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Topic: 281: I Want That Inside Me  (Read 27618 times)

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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281: I Want That Inside Me #30
Jackal Flapnasty hits the nail on the head - the established tech in this sphere is for people with disabilities. Oscar Pistorius' blade legs were better suited for competitive running than my 'stock' ones, and that's pretty cool to me in a way a magnet implant just isn't.
chai tea latte, June 05, 2018, 10:08:56 am

Are there any of these idiots who want to actually sever a limb to get something better replaced?

Was the lady who wanted to be a real DBE amputee who wears twin body-powered prostheses with matching Dorrance #5X stainless steel hooks, a biohacker?
Wrought SHAMBA~1.SBB

chai tea latte

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281: I Want That Inside Me #31
Jackal Flapnasty hits the nail on the head - the established tech in this sphere is for people with disabilities. Oscar Pistorius' blade legs were better suited for competitive running than my 'stock' ones, and that's pretty cool to me in a way a magnet implant just isn't.
chai tea latte, June 05, 2018, 10:08:56 am

Are there any of these idiots who want to actually sever a limb to get something better replaced?

Was the lady who wanted to be a real DBE amputee who wears twin body-powered prostheses with matching Dorrance #5X stainless steel hooks, a biohacker?
poooo566, June 11, 2018, 03:55:33 pm
Yes to both. It's something quite a few people in this sphere dream about, but they all explain away not having done it by saying "the technology isn't there yet", with almost no lip service to the issues faced by amputees and the disabled in society. It's a kind of dumb selfish techno-utopianism with little grounding in the real world imo.

The biohack that I think is most interesting of the ones straddling the line between dumb star trek shit and dumb tech bro shit is Scottish biohacker Lepht Anonym's Southpaw implant, a device that is installed behind the knee and which uses haptic feedback to create an innate sense of magnetic North, like carrier pigeons have. Users report getting lost less frequently, but I don't think that's worth installing a PCB into the space opposite my kneecap, especially since there's also a version that you can wear as an ankle bracelet, no DIY surgery required, which I also think is dumb.


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281: I Want That Inside Me #32
Jackal Flapnasty hits the nail on the head - the established tech in this sphere is for people with disabilities. Oscar Pistorius' blade legs were better suited for competitive running than my 'stock' ones, and that's pretty cool to me in a way a magnet implant just isn't.
chai tea latte, June 05, 2018, 10:08:56 am

Are there any of these idiots who want to actually sever a limb to get something better replaced?

Was the lady who wanted to be a real DBE amputee who wears twin body-powered prostheses with matching Dorrance #5X stainless steel hooks, a biohacker?
poooo566, June 11, 2018, 03:55:33 pm
Yes to both. It's something quite a few people in this sphere dream about, but they all explain away not having done it by saying "the technology isn't there yet", with almost no lip service to the issues faced by amputees and the disabled in society. It's a kind of dumb selfish techno-utopianism with little grounding in the real world imo.

The biohack that I think is most interesting of the ones straddling the line between dumb star trek shit and dumb tech bro shit is Scottish biohacker Lepht Anonym's Southpaw implant, a device that is installed behind the knee and which uses haptic feedback to create an innate sense of magnetic North, like carrier pigeons have. Users report getting lost less frequently, but I don't think that's worth installing a PCB into the space opposite my kneecap, especially since there's also a version that you can wear as an ankle bracelet, no DIY surgery required, which I also think is dumb.
chai tea latte, June 11, 2018, 04:43:20 pm
You know what else you can use to find magnetic north
a 3 dollar compass

chai tea latte

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281: I Want That Inside Me #33
But mooooommm, that isn't like in Akira
Wrought Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Frank West Shell Game Bodark I Liked That Joke

Dr. Buttplug

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281: I Want That Inside Me #34
That's one of the intrinsic problems in near future sci-fi. People are generally not very likely to drill into their head to surf the net a-la Neuromancer. They're much more likely to wait for a safer HTC Vive like solution. Of course the Vive is a whole lot less cool from a dystopian fiction perspective. It's a realism vs style balance that sci-fi has to strike.

Although the fact that there are some idiots out there that will insist upon grafting a VR headset, no matter what Victor says, to the forehead warms my heart.
« Last Edit: June 19, 2018, 10:53:58 pm by Jackal Flapnasty »


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281: I Want That Inside Me #35
Surprisingly not as gross as I expected


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281: I Want That Inside Me #36
Then I don't wanna know what the hell you were expecting
Corn Syrup JamEngulfer

Sherman Tank

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281: I Want That Inside Me #37
In-character chatlogs.


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281: I Want That Inside Me #38
If I recall correctly, Lemon mentioned something about Folding@Home and also cryptocurrencies in this episode.

Interestingly, someone made a cryptocurrency out of Folding@Home and it quickly rose to the top of the list of contributors.


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281: I Want That Inside Me #40
A court overturns a conviction for a guy who put his bus chip in his hand and got charged with riding without a ticket. https://futurism.com/biohacker-chip-hand-conviction
Lemon chai tea latte

A Meat

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Nikaer Drekin

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281: I Want That Inside Me #42
on the topic of stupid body mods

A Meat, January 19, 2019, 07:07:19 am

I feel like all of these reasons ought to end with "...Dad."

E: Uh, except number 5. I hope.

Victor Laszlo

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281: I Want That Inside Me #43
on the topic of stupid body mods

A Meat, January 19, 2019, 07:07:19 am

One of the specific reasons to get your tongue split is so that you can learn which of your friends disapprove of split tongues and cut them out of your life.  That's really something right there.

also "one that can easily segway into describing yourself"??  Jesus, dude.

I Liked That Joke

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281: I Want That Inside Me #44
There are countless stories and questions on the subject, and the majority overwhelmingly agree, oral sex is great. 
GirlKisser420 chai tea latte