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June 02, 2024, 03:54:22 am

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 503873 times)


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CTRL+V and post it #270
where are my weed socks i cant smoke weed without my weed socks


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CTRL+V and post it #271

The Comna

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CTRL+V and post it #272
Tatlock, Lynne. “Engendering Social Order: From Costume Autobiogrphy to Conversation Games in Grimmelshausen’s Simpliciana.” A Companion to the Works of Grimmelshausen. Ed. Karl F Otto. Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2003. 269–90. Print.


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CTRL+V and post it #273
it’s a special occasion

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #274
My younger brother and I haven't always been on the best of terms. He's a rude, anti-intellectual, raging homophobic (to the point where if he even sees any "of the queer" he lets out a muffled yell and flips the channel/crosses the street/averts his gaze), anti-semite with a huge entitlement complex that he has mostly because he makes a lot of money at the Ferrari repair shop he works at. The fact that I'm a liberal art student doesn't help matters either.

For years, my brother has been lording the fact that he makes more money than I do over me and constantly says, even in front of my art-school graduate father, how worthless my degree will be. It's as if the concept of me not caring how much money I make so long as I'm doing what I love is completely alien to him.

I've been really trying to mend bridges with him for the past year and I decided I would go out and splurge a little bit on the christmas presents. I've never had much money so I made my family artwork this christmas, but in addition to that, I got my brother a nice and warm $80 jacket that he needed as well as the swiss army knife that he's been dropping hints at for months. He gave me a stained fleece that he wrote "fag" in bleach on and a key chain that he got free from work.

After the present opening, his girlfriend comes up to me and says that I shouldn't use the key chain as a key chain. Apparently the one he gave her months before shattered after she tried to put some keys on it and cut her hand.

Sorry to go all e/n but after all this time of us trying to be nicer to each other he just goes right back to not giving a shit. It kinda made this one of the worst christmases ever

A Meat

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CTRL+V and post it #275
Elvira then lied herself down into her stomach before mainly and slowly lifting her head up, as she glanced at the empty bottle of beer next to her.


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CTRL+V and post it #276
I think we’ve really done ourselves a disservice by phasing out gelatin-based dinners

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #277
"You've been a very naughty girl," Ramsay gentley murmured. Despite the fallen soufflés, something else was beginning to rise.


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CTRL+V and post it #278

positive stress

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CTRL+V and post it #279
“dr watson come here” said shercock homo. watson came up behind his partner and stroked his something, putting a strong hand on something else. the two investigators looked over the evidence… of inpending sex. “guilty as charged” grunts watson as he does a gay thing with the other one

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #280
Once upon a time a mouse, a bird, and a sausage formed a partnership. They kept house together, and for a long time they lived in peace and prosperity, acquiring many possessions. The bird's task was to fly into the forest every day to fetch wood. The mouse carried water, made the fire, and set the table. The sausage did the cooking.

Whoever is too well off always wants to try something different! Thus one day the bird chanced to meet another bird, who boasted to him of his own situation. This bird criticized him for working so hard while the other two enjoyed themselves at home. For after the mouse had made the fire and carried the water, she could sit in the parlor and rest until it was time for her to set the table. The sausage had only to stay by the pot watching the food cook. When mealtime approached, she would slither through the porridge or the vegetables, and thus everything was greased and salted and ready to eat. The bird would bring his load of wood home. They would eat their meal, and then sleep soundly until the next morning. It was a great life.

The next day, because of his friend's advice, the bird refused to go to the forest, saying that he had been their servant long enough. He was no longer going to be a fool for them. Everyone should try a different task for a change. The mouse and the sausage argued against this, but the bird was the master, and he insisted that they give it a try. The sausage was to fetch wood, the mouse became the cook, and the bird was to carry water.

And what was the result? The sausage trudged off toward the forest; the bird made the fire; and the mouse put on the pot and waited for the sausage to return with wood for the next day. However, the sausage stayed out so long that the other two feared that something bad had happened. The bird flew off to see if he could find her. A short distance away he came upon a dog that had seized the sausage as free booty and was making off with her. The bird complained bitterly to the dog about this brazen abduction, but he claimed that he had discovered forged letters on the sausage, and that she would thus have to forfeit her life to him.

Filled with sorrow, the bird carried the wood home himself and told the mouse what he had seen and heard. They were very sad, but were determined to stay together and make the best of it. The bird set the table while the mouse prepared the food. She jumped into the pot, as the sausage had always done, in order to slither and weave in and about the vegetables and grease them, but before she reached the middle, her hair and skin were scalded off, and she perished.

When the bird wanted to eat, no cook was there. Beside himself, he threw the wood this way and that, called out, looked everywhere, but no cook was to be found. Because of his carelessness, the scattered wood caught fire, and the entire house was soon aflame. The bird rushed to fetch water, but the bucket fell into the well, carrying him with it, and he drowned.


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CTRL+V and post it #281
"Bllbb.. urrrlble. My wife says to give this 'junk' away. It's the old Letterman set. Have some wood chips".

chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #282
you 🦃turkey🦃 lurkey slut👅👅

hey you 🦃turkey🦃 lurkey slut👅👅. it’s 🍂HOEvember🍂. you know what that means❓ 🕖time🕐 to gobble👏 gobble👏 gobble👏 on a big ol😜😜 dick👌💋. back in 1️⃣4️⃣9️⃣2️⃣, our main bitch💁💁 Christopher Columbus👦🏻 and those slutty👙👠 pilgrims🏊🏊 had to 💦💦cum💦💦 2️⃣ America⛵️⛵️⛵️⚓️ in search🕵 of new dicks to suck🐓🐓🐓. send this to 1️⃣0️⃣ of your sluttiest pilgrim 🌽🌽 bitches or you won’t get any 💦gravy💦 this year. Get 5️⃣ back and you’re a mashed potato hoe😟😟. get 1️⃣0️⃣ back and you’re a sexy stuffing slut😽😽. happy 🦃cock🐓 gobbling👄 thursday and get ready for big ◼️BLACK◼️ dick 🎅🏿FRIDAY🎅🏿

Sherman Tank

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chai tea latte

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CTRL+V and post it #284
Much of his reign was marked by the resurgence of Persian arts and painting, as well as a deeply elaborate court culture with extremely rigid etiquette. In particular during his reign, portraiture and large-scale oil painting reached a height previously unknown under any other Islamic dynasty, largely due to his personal patronage.

Fat′h Ali also ordered the creation of much royal regalia, including coronations chairs; the "Takht-e Khurshīd" or Sun Throne; the "Takht-e Nāderi" or Naderi Throne, which was also used by later kings; and the "Tāj-e Kiyāni" or Kiani Crown, a modification of the crown of the same name created by his uncle Agha Mohammad Khan. The latter, like most of his regalia, was studded with a large number of pearls and gems.

In 1797, Fat′h Ali was given a complete set of the Britannica's 3rd edition, which he read completely; after this feat, he extended his royal title to include "Most Formidable Lord and Master of the Encyclopædia Britannica."[4]