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September 20, 2024, 08:44:43 pm

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 599964 times)

Vinny Possum

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CTRL+V and post it #330
gos_tongues = {
   diplomacy = -1
   learning = 1
   same_religion_opinion = 10
   infidel_opinion = -10
   church_opinion = 20
   same_opinion = 10
   add_piety_modifier = 0.25
   ai_rationality = -10
   ai_zeal = 10
   icon = 8
gos_healer = {
   diplomacy = 2
   learning = 1
   same_religion_opinion = 20
   infidel_opinion = -20
   church_opinion = 40
   same_opinion = 10
   add_piety_modifier = 0.50
   ai_rationality = -10
   ai_zeal = 10
   icon = 8
gos_prophecy = {
   diplomacy = 2
   learning = 3
   same_religion_opinion = 30
   infidel_opinion = -30
   church_opinion = 40
   same_opinion = 10
   add_piety_modifier = 0.75
   ai_rationality = -20
   ai_zeal = 20
   icon = 8

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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CTRL+V and post it #331
You guys are so negative. If I had a bazillion dollars I wouldn't keep my anime room in my house. I'd keep it at the office. I'd hold board meetings in front of a seemingly endless, meticulously organized case of tiny polyvinyl chloride waifus and a big screen playing a muted magical girl anime. I would sit there with my fingers steepled and make manly men with rented wives with saline tits explain themselves to me, and then at the end of the day I would ride home not in a car, but in a chariot drawn by corgis and shiba inus.

As I rode on my chariot I would have a beautiful woman stand behind me in a toga and a collar and pink wig and whisper in my ear 'All kawaii is fleeting.'


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CTRL+V and post it #332


  • Victor-Puncher
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  • The Geek-of-all-Trades
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CTRL+V and post it #333


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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  • John Brown did nothing wrong
  • 2,951
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CTRL+V and post it #334
150 spells


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CTRL+V and post it #336
What is a fart?

positive stress

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Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
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Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
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CTRL+V and post it #339
How To Explain Farting To Millenials:
It's Like A Snapchat Of Your Inner Butt-Scent


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Vinny Possum

  • Garfield's cosmic love katana.
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CTRL+V and post it #341
Edit circa 2013: Super old pic D: But also my most favorited/popular one, IDFKY LOL xD Anyways! Haven't changed at all since I posted this LOL. I still like everything on that list, and hate everything on that list too LOL 8D. Except for one thing: No longer am I a cruel, judgmental ass when it comes to people's orientations and shyte xD If you're nice and accepting of me, then I am accepting of you and think you're epic! Period. 8D So ya. XD Felt I needed to say this for the off chance someone reads this :3 I'm still a neo nazi though. LOL. So feel free to hate me over that if you're a conformist or a jew LOLOLOL xDDD End Edit.

(EDIT) I now have a new/different style lip ring, so the ring in this pic is outdated, oh wells. O: (EDIT)

That blood soaked smile across my cheek; the one I smile when I'm too weak.

Love/Like/All sorts of goody goodness:

KITTEHS!! <*_*> Weapons, Angst (In Anime/Movies/Books/etc.) MORE KITTEHS! xD, Night-time/the Moon, BlooOooOood, Reptiles, NAZIS (Along with Nazi-Era Germany/Hitler/etc. WOOT! XD It's my right to like what I want, and if whoever's reading this can't deal with that fact, then "Have an open mind!1111oneone!1" LMAO xD ), Friendz 8D, GORE, Wings (Demon/Bat/Dragon/etc. AND Angel/Bird/etc.)

Hate/Dislike/All sorts of shitty shitness:

FAGS/Yaoi/Shounen-Ai/Shota/Anything faggy/etc. 8D (It's my right to hate what I want, period. If anyone reading this wants to flame me over my right, and is too immature and/or stupid to stomach that fact, then I pity you for being so very stupid and living in a fantasy world where you think you're King/Queen and able to dictate what others can or can not hate. :3 ) Cockroaches, Alcohol/Liquor, Being ignored/feeling left out, Angst in RL, BEES (Or anything with a stinger in its arse! Even though I know it's "technically" not in the insects' arses, but in their "Abdomen" but just STFU D8< XD) Broccoli/Carrots/Peppers/etc. (Though I like some veggies, just not most xD and I REALLY hate those three up thar *gag* D: ) Day-time/the Sun *hiss at it*, X-RATED/PERVERT THINGS D8<, And idiots who tell me to "have an open mind" when they don't have a brain enough to know WTF they're even saying. If you want ME to have an "Open mind!!11oneoneone" Then have an open mind yourself, enough to respect my damn RIGHT to hate or like something that's *mock gasp* "controversial!!11oneoneoene!". 8D


x3 Moohahahaha new ID!! ^^ It's about time...>>; That old one's been up there since I joined DA...<OO;; It's about time the poor guy in the old ID pic is allowed to rot in pieces x3;; I tried to make a self-portrait...but I failed <T_T;; I dun think this looks like me at all...*dieeee* I couldn't even get his hair/eyes dark enough gaaah xD But anyways...Looks more like me than my last failed attempt at making a self-portrait so I'm getting better at failing! XD;; I SO want a hoodie like that! XD With a big "KILL ME!" in the back and kitteh ears on the hood~! WOOOOOO XD

