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Topic: 245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums  (Read 22367 times)


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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #15
I genuinely hope there is actually a reporter on the scene for the clown march. Because yes.

Achilles' Heelies

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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #16
I wish the whole episode was about fried chicken etiquette.


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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #17
Why isn't jugallos a tag, considering all the Shaggy2dope shit?
MyFaceBeHi, March 05, 2017, 12:27:48 pm

There actually is a juggalos tag, although I think it might be missing some.
Lemon, March 06, 2017, 08:29:03 am

I think Kumquatzops reading in F Plus Live 3: The One Where Frank West Ruined Everything was a jugallo related story.

I Liked That Joke

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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #18
I really like when there's sound effects in the episodes. It happens just rarely enough that it's a fun surprise.

Sherman Tank

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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #19
Liatai Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte A Meat Cirr bigfangirl Yavuz I Liked That Joke Macho Masc Sangy Savage BARK RANGER Patterns


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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #20
Welcome to talkin about talkin about the videogame DOOM, the podcast where we re-broadcast other podcasts about podcasts about the musical Hamilton but shout about the videogame DOOM over them instead.
Frank West, March 06, 2017, 09:51:28 am

Does the podcast that discusses all other podcasts also discuss itself, and if so, how many times will it mention Squarespace and Casper mattresses per hour?


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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #21
I couldn't and still can't deal with GlazeYaDeadHomie. I had intrusive thoughts all day where the phrase "GlazeYaDeadHomie" would keep flashing in my head. I tried ruminating on it as a coping mechanism but it didn't work.
Boots Raingear Lemon Yavuz Corn Syrup Gyro


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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #22
don't watch Fuller House

One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes

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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #23
Good time to mention the Full House Reviewed blog. A guy with zero nostalgia for the show decided to watch and review every single episode in order, and you can see him slowly descend into disgusted rage as the project drudges on. He saw the final episode in 2014, only to be pulled out of retirement years later when Fuller House premiered. If you like seeing people get angry at garbage TV, it's a pretty fun read.
Sherman Tank Cirr Saoirse-Lilith Avian Achilles' Heelies Yavuz Liatai Blandest Dawnswalker Trav Gyro Wyst Nikaer Drekin BARK RANGER Down10 Captain Nobeard


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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #24
I will remember you
Will you remember me
Don't let your love pass you by
Weep not for the memories

I love you IMDB Forums.

Sherman Tank

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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #25
Lemon Saoirse-Lilith Corn Syrup Liatai

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #27
I couldn't and still can't deal with GlazeYaDeadHomie. I had intrusive thoughts all day where the phrase "GlazeYaDeadHomie" would keep flashing in my head. I tried ruminating on it as a coping mechanism but it didn't work.
Spooks, March 07, 2017, 03:49:13 pm

I hope you managed to get "Glaze Ya Dead Homie" out of your head, BECAUSE I DIDNT:

GirlKisser420 Frank West Lemon bigfangirl Yavuz Sherman Tank xX_sp00ks_Xx Corn Syrup Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop I Liked That Joke Liatai cashmir sweaters Lawnchair M.D.


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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #28
If someone gives me like 200 bucks I'll get that tattooed


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245: In Memoriam IMDb Forums #29
Good time to mention the Full House Reviewed blog. A guy with zero nostalgia for the show decided to watch and review every single episode in order, and you can see him slowly descend into disgusted rage as the project drudges on. He saw the final episode in 2014, only to be pulled out of retirement years later when Fuller House premiered. If you like seeing people get angry at garbage TV, it's a pretty fun read.
One Of The Crappy Pokemon That Nobody Likes, March 08, 2017, 01:37:39 am

Jesus, I can't stop reading this blog.
Captain Nobeard