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Topic: TV we've been watching lately  (Read 158804 times)


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TV we've been watching lately #345
The Arrowverse shows all have a specific moment when they get good, either in general or specifically at the thing they end up being good at.

Arrow's is either Slade Wilson's first appearance in flashbacks, or the season 2 episodes that have a pre-Flash Barry Allen, depending on if you consider season 1 even the same show as the rest.

The Flash generally knows what it should be right from the start, but Captain Cold's first appearance in season 1 is when it hits its stride.

Supergirl lights up the moment that Superman turns up at the start of season 2.

And Legends of Tomorrow has glints of what it should be through the first season and a half, but it all comes together when they decide the timecrime of the week will be George Lucas not going into filmmaking.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm not sure why I'm still watching through all these shows, but I think at this point it's to get more weird D-list DC characters to look up and boggle at.
Dr. Buttplug
« Last Edit: February 23, 2019, 03:25:06 am by Cleretic »


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TV we've been watching lately #346
The Arrowverse shows all have a specific moment when they get good, either in general or specifically at the thing they end up being good at.

Arrow's is either Slade Wilson's first appearance in flashbacks, or the season 2 episodes that have a pre-Flash Barry Allen, depending on if you consider season 1 even the same show as the rest.

The Flash generally knows what it should be right from the start, but Captain Cold's first appearance in season 1 is when it hits its stride.

Supergirl lights up the moment that Superman turns up at the start of season 2.

And Legends of Tomorrow has glints of what it should be through the first season and a half, but it all comes together when they decide the timecrime of the week will be George Lucas not going into filmmaking.

EDIT: To clarify, I'm not sure why I'm still watching through all these shows, but I think at this point it's to get more weird D-list DC characters to look up and boggle at.
Cleretic, February 23, 2019, 03:22:18 am

I'm still watching Flash and Supergirl out of pure momentum. Flash still has good episodes and plotlines, but Supergirl is complete and utter shit and I hope it gets cancelled so I can stop watching. I know no one is making me but just like you said, it has occasional good moments which make me still watch despite them being very few and very far apart.
I gave up on Arrow earlier this season and I could never really pick up Legends. I hope they retire the Arrowverse and put more attention in the Titans continuity.


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TV we've been watching lately #347
I'm still watching Flash and Supergirl out of pure momentum. Flash still has good episodes and plotlines, but Supergirl is complete and utter shit and I hope it gets cancelled so I can stop watching. I know no one is making me but just like you said, it has occasional good moments which make me still watch despite them being very few and very far apart.
I gave up on Arrow earlier this season and I could never really pick up Legends. I hope they retire the Arrowverse and put more attention in the Titans continuity.
Ambious, February 23, 2019, 10:18:07 am
I think Arrow is the only oen that actually needs to get retired, but I think all four need a bit of a difference in approach.

-Arrow, yeah, needs to end. There's only so much you can wring out of it, and they've run out of that (and I'm still going through the archive, it goes on for several seasons after the point I'm at). They can take a cue from Iron Man in the MCU though, basically just make him the Crossover Guy; he's still good, he just doesn't really have the juice for more stories focused on him.

-The Flash somehow needs less seasons. They can never come up with a season-long villain that isn't "But this one's FASTER", but its villain-of-the-week stuff is great and should be more of a focus.

-Supergirl needs to go down to, at the most, Legends of Tomorrow's 16-episode seasons. They've got some standout elements, and they know that, but a full season order is too much for them to fill without just spinning their wheels and beating Supergirl up, like... a lot.

-Legends of Tomorrow is basically fine as-is, but it's the one that could most benefit from borrowing Arrow's budget if that ends.

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TV we've been watching lately #348
True Detective season 3 turned out pretty good, and the finale managed to elevate some of the shakier material that came before, but I have never wanted so badly to re-edit something myself.

I get that the way it jumped in time around was supposed to mirror the way Wayne was lost in his own memories, but sometimes it robbed moments of their power. For example, the scene where he and Roland reunite as old men would have meant so much more if we’d had a better picture at that point of what their friendship was like and why it ended. I don’t think I’d put it all in chronological order, but I’d move a lot of things around. Also, I’d spend less time following Tom around...Scoot McNairy was great as always, but Tom never clicked as a character until the very end.

