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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 238196 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #30
Finally got around to seeing The Heat the other day. I gotta admit, I wasn't expecting much, but I found myself cackling like a madman the whole way through. The PG-13 trailer does not do that movie justice, there were a lot of dropped f-bombs throughout the whole thing.

I did think that Sandra Bullock was kind of underplayed, though. There were a ton of situations where she tries to do something by the book, fails miserably, and then Melissa McCarthy comes in and does the job violently and in about three seconds.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #31
it's totally fine as long as you carry a deer in on your shoulders, sass everyone at the table who wields more political power than you do, and maintain constant bedroom eyes.Cuddlesquid, July 05, 2013, 02:29:56 pm

That's pretty much what being the only soldier in a room full of civilians feels like.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #32
it's totally fine as long as you carry a deer in on your shoulders, sass everyone at the table who wields more political power than you do, and maintain constant bedroom eyes.Cuddlesquid, July 05, 2013, 02:29:56 pm

That's pretty much what being the only soldier in a room full of civilians feels like.
Isfahan, July 07, 2013, 09:37:33 am

So Bedroom Eyes is part of basic training?

Right now I'm watching Dear Zachary: A Letter To A Son About His Father. It's a documentary about a man who, after his best friend's murder, decides to piece together the story of his life through interviews with the people who loved him. It's an incredibly sad story, but really well-told.

EDITED TO ADD: Don't watch this movie unless you want to feel like you've been punched in the heart and also kicked repeatedly in your softest organs.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 01:07:44 am by Cuddlesquid »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #33
After a few recommendations, I watched Silent House.  If 90 minutes of aimlessly wandering around a house into jump scares followed by a reveal you probably called five minutes into the movie is your thing, by all means, go to town.  Oh, and they attempted to frame it as one continuous shot, so I hope you also enjoy the cameraman wobbling along behind the protagonist Blair Witch-style and occasionally hiding being objects.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #34
I just went on a small horror movie binge so I'll give you my opinion on each.

Sunshine - Not horror. But one of my favorite movies of all time. If you like sci-fi at all, watch this. Some of the best acting from the actors in it. Especially Chris Evans, he is particularly good in this movie.

Pontypool- Jesus Christ this movie. I found out about this blindingly brilliant gem from an indirect recommendation (thanks Delcat). Easily one of the best horror movies I have seen in a long time. McHattie is fantastic and entertaining throughout.

Dead Birds - A mediocre horror movie, but with some neat atmospheric chops. Too slow to be entertaining though, with not enough character development to occupy the many lulls.

The Burrowers - Far better than it has any right to be. It has the shitty cover, the generic "ominous" title and the cringe worthy tagline. It has all the trappings of a really really bad horror movie. But it's not. It's a damn good combination weird western/creature feature. Well acted, some really fucking good cinematography and a damn convincing atmosphere. If you like either of those genres, give it a try. I find it quite comfortably sits next to Ravenous in it's territory and execution.

The big surprise from this lot was obviously The Burrowers.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #35
Sunshine - Not horror. But one of my favorite movies of all time. If you like sci-fi at all, watch this. Some of the best acting from the actors in it. Especially Chris Evans, he is particularly good in this movie.
MicroMissles, July 12, 2013, 09:13:54 pm

That movie messed with me and I loved every minute. One moment its a mediocre sci-fi film and then suddenly I'm terrified. The soundtrack is amazing as well. Pretty much anything with abandoned ships or similar draws me right in though.

I just watched Chosin  on Netflix and wow that was intense. Glossed over some details I would have enjoyed because my Korean War info is shaky but it was still entertaining and educational.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #36
I like Pontypool and the Burrowers as well. I read the script for Dead Birds way before I saw the finished movie, and I was pretty disappointed with the final result versus what I had read.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #37
Sunshine - Not horror. But one of my favorite movies of all time. If you like sci-fi at all, watch this. Some of the best acting from the actors in it. Especially Chris Evans, he is particularly good in this movie.
MicroMissles, July 12, 2013, 09:13:54 pm

That movie messed with me and I loved every minute. One moment its a mediocre sci-fi film and then suddenly I'm terrified. The soundtrack is amazing as well. Pretty much anything with abandoned ships or similar draws me right in though.
Yossarian, July 13, 2013, 12:18:12 am

I'll be the downer, I guess.  If it's the movie I'm thinking of, I honestly didn't feel like the actors pulled that off.  I recall thinking it had a severe case of "young and beautiful people doing stupid things impulsively".  There were some moments of astounding idiocy, like the early accident with the sun-shield, which seemed like exactly the thing that competent, well-trained astronauts would never have done.

