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Topic: Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin'  (Read 17531 times)

Fatty Bo Batty

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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin'
So, after hearing a few mentions of pro wrestling on here and on the podcast, I'd figure I'd start a thread to discuss pro wrestling, one of the best/ dumbest things ever.

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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #1
I saw Mick Foley do standup. It was mostly weird wrestling stories.


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #2
I got copy of "Legends of Mid-South Wrestling" (the territory in Louisiana and the rest of the central South) in a secret santa, and I'm enjoying it.  It's got Junkyard Dog, Ted DiBiasi, Magnum TA, the Road Warriors, young Jim Ross and lots of others.  It's pretty cool, and the psychology is fantastic.

Also, everything in this Earth is really dumb, so wrestling is just really cool. 


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #3
Wrestling seems like one of those things that was cool to make fun of, then became cool to like ironically, then became cool to appreciate as a smark.

My interest in it started and stopped with making custom wrestlers of people I know in the WWE video games and using indie-wrestling documentaries to people-watch.

Tiny Prancer

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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #4
I'm not really a fan of wrestling but it kind of fascinates me for how utterly silly it is and how totally seriously it plays that silliness. It's kind of sad that the glory of 90s wrestling has passed, but it's hard to have people be unironically in love with something like hulkamania now. I feel like wrestling plays itself best when it just straight-up treats itself like it's superhero stuff, to be honest. (I think Mexican masked wrestling gets that better than american wrestling does, but then again considering how many masked wrestlers were nuns and priests doing it to save the various orphanages they worked at it kind of comes with the territory.)

also, if we're talking about wrestling, might as well post this:

Fatty Bo Batty

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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #5
It seems to me that a lot of people grew out of wrestling as kids once the "magic" was gone, but come back to it once they realize how much work and production goes into it. Learning things like how some moves are gimmicked, learning behind-the-scenes craziness, and being able to look at stuff now from a "smart" perspective is real fun.


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #6
I fucking hate smarks.  They take all the fun out of it.  Sorry to tell you this, but wrestling isn't just about workrate.  If it was, Dusty Rhodes wouldn't have gotten over.  It doesn't matter how smart you feel, a mark's a mark.

For all of you that don't understand how it can be loved from a pure sport perspective, check out New Japan Pro Wrestling.  In Japan, it's treated like a real sport, so there's only bare bones gimmicks like "a guy that likes wrestling," "a guy with a lot of money," "a guy that is flamboyant" and "a young up-and-comer."  Up until recently, all title matches started with the Japanese national anthem.  Guys actually hit each other in the face, and actually mat wrestle for 30-50 minutes.  Check it out on DailyMotion.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2015, 02:20:08 am by Smoking Crow »


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #7
I used to like wrestling as a kid, ain't gonna lie.  It was my favourite Saturday morning cartoon.  Evil doers brought to justice with bodyslams!  Perfect kid's entertainment.

Geremy Tibbles, maybe a couple years back, turned me towards this Chikara league.  Some of it is really absurd, and that's fine--they're beyond ridiculous.  But when they actually wrestle, there's some impressive athleticism on display.  Forget everything else, those guys really know what they're doing and it's an amazing spectacle.

El Generico springs readily to mind.

(And I have a fondness for Five Dollar Wrestling, which is basically the F+ of the ring.)

Fatty Bo Batty

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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #8
I agree, smarks are the fucking worst.

Botchamania is the thing that got me back into wrestling in a big way.


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #9
I used to like wrestling as a kid, ain't gonna lie.  It was my favourite Saturday morning cartoon.  Evil doers brought to justice with bodyslams!  Perfect kid's entertainment.

Geremy Tibbles, maybe a couple years back, turned me towards this Chikara league.  Some of it is really absurd, and that's fine--they're beyond ridiculous.  But when they actually wrestle, there's some impressive athleticism on display.  Forget everything else, those guys really know what they're doing and it's an amazing spectacle.

El Generico springs readily to mind.

(And I have a fondness for Five Dollar Wrestling, which is basically the F+ of the ring.)
Acierocolotl, February 07, 2015, 10:21:32 am

Chikara is the best Lucha in the world now that the Mexican feds are dead.


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #10
When I was in Japan, I visited a DDT show at Korakuen Hall. One of the title matches was a Blindfolded Lingerie Match between two men. As near as I could tell, one of them challenged the other to this match because he thought the other guy didn’t know how to unhook a bra.

The previous night’s DDT show featured a match between two wrestlers who showed up at the arena very tired, so they held a Last Man Awake match. They brought a futon to the middle of the ring and one competitor successfully pinned the other onto the futon, tucked him in, and sang lullabies until he fell asleep.

What I’m saying is that DDT is great.
chai tea latte Fatty Bo Batty Maxine Headroom IceTwister jorty Argyle Funk Liatai


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #11
The posters of ballp.it are a bunch of roodie-poo candy asses and the crow is gonna take your posts, shine em up real nice, turn em sideways, and shove them straight up your candy asses


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #12
Wrestlemania was really good.  Workrate was fine, lots of good psychology.  Brock vs. Roman vs. Seth was great, a match of the year contender.  I agree with Big Dave and Bryan who said it's one of WWE's best PPVs ever


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #13
There's some NJPW guys coming to NZ later this year and hoo boy I really wanna go. ;w;


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Real talk 'bout fake Wrasslin' #14
One of the highlights of Beer Garden every year is at some point we get a ghost story. This year the goal was to scare Yukio Sakaguchi with a spooky tale. Sakaguchi refused to be involved but was forced by the others to enter the ring. The lights went out and Danshoku Dino took out a flashlight. He shined it over his face and explained the challenge to Sakaguchi. Different wrestlers will enter the ring Royal Rumble style and it’s up to them to scare Sakaguchi with their tales of horror. Sakaguchi will have to pin or submit someone to stop the stories and end the match. DJ Nira snuck up to Sakaguchi and gave him a fright to start the contest. Nira began his story about a summer beach camp but Sakaguchi jumped on him. Kouki Iwasaki was next but his story about the old inn next to the old high school was also cut short. Soma Takao wanted to tell his tale based on a real life experience with a futon but Sakaguchi wanted none of it. At this point Sakaguchi was so scared he was lying down flat on the canvas. Dino then produced pictures of Keisuke Ishii’s parents onto the screen behind them followed by a loud scream. Sakaguchi flipped out and attacked everyone in the ring until Dino caught him in a Lip Lock. Daisuke Kiso was going to count Sakaguchi out but stopped himself because it was his turn to tell a story. His story involved an apartment dweller watching a policeman drag a woman smeared with blood into his car. It ended up scaring everybody in the room. Makoto Oishi was the final entrant but his story was actually just him gossiping about a wrestling buddy who went on a date that ended with a night in a hotel last Christmas Eve. Dino asked what made that a scary story? Oishi said it’s because the woman lied about liking his friend and that’s scary. Sakaguchi finally had enough and put Iwasaki in the Cobra Clutch so he could end the damn contest. Sakaguchi said he probably felt okay after that. He held a toast for the fans but was interrupted by a blackout followed by a distorted video on the screen of a creepy woman saying “Cheers”.

More evidence that DDT is the best.
Argyle Funk jorty chai tea latte