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Topic: Brag about your pets  (Read 139148 times)

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Brag about your pets #165
Dexter my cat. She's a girl.

Wesley my black-capped conure. Boy.

Radar my iguana. Probably male.

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Brag about your pets #166
I'm back home with my Booger. He's in a state of bliss.

Liatai montrith Gyro NutshellGulag
« Last Edit: December 29, 2016, 10:08:16 pm by screaminghobo »


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Brag about your pets #167
My dog died yesterday. She was 18 and died in her sleep with her brother by her side. I feel like this is the best way for her to have gone so I can't be too sad, plus I had come to terms with the fact that I wouldn't see her again after I moved to the UK. Still she was an amazing dog and I had known her for about 70% of my life so she will be missed. Below is a really bad photo of her from when she was a fair bit younger.

chai tea latte montrith znarf NutshellGulag

Corn Syrup

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Brag about your pets #168
I'm sorry to hear that, Blandest. Dogs share such a wholehearted, unreserved love with us that it always hurts to see them go. Even moreso when you don't really get to say goodbye to them the last time you part ways. Just remember that she put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into trying to make you happy through her life. Don't let that go to waste, now.


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Brag about your pets #169
I'm sorry to hear that, Blandest. Dogs share such a wholehearted, unreserved love with us that it always hurts to see them go. Even moreso when you don't really get to say goodbye to them the last time you part ways. Just remember that she put a lot of effort and enthusiasm into trying to make you happy through her life. Don't let that go to waste, now.
H.P. Shivcraft, December 30, 2016, 02:54:12 am

Honestly I went through the heartbreak at the start of the year when I moved over here so really I mostly felt relief yesterday when I was told because I knew she wasn't going to be in any pain anymore (not that she seemed to be anyway, but you know) and it also meant my parents were there when she died. They were planning on coming over here in a few months and I had hoped that she would go before they left as I know my father would never forgive himself if she died while he was gone. But yeah Rosie was an amazing dog but her brother is just as amazing and mostly now I just hope he is feeling okay given what just happened.

Thanks for the kind words though.
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Standplaats Kraków

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Brag about your pets #170
Some of the old-timers have already seen my Woutje and Yeti. I don't think any of you have seen their son though!

Meet Chiapek:

Yavuz Liatai Saoirse-Lilith Moose Goose Goose Honk At Me Now I Liked That Joke montrith cashmir sweaters znarf NutshellGulag Down10
« Last Edit: January 01, 2017, 04:07:52 pm by Standplaats Kraków »


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Brag about your pets #171
I'm in trouble. =3=;

One of the "barn cats" (local ferals who decided to settle down under my porch -- Tony and Lieutenant were both "barn cats" until circumstances brought them inside) has discovered the magic of scritches.

He's glued to me whenever I go outside, purring and bunting up against me. He's one of Lieu's brothers, a brown tabby with orange notes and a scar across his nose; I call him Logan. Good mouser, bold, affectionate. Mother cats trust him around their kittens, even.

We have a "deal" -- he keeps helping the smaller ferals survive the winter, and when finances allow, I'll see about getting him inside. At least neutered and vaccinated, if it turns out he doesn't take to the house well. He does such a good job cuddling up to the others and keeping them warn I hate to take him away from them too soon. x3;
Saoirse-Lilith Moose montrith A Whirring Bone-White Gleech Gyro

Standplaats Kraków

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Brag about your pets #172
That's the good kind of trouble though!


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Brag about your pets #173
This is Pixel, and she is the President of Cats, Very pretty, loves to sleep, 10/10.
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Brag about your pets #174
Just unthawed the gigantic ham we got over Christmas. It's nice and aged, very delicious.

My cat, Lucy, is going insane the moment she even smells it. She will clean my fingers like a dog just to get a little bit of that delicious pig-meat. It's pretty adorable.
montrith Ragnarok Boobies Liatai NutshellGulag

I Liked That Joke

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Brag about your pets #175
My dog Molly on her 13th birthday!

Ragnarok Boobies Gyro Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Liatai Saoirse-Lilith nuffkins, of all people, Corn Syrup chai tea latte NutshellGulag montrith


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Brag about your pets #176
Having a really shitty evening. Just found out that my aunt has to put one of her dogs down. I've only been living with her for a year and a half, but the news is really hitting me hard. Brady has been one of the most chill and awesome dogs I've ever known, and to see him go so suddenly is alot to process. Here's a few of my favourite pics of him.

Sorry for the wall of pictures and the semi-E/N post.

Please hug your pets/animals that you live with or even just animals that you know.
chai tea latte Corn Syrup I Liked That Joke znarf NutshellGulag Liatai Goose Goose Honk At Me Now bubbleuj montrith


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Brag about your pets #177
Just unthawed the gigantic ham we got over Christmas. It's nice and aged, very delicious.

My cat, Lucy, is going insane the moment she even smells it. She will clean my fingers like a dog just to get a little bit of that delicious pig-meat. It's pretty adorable.
Trav, January 22, 2017, 07:56:41 am

What the heck is it with cats and ham? I have never given Tommy any ham, and he still goes nuts when he smells it! Not bacon, just ham.
Goose Goose Honk At Me Now montrith


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Brag about your pets #178
You guys might remember Newt from a while back:

We had to put her to sleep on Monday.

It seemed appropriate to have a tribute to her. (Still need to get color done)
montrith Saoirse-Lilith NutshellGulag Down10
« Last Edit: May 04, 2017, 07:16:32 pm by izzy »


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Brag about your pets #179
It's always heartbreaking when a beloved pet dies, but at least we can take comfort in the fact we've given them the best life possible within our capabilities.
I've hugged my kitties just in case though.