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June 01, 2024, 11:22:32 pm

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Topic: I've Added a Profile Pic  (Read 12567 times)


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I've Added a Profile Pic
And if you look very closely, there's a suitcase in it.  It's the one I used to bring to my job at the P%$$Y mines where I was clearly working at the time.


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I've Added a Profile Pic #1
And if you look very closely, there's a suitcase in it.  It's the one I used to bring to my job at the P%$$Y mines where I was clearly working at the time.
agentmonster cockogue, February 23, 2013, 03:12:47 pm

At the punctuation mines?

Could you get me a crate of semicolons?

Geremy Tibbles

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I've Added a Profile Pic #2
The %$$ makes me think of econ.

So maybe he was an economist.