Shell Game chai tea latte

Shell Game

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Yeah as much as i reveled in reading about that terrible terrible person, i figured we all only had the stomach for so much. Lesbiathan and i toyed with the idea of having most of the doc being that i think.

But then we didn't. And i think that was the right choice. 


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Yeah, a cishet guy lecturing a lesbian about "realism" regarding cultural hatred in an entirely optional setting is, hm. It was hard to listen to at length. I rarely want people to know what it feels like to go through something really hard, but in instances like this I'm like "Well maybe it'd HELP???" I can't imagine much else that WOULD except a swift kick in the empathy gland.

Shell Game

  • Probability of victory in Tarzan jump: 99.99%. Probability of sinking when landing on mudflat: 100%.
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maybe he'd lighten up and have his horizons expanded if he played a $200+ game for highbrow intellectuals

or a pony rpg

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
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I'm glad you didn't spend more time on that guy, because he's jumped straight to the top of the list of Extra Credit subjects I honestly want to punch in the face.