Anyway, it was mostly pretty good. Mahershala Ali was on fire, but that’s no surprise. What I didn’t see coming was how amazing Stephen Dorff was...who knew he had those kind of chops? Carmen Ejogo was terrific too. Don’t think I’ve seen her in anything else, but she’s one to look for.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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TV we've been watching lately #349
Giving Deadwood another shot, I never got past season one before. I liked what I watched before, I just was in a period where I had way too much streaming stuff to watch.

Also watching through the Venture Brothers again before I watch the new season. The first season or two is a little rough, but seeing all of the characters and plot elements that are set up early on, and knowing how great VB eventually got me through.


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TV we've been watching lately #350
-Arrow, yeah, needs to end. There's only so much you can wring out of it, and they've run out of that (and I'm still going through the archive, it goes on for several seasons after the point I'm at). They can take a cue from Iron Man in the MCU though, basically just make him the Crossover Guy; he's still good, he just doesn't really have the juice for more stories focused on him.
Cleretic, February 23, 2019, 06:29:11 pm

Well, shit. Sorry about being psychic without telling anybody, guys.


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TV we've been watching lately #351
-Arrow, yeah, needs to end. There's only so much you can wring out of it, and they've run out of that (and I'm still going through the archive, it goes on for several seasons after the point I'm at). They can take a cue from Iron Man in the MCU though, basically just make him the Crossover Guy; he's still good, he just doesn't really have the juice for more stories focused on him.
Cleretic, February 23, 2019, 06:29:11 pm

Well, shit. Sorry about being psychic without telling anybody, guys.

Cleretic, March 06, 2019, 11:01:52 pm

To be honest, it was kinda obvious. There was really nowhere left for that show to go.
I anticipate Batwoman is gonna try to pick up the mantle and fail miserably because the stealth pilot in this year's crossover was frankly embarrassing.
They just need to hit that huge universe reset button when they do Infinite Crisis next year, leave just Flash and Supergirl and maybe Legends?


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TV we've been watching lately #352
I stalled out watching Twin Peaks like 2 episodes before the end of season 2 a while back, so I'm adding that back on to the pile of stuff I'm watching. I keep hearing spoilers for stuff in the show I haven't gotten to yet, but stuff like "David Bowie is recast as a talking teapot" mean nothing out of context, so I still feel like the ending/prequel movie/new season are a total mystery.

Pigeon Pal

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TV we've been watching lately #353
Just finished watching the first season of The Umbrella Academy with my roommates, and I gotta say I like it. I don't really know how to expand on that since I'm not big into comic books in general, though apparently the show isn't very much like the comics. The tone is...kinda weird? It whiplashes between wacky and fuckin' depressing almost every episode but still was pretty fun to watch. I'm really interested in seeing where it goes since it opens up with the apocalypse in the first season.

Also Klaus is kinda cool

Mr. Hunky Academia

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TV we've been watching lately #354
I stalled out watching Twin Peaks like 2 episodes before the end of season 2 a while back, so I'm adding that back on to the pile of stuff I'm watching. I keep hearing spoilers for stuff in the show I haven't gotten to yet, but stuff like "David Bowie is recast as a talking teapot" mean nothing out of context, so I still feel like the ending/prequel movie/new season are a total mystery.
sambair, March 10, 2019, 06:35:22 pm

The best part of Twin Peak post season 2 is that I can spoil any plot points and be pretty sure that I won't understand what that means myself.


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TV we've been watching lately #355
Love, Death & Robots is just a lot of interesting and different animation techniques wasted on Reddit-level writing. Such a shame.


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TV we've been watching lately #356
Just found out another season of Mindhunter is coming, which is nice. The last scene with Holden left me wondering where they could convincingly go with him, a descent into madness might not be that good to watch but a full reset is a bit unbelievable, that said I'm happy to find out.

chai tea latte

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TV we've been watching lately #357
taking another crack at finishing Mad Men, halfway through the second season. it's good shit
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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TV we've been watching lately #358
taking another crack at finishing Mad Men, halfway through the second season. it's good shit
chai tea latte, March 25, 2019, 12:07:37 pm
Honestly top ten all time for me


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TV we've been watching lately #359
Love, Death & Robots is just a lot of interesting and different animation techniques wasted on Reddit-level writing. Such a shame.
Ambious, March 23, 2019, 11:33:01 am

Some episodes are pretty good, but when it gets bad, it gets bad. "Three Robots" was painful.

"Suits" is my favorite so far.