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June 03, 2024, 05:55:11 am

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May 11 02:47pm
Wow, I really didn't think NoPoo's levels of "I do this stupid thing and only get negative results, but I'm sure it works anyway" would be topped so soon with raw primal's "I do this stupid thing and immediately throw up, shit my pants, and pass out. It must be working!"
May 11 06:38am
I believe this is what that guy meant by snakes being a symbol of healing

Adam Bozarth, May 10, 2024, 10:29:29 am
Oh boy this is where I get to "umm, actually" and say that the caduceus is actually the symbol representing Hermes, and as an extension, commerce and travel. In the US due to a mistake some military officer made over a hundred years ago it became associated with medicine instead of the rod of Asclepius.

The rod of Asclepius being the symbol of Asclepius, Apollo's son who was the god of medicine and healing. Still true about the snakes being related to healing, but I don't think the ancient Greeks swallowed venomous snakes whole
A Meat, May 10, 2024, 01:49:22 pm
A (healing) Meat
May 11 02:25am

CTRL+V and post it (post #1565)

I want to point out that Rusty Venture was not a happy man
May 10 06:49pm
I believe this is what that guy meant by snakes being a symbol of healing

Adam Bozarth, May 10, 2024, 10:29:29 am
Oh boy this is where I get to "umm, actually" and say that the caduceus is actually the symbol representing Hermes, and as an extension, commerce and travel. In the US due to a mistake some military officer made over a hundred years ago it became associated with medicine instead of the rod of Asclepius.

The rod of Asclepius being the symbol of Asclepius, Apollo's son who was the god of medicine and healing. Still true about the snakes being related to healing, but I don't think the ancient Greeks swallowed venomous snakes whole
May 10 03:29pm
I believe this is what that guy meant by snakes being a symbol of healing

May 10 02:27pm
They should do an MLB MTG crossover like how magic the gathering did those lord of the rings and fallout things, only like with Shohei Otani or A-Rod
May 10 01:52pm
the velvet underground & knuckles
May 10 06:04am
The thing this episode reminded me of, weirdly enough, was a piece by a lady who'd done the tradwife thing and was explaining how she'd browse through lifestyle posts by tradwives who would give terrible advice. It was the same sort of failure loop—her husband sucked, she went online to find out what to do, the answer was "keep loving him and eventually he'll change", so clearly she wasn't loving him enough. After all, it worked for all the other tradwives! (Who were engaging in their own self-delusion via posting just like her.)

There's something about a fad lifestyle that's so outwardly unpleasant and bad that it's completely inaccessible. It can't be proven wrong, because there's no way to do it that's right, and thus everyone assumes they're just missing the secret ingredient that makes it work, or that it'll all fix itself if they can just push through this.

Also, I couldn't help but notice how much shorter the timelines in posts were for this episode compared to Carne Idiota.
May 10 03:10am
The cheese train is off the rails.
VaMpIrESoFtWaRe, May 08, 2024, 07:58:15 pm

E. Coli
But that how it gooooooes
May 10 02:56am
High Meat is so stupid there isnt even a report for it on erowid as far as I could find.
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