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Topic: 177: How To Listen To A Podcast You Hate  (Read 30555 times)

Emperor Jack Chick

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I'm so honored to have my username mentioned alongside Fplus royalty like LadyFrenzy. I knew if I stood next to the Fplus muttering under my breath I'd be noticed someday.
achillesheelies, May 28, 2015, 07:04:45 pm

you should celebrate by blasting the ff7 boss fight music through your phone.


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You guys need to revisit old subjects more often. These Wikihow episodes are great.
goombapolice, May 28, 2015, 02:07:13 pm
I'll use this as an excuse to submit the Yahoo Answers document that I've been piecing together. It's been way too long since the last one and there are so many fantastic things on there.
Digital Walnut, May 28, 2015, 04:34:26 pm

I would love another Yahoo Answers episode.

Or Justrage.com, for that matter.

Nikaer Drekin

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You guys need to revisit old subjects more often. These Wikihow episodes are great.
goombapolice, May 28, 2015, 02:07:13 pm
I'll use this as an excuse to submit the Yahoo Answers document that I've been piecing together. It's been way too long since the last one and there are so many fantastic things on there.
Digital Walnut, May 28, 2015, 04:34:26 pm

I would love another Yahoo Answers episode.

Or Justrage.com, for that matter.
Old_Zircon, May 28, 2015, 08:15:39 pm

I could personally go for another food episode. That ramen sandwich bit at the beginning of this one was fantastic.

Oh, also, I know what the "elephant toothpaste" mentioned in the list of titles at the end is! It's a neat little demonstration they do in a lot of science classes:

(Skip to 2:10 if you want, that's when the actual reaction happens)

chai tea latte

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oh shit steve spangler! really nice dude, one of my best friends growing up was on his show a ton as a KID SCIENTIST who took everything really seriously

food episode would be awesome, i never get tired of those ones

Achilles' Heelies

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I'm so honored to have my username mentioned alongside Fplus royalty like LadyFrenzy. I knew if I stood next to the Fplus muttering under my breath I'd be noticed someday.
achillesheelies, May 28, 2015, 07:04:45 pm

you should celebrate by blasting the ff7 boss fight music through your phone.
jack chick, May 28, 2015, 07:16:51 pm

Thanks,  that should also help me finally get upstairs.


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Adam was really on point last episode talking about how so many of these are written like a preteen's thoughts.  I could have guessed maybe the topics were being suggested by unintelligent people, and even kids too, but these aren't written like someone with a competent mind sat down with a kid's suggestion and tried to humor the kid.  These articles are definitely written by kids, because they've got the same garbage logic kids have.

Why are all these ten year olds writing Wikihow articles?  Is it really popular?  Is it part of some Internet Fluency curriculum?

That 'how to go upstairs in the dark' article was written in a way that matched almost word for word how I felt about going into the basement at night when I was twelve.  And the 'how to get your cat back from a child' seemed like it was written by a kid, then someone else went back over it and tried to edit it to change the tone, but didn't change any of the actual content.
a gross spider

A Meat

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You guys need to revisit old subjects more often. These Wikihow episodes are great.
goombapolice, May 28, 2015, 02:07:13 pm
I'll use this as an excuse to submit the Yahoo Answers document that I've been piecing together. It's been way too long since the last one and there are so many fantastic things on there.
Digital Walnut, May 28, 2015, 04:34:26 pm

I would love another Yahoo Answers episode.

Or Justrage.com, for that matter.
Old_Zircon, May 28, 2015, 08:15:39 pm

I could personally go for another food episode. That ramen sandwich bit at the beginning of this one was fantastic.
Nikaer Drekin, May 28, 2015, 09:32:22 pm
One's already in Lemon's inbox


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That pure joy during the How  to Quit Wikihow article was infectious and amazing.


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Adam was really on point last episode talking about how so many of these are written like a preteen's thoughts.  I could have guessed maybe the topics were being suggested by unintelligent people, and even kids too, but these aren't written like someone with a competent mind sat down with a kid's suggestion and tried to humor the kid.  These articles are definitely written by kids, because they've got the same garbage logic kids have.

Why are all these ten year olds writing Wikihow articles?  Is it really popular?  Is it part of some Internet Fluency curriculum?

That 'how to go upstairs in the dark' article was written in a way that matched almost word for word how I felt about going into the basement at night when I was twelve.  And the 'how to get your cat back from a child' seemed like it was written by a kid, then someone else went back over it and tried to edit it to change the tone, but didn't change any of the actual content.
EYE OF ZA, May 29, 2015, 01:30:42 am

That makes sense for the more innocuously insane articles and makes that ramen noodle sandwich monstrosity actually sort of ... understandable, almost?

But if you view it in that light, it makes the articles about diapers and women peeing themselves even more horrifying.

This does not make the episode itself any less hilarious. I was laughing so hard listening to this one the first time that I'm listening to it again now at work, because I know I missed stuff, especially during the Great Intervention.


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Jimmyfranks killed it

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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I'm so honored to have my username mentioned alongside Fplus royalty like LadyFrenzy. I knew if I stood next to the Fplus muttering under my breath I'd be noticed someday.
achillesheelies, May 28, 2015, 07:04:45 pm

AND you have Colin's Bear Animation as your icon??? Swoon~

A Meat

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Thinking about it, the muttering under your breath tactic might have worked on me once. As a result I got trapped into an hour an a half conversation about anime and new-age bullshit. On the other hand, I should have had the foresight not to interact with the girl muttering "kawaii~" to the rabbits in my school's petting zoo.

High School teaches you some hard lessons I guess.


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Your high school had a fucking petting zoo? Fuck man, I was robbed.

A Meat

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Your high school had a fucking petting zoo? Fuck man, I was robbed.
Runic, May 29, 2015, 03:05:33 pm
It isn't the high school's really, but it was adjacent to it. The whole place used to be an agricultural school, and still after it ceased being one, all the students had to work a bit in one of agricultural fields, and one of them for some reason was a shitty petting zoo, which was the best pick out of the options available.

The only pet-able animals we had there were goats and rabbits, but I guess you could gawk at a parrot and get spit on by a camel or bit by a duck. We also for some inexplicable reason had a Mara

Why didn't your school have a petting zoo?

And to tie this back into the topic of the thread, Wikihow can teach you how to start your own petting zoo( or a farm?):

Digital Walnut

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A Meat, May 29, 2015, 03:27:37 pm
How to Swallow a Mouthful of Diatomaceous Earth
Step 4: Think about fondling a spruce twig next to a puppy. Don't take your hand off of last quarter's earnings report, or it will make things more difficult.
« Last Edit: May 29, 2015, 04:37:11 pm by Digital Walnut »