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October 21, 2024, 09:59:46 pm

ballp.it is the community forum for The F Plus.

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  • Do not post personal information of yourself that you are not 100% confident you want the entire internet having.

  • Do not post personal information of other users ever. Even if they are on the phone with you telling you to post it.

  • Do not make posts for the explicit purposes of attacking other users.

  • Do not derail posts for the explicit purposes of attacking other users.

  • Do not post inline pornographic/explicit content, nobody wants to be surprised with that. If you do post pornographic/explicit content, put it behind a NSFW tag.

  • User information acquired by this site will always be kept private, unless you do something so terrible that the authorities need to get involved.

  • The internet is not real life.

  • Do not take this place too seriously.

  • Do not take the internet too seriously.

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