I thought it'd be foon to draw out ten things I hate/dislike and ten things I love/like ^^ I drew and colored the little symbols/whatever they are/etc. VERY sloppy on PURPOSE ^^ I thought it would look funneh...XD So nuuu I didn't forget to not color outside the lines on them things <O_o; I did it 'cause I meant to...:3 Now, the main "subject/s" were done seriously so anyone "new to my page" can see I don't normally draw so crappy x3; I mean, it's crap, but LEAST THE COLORS ARE INSIDE DA LINEZ 8D!! XDDD

My fav part is...KITTEEEEEEH! XD *Dance around with the Kitteh on his head WOOOOOOOOO!* Nyaaaa the kitty USED to be something else...D: But there had to be an edit done to this pic and thus, that something else was replaced with my one true love: CATS! <^_____^> *hugs the kittehs* Nyaaao so's yesh, there's an older version of this with something else on me head...D: But I changed it (due to having to...<-__-; ) and now it's what it is now. :3 It had to be done, couple people seen the old version and this one awhile back, and said it looks better with the kitty anyway so that made me smile. <^__^> This pic is old; the majority of it being done sometime during March, just never got to post it, then the little edit was done late May, so's yesh. I decided to post it now because I wanna get that angsty pic off my main page for a little bit. Anyways, title because there's a bloody smile in teh picceh 8D Darkside, in all his morbid insanity, has cut a smile into the side of his face with the SCALPEL OF DOOM! Like Akabane-Sama's Scalpels of doom! WOOOOOOOO!! SCALPELS FER TEH WIN!!1111!!eoneoneshiftyfive!!11 >D~~ Heh...I like it because it's symbolistic for me too, very. Cookiez to anyone who figures out what the symbolism means to me...x3

Nyaaa I don't like the text effect I did though, didn't come out how I wanted and looks like crap...<;-;> And I wanted some more effects but they wouldn't come out and I was too lazy to keep trying, oh well XD I gotta change my lip-ring, the one I have on at the moment (drawn in the pic is exactly what it looks like in RL lmao. xD) Is being a pain...literally...>>; *grumble* So's yosh...<OO> New ID~~! Woooooooo xD I need to post up something else before I can use it though...*dun wanna see it twice on his page XD* So's until I can either finish a piccy or dig up something old and crusty that I never got around to posting waaay back in '04, poor decapitated-hanging-man in my old ID will have to..er...HANG AROUND a little longer! GET IT!? HANG AROUND!?!? OHOHOHOOOO XDDDDDDD *Dies laughing* lolollolloozer XB;; Ok, I stop now 8D WOOOOOOOOOO! XD


Image/Chara/etc Copyright: Chris Perez :chainsaw:

I work so very, very hard on all my piccys <X__X> Please don't steal/use/modify/etc without my permission... >__<;; That's just not cool...>.>; :raincloud:

Yay for copyright warnings! *points up* Fweeeeee!! XD *stares at them* :popcorn:

A Meat

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CTRL+V and post it #342
Anunnaki 2016!!! Buzz At Pentagon Says Sumerian Gods Are Returning! Hatonn: Anunnaki Remained On Earth, Since Last Encounter With Nibiru/Marduk; View Sleeping Giant Of Iran! Galactic Federation Of Light Say Anunnaki Left 20 Years Ago

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
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CTRL+V and post it #343

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
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THE IOWA🌾🌽 COCK-US🍆🍆💦💦 IS UPON US 💦💦💦😪😫 we will find out IF WE GOT REPUBLICAN🐘 RIM JOBS👅 💦 OR DEMOCRAT🐴 DICK🍆🍆. an ELEPHANT 🐘never forgets and neither will your ASS🐴🍑!! time to DANCE 💃💃on those POLLS📍.  so trim✂️💇🏾 that JEB BUSH🌳 and get ready to FEEL THE BERN🔥🔥 in your HILLARY CLIT-ON 🙆🏻and if your lucky 🍀🍀🍀you might feel CHRIS CHRISTIE'S PISS MIST💦💦💦. we all gonna need to CRUZ over to planned parenthood 👶👶🏻👶🏿👶🏽 after this CUMVENTION!