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Topic: Episode 181: Go Fund Yourself  (Read 14693 times)

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
  • 2,659
  • 17
Episode 181: Go Fund Yourself #15
Look who has a new GoFundMe!

Dear Friends,

Earlier this year I posted on FaceBook that I was almost done writing my first book, getting ready to upload it to CreateSpace. After considering my pro writer/editor sister Tracy’s feedback that it seemed like I was leaving out some of the juiciest stuff, I realized to my dismay that she was right, and that if I was serious about the project, I would have to set my shyness and self-consciousness aside.  So I dove back in and started filling in the gaps.

With little things.

Things that I don’t talk about to most people.

Like, well, the times I was visited by radiant and loving ET’s.

And the conversation I had with Jesus that changed EVERYTHING.

Like the things I learned about being an empath and how to take care of myself while deepening my relationship with my creativity.

Like my evolving journey with suicidal urges, and strategies I discovered for allowing the intensity of these feelings to deepen my passionate commitment to life.

And this was just a start.

When I decided to share some of the stories about how my perspective formed for the intuitive work I do and the music I make, I embarked on a whole new journey.  It has taken me a while to come back up for air. But this time when I put down the pen 120 additional pages later and shared the new manuscript with Tracy, her response came back: “polished gold”.

I was about to hit the button again to publish with CreateSpace when I had a well-timed conversation with another friend and ally, Karen Stuth with Satiama.com . Karen has been in the business of publishing award-winning books and products that help us to expand consciousness. She has helped me to promote my music and reach a much broader audience than I ever would have by myself.

During our conversation, she gave me super strong and well-researched advice to avoid CreateSpace, and gave me some suggestions for how to self-publish successfully. I realized that I wanted to hire her to help me get the book out to a wider audience, helping me to raise the necessary funds to print, market, organize book tours, get professional reviews, connect with major distribution channels, and all other kinds of things that I couldn’t do alone.  All of this costs money; Karen's fees are only a small percentage of the budget. She's willing to wait until after funds are raised to get paid for much of her work; however I will need some help to raise the initial funds to get started working with her.

Would you consider buying a book in advance of publishing?Quote from


  • Paid
    • 872
    • 54
Episode 181: Go Fund Yourself #16
Yes I would buy that.

But the catch-22 is that I only buy stupid self-help books from people who are poor, weird and hopeless. Getting 16k from anonymous internet strangers so you can distribute your book makes you neither.


  • Got an A in Chicken Nuggets
  • Paid
    • 189
    • 10
Episode 181: Go Fund Yourself #17
The latest episode of the Dollop covers One Taste. It is quite something.

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
  • 2,659
  • 17
Episode 181: Go Fund Yourself #18
Noodles Levenstein raps:


  • Doctor Professor Apething, PhD
  • Paid
  • I’m not doctor professor, am I apething though?
  • 30
  • 5
Episode 181: Go Fund Yourself #19
Lemon Boots Raingear Shell Game GirlKisser420