And the science was atrocious but that's me being a neckbeard.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #38
Sunshine - Not horror. But one of my favorite movies of all time. If you like sci-fi at all, watch this. Some of the best acting from the actors in it. Especially Chris Evans, he is particularly good in this movie.
MicroMissles, July 12, 2013, 09:13:54 pm

That movie messed with me and I loved every minute. One moment its a mediocre sci-fi film and then suddenly I'm terrified. The soundtrack is amazing as well. Pretty much anything with abandoned ships or similar draws me right in though.
Yossarian, July 13, 2013, 12:18:12 am

I'll be the downer, I guess.  If it's the movie I'm thinking of, I honestly didn't feel like the actors pulled that off.  I recall thinking it had a severe case of "young and beautiful people doing stupid things impulsively".  There were some moments of astounding idiocy, like the early accident with the sun-shield, which seemed like exactly the thing that competent, well-trained astronauts would never have done.

And the science was atrocious but that's me being a neckbeard.
Utnaphistim, July 13, 2013, 12:41:19 am

Oh yeah, the science was trash for the most part, and some of the ~DRAMA~ and 'acting' only passed after you consider how long they sat in that tin can. It was far from perfect, but I thought overall it was worth my time as long as you don't dig terribly deep into the plot.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #39
Pontypool- Jesus Christ this movie. I found out about this blindingly brilliant gem from an indirect recommendation (thanks Delcat). Easily one of the best horror movies I have seen in a long time. McHattie is fantastic and entertaining throughout. MicroMissles, July 12, 2013, 09:13:54 pm

yessss another convert
I was converted by a friend and I'm not sure how far down the pyramid scheme I am, but presumably if you continue you'll get your benefit package soon enough.

I'd also recommend the radio drama, and I would recommend the original book, Pontypool Changes Everything, but I haven't been able to get my mitts on a copy.  Stupid having to pay money for things.  I mean except I technically paid money for the movie because I pay for Netflix but...look money is dumb okay

I really liked the concept of The Burrowers and the first half or so, but I feel like it lost steam and direction somewhere around the 2/3 mark.  It's been a long time since I've seen it, though, maybe I should give it another shot.

I loved Dead Birds so much, there are really slow parts but good God, those monsters.  That was one of the last movies I saw in the VHS era and it was before that style of monster was at all popular, so it holds a special place in my heart.  Which means...

I like Pontypool and the Burrowers as well. I read the script for Dead Birds way before I saw the finished movie, and I was pretty disappointed with the final result versus what I had read.NutshellGulag, July 13, 2013, 12:19:15 am

I would LOVE to read the script can you please link it please please please gimme gimme?  Especially if it was better than the movie?  That would be fantastic of you.

6 Souls is absolutely redonkulous but I found it surprisingly enjoyable.  Shit happens in it, at least, which is a step up from a saddening number of horror movies.  Identity is the better pick in the genre if you haven't seen it yet, though.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #40
I'll be the downer, I guess.  If it's the movie I'm thinking of, I honestly didn't feel like the actors pulled that off.  I recall thinking it had a severe case of "young and beautiful people doing stupid things impulsively".  There were some moments of astounding idiocy, like the early accident with the sun-shield, which seemed like exactly the thing that competent, well-trained astronauts would never have done.

And the science was atrocious but that's me being a neckbeard.
Fizzlebang the Wise, July 13, 2013, 12:41:19 am

Oh the science was god awful. It presented itself in a way that could almost be likened to Cold Equations though. It was a soft-science fiction that held itself in the light of a hard-science fiction candle. And I didn't interpret it as younguns doing stupid things impulsively. I saw it more as the breaking point of a straining trip where a single mistake fucked things up. Where they saw the pristine shell of the last mission gone horribly wrong and their mental state went even further.

