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June 02, 2024, 02:49:14 pm

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Topic: Have You Checked Your Privilege Today?  (Read 10353 times)


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Have You Checked Your Privilege Today? #15

Zsa Zsa

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Have You Checked Your Privilege Today? #16
I think I have a VHS tape with that dance on from when I was small. After his performance someone tells Jon that disco is dead, and he in horror cries WHAT? WHEN? Garfield probably says something sarcastic immediately after, though I cannot remember I can predict his behaviour because he is just a prick.


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Have You Checked Your Privilege Today? #17
I think I have a VHS tape with that dance on from when I was small. After his performance someone tells Jon that disco is dead, and he in horror cries WHAT? WHEN? Garfield probably says something sarcastic immediately after, though I cannot remember I can predict his behaviour because he is just a prick.
Zsa Zsa, October 07, 2014, 06:54:15 pm

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Have You Checked Your Privilege Today? #18
I think it stands for Very Hetero Sexual.

so triggering