Projects > The F Plus

207: Can I Borrow Your Brain?

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Yeah. I was drinking and playing shitty flash games while listening, and about halfway through I realised I had no fucking idea what was going on.
moooo566, April 03, 2016, 02:42:02 am
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Me too, except I wasn't even drinking anything.

Sherman Tank:
This ep seriously needs the "pua" and "incomprehensible" labels.

To clarify, this is a website that sells magic/k radios that generated chi/energy that you can use to do magic/k and otherwise make your life better! With only as little as 5000 dollars you too can have a machine that does absolutely nothing. If you can't afford that, you can buy one of their many CDs, books, audio guides or Android apps instead. For the really lazy there's also the "spell casting" service where these guys will use THEIR magic/k machines to get you laid/make you money/teach you how to channel Hitler.

Why didn't you read the part about being able to channel Hitler, Lemon?

"Paul Blart Mall Cop 2 is the most innovative movie I've seen in years!"

Nice SUPERHOT reference there. Did you guys enjoy that game? I did.

Sherman Tank:
To clarify, this is a website that sells magic/k radios that generated chi/energy that you can use to do magic/k and otherwise make your life better! With only as little as 5000 dollars you too can have a machine that does absolutely nothing. If you can't afford that, you can buy one of their many CDs, books, audio guides or Android apps instead. For the really lazy there's also the "spell casting" service where these guys will use THEIR magic/k machines to get you laid/make you money/teach you how to channel Hitler.montrith, April 03, 2016, 06:23:00 am
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See, I knew this is what they were going for, but everything was still utter gibberish even by magic/k standards. I knew what they were trying to say, but not what they were actually saying. Y'know?

Why didn't you read the part about being able to channel Hitler, Lemon?

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