I really liked the concept of The Burrowers and the first half or so, but I feel like it lost steam and direction somewhere around the 2/3 mark.   It's been a long time since I've seen it, though, maybe I should give it another shot.
Delcat, July 15, 2013, 06:12:38 pm

You really should. It is far higher than the bar it set for itself.

I loved Dead Birds so much, there are really slow parts but good God, those monsters.  That was one of the last movies I saw in the VHS era and it was before that style of monster was at all popular, so it holds a special place in my heart.  Which means...
Delcat, July 15, 2013, 06:12:38 pm

When I saw I could tell it was really trying to do something different with its brand of horror. But it felt like it didn't know how it wanted to do it. It got sort of clumsy. I loved the atmosphere fullstop though.

I like Pontypool and the Burrowers as well. I read the script for Dead Birds way before I saw the finished movie, and I was pretty disappointed with the final result versus what I had read.NutshellGulag, July 13, 2013, 12:19:15 am

I would LOVE to read the script can you please link it please please please gimme gimme?  Especially if it was better than the movie?  That would be fantastic of you.
Delcat, July 15, 2013, 06:12:38 pm

Seconding this! I really want to see what they had planned.

6 Souls is absolutely redonkulous but I found it surprisingly enjoyable.  Shit happens in it, at least, which is a step up from a saddening number of horror movies.  Identity is the better pick in the genre if you haven't seen it yet, though.
Delcat, July 15, 2013, 06:12:38 pm

Illegally Downloading from a legitimate and syndicated source as we speak!

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Movies We've Seen Recently #41
Just finished the 1964 movie Seance on a Wet Afternoon. Very tense, really great performances. In the 2000s there was a Japanese remake simply called Seance, which is much more a horror film than a thriller, and they're both fantastic in their own right.

Basically, imagine the terrible manipulative "psychics" the F Plus likes to make fun of. Now imagine one as a housewife without the internet who's absolutely determined to make people believe in her powers. In both movies the results are exactly as tragic and unsettling as you'd expect.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #42
I just saw Pacific Rim. It was an anime. Go see it.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #43
I just saw Pacific Rim. It was an anime. Go see it.
nilvoid, July 16, 2013, 03:41:47 am

Even one of the posters makes that point abundantly clear. I mean, it's giant monsters fighting giant mechs, what more do you want? Sure, the plot's pretty predictable, but the dialogue is good, Ron Perlman is fun to watch, and the CGI is just gorgeous. Well worth a watch, in my opinion.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #44
6 Souls is absolutely redonkulous but I found it surprisingly enjoyable.  Shit happens in it, at least, which is a step up from a saddening number of horror movies.

i didn't like it much. i mean okay yeah thank you horror writers for at least ONCE admitting MPD/DID does not exist and that people who use it as an excuse are just that  - using it as an excuse - but it fell into the fucking christian horror tropes that piss me off.

those being, woman's primary motivation is BABIES BABIES BABIES
the primary point at the end was BELIEVE IN GOD OR ELSE
there was even a point in the movie where it prettymuch said "yeah letting your kids DIE as a result of faith healing is way better than getting them vaccinated because then you'd be UNFAITHFUL TO GODDDDDDDDDDD"

i dunno i mean i guess the story itself had potential but it just tried to jam a bunch of bullshit in there intended to convert people and shot itself in the foot.

on the subject of shit that shot itself in the foot, the bay was fucking horrible and whoever on ballpit said otherwise i no longer trust your judgement of horror films. spiders was more tightly written and easier to suspend disbelief for, not to mention more enjoyable. and spiders was about giant SPACE SPIDERS ("that's just the form they currently inhabit") taking over the subway tunnels of NYC while a bunch of marines try to hunt them down.

i also watched leprechaun 4 (aka the one IN SPACE) which was pretty funny but i dunno. jason x does it better, in my opinion.

also fdr: american badass is really goofy but i enjoyed it as a followup to ken burns' the dust bowl which was a major downer but really interesting. 10/10 would reccomend to anyone curious about how america nearly collapsed its entire farmland ecosystem and dust storms were so large they were reaching new york

i also watched the fp which is a ddr gang turf war movie. it was not as great as it sounds, mostly because they played the entire thing straight and it didn't seem like it was making fun of itself much. it's better as a preview than an actual movie i guess. though the lead does look like  he's related to nadine from twin peaks and not just because of the eyepatch.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 09:04:49 am by icarus »