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Topic: 194: r/ecuseyourself  (Read 41369 times)

Lady Frenzy

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194: r/ecuseyourself #90
In the news today:

"This is -- guess what -- a US-based faith."


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194: r/ecuseyourself #91
So what is the actual statement people are trying to make here? That wearing religious headgear for identification photos is silly? That it's unfair religious people get to wear hats in their id photos? Seriously, what is the grievance these twee motherfuckers are trying to satirize with their stupid colanders?


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194: r/ecuseyourself #92
In the news today:

"This is -- guess what -- a US-based faith."
Lady Frenzy, January 13, 2016, 06:32:35 pm

This just depresses me


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194: r/ecuseyourself #94
Someone is claiming that she faked some of the more obnoxious posts on Legal Advice in order to draw attention to her new, pro-anorexia subreddit.
Cheapskate, January 17, 2016, 04:52:38 pm

That's a whole ramen sandwich of asshole behavior right there.


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194: r/ecuseyourself #95

Sherman Tank

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194: r/ecuseyourself #96
Someone is claiming that she faked some of the more obnoxious posts on Legal Advice in order to draw attention to her new, pro-anorexia subreddit.
Cheapskate, January 17, 2016, 04:52:38 pm

This whole sentence was a trip from start to finish.
Kaleidoscope Eyes, January 17, 2016, 10:39:32 pm

Not so much a trip as it is a grand tour.


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194: r/ecuseyourself #97
Someone is claiming that she faked some of the more obnoxious posts on Legal Advice in order to draw attention to her new, pro-anorexia subreddit.
Cheapskate, January 17, 2016, 04:52:38 pm

I enjoy how each bit of the sentence makes me go from 'oh that's dumb' to 'what why' to 'oh fuck this waste of meat'.

Sherman Tank

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194: r/ecuseyourself #98
Prank went wrong and my cousin was arrested (Florida)

My cousin and me both go to the same college. With some of our friends we sometimes get together on campus and play jokes or pranks on people on campus that we sometimes put on YouTube. It's always small, harmless stuff.

My cousin had the idea that we should go downtown and jump into random back seats of cars that we find unlocked and pretend we think the people were Uber drivers. It went wrong though.

That nighy my cousin jumped into this girls car and started telling her to drive and hurry up because he was late. The girl was yelling at him but then she accelerated the car into traffic and sped up. She hit a mailbox and a cop saw and she got out and was screaming that some guy jumped in her car and tried to hijack her. My cousin gor arrested at gunpoint.

We all tried to explain to the cops at the station but they thought we were just trying to cover for him and they kicked us out because we have never done something like this, our normal stuff is different and on campus. His parents are working on getting him a lawyer I think but he has to stay in jail until he goes to court.

We also found out that the girl goes to our school but we didn't know that and she said someone was stalking her or being creepy on campus to her. My cousin doesn't know her and this was just an accident and a prank gone wrong. They are blaming him for the crash. He has never been on trouble before except that he got caught with weed once and is on probation. What is the worst that could happen to him from this?

In a minor victory for the human species, even Reddit considers these guys to be cementheads:

"It's just a prank, bro!" is not a legal defense.
There's over 1 million people licensed in Florida to carry a concealed weapon. Your cousin is incredibly lucky he's still alive.
Well, that was awfully dumb of you, wasn't it?
For his next prank, he should run into a jail cell, lock the door behind him, and then sit there for one to three years.
Carjacking is a felony in the first degree. It would appear to be punishable by up to 30 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. The school can also expel him, and probably the rest of you while they're at it.
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194: r/ecuseyourself #99
I finally gave in and registered a Reddit account, primarily to post grumpy responses in Legal Advice.
Lemon Maxine Headroom Sherman Tank Liatai Wrought Wyst Corn Syrup


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194: r/ecuseyourself #100

Some context, from the comments: A previous person on r/legaladvice had two hundred-year-old oak trees cut down by their neighbor and were awarded a thousand dollars per tree per year.


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194: r/ecuseyourself #101
Dr. Buttplug Lemon