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July 26, 2024, 10:37:52 pm

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Topic: 370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked  (Read 10900 times)


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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked
thelizzerd Achilles' Heelies Salubrious Rex oscaruglyface


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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #1
I get that Riverdale did well enough, but did we really need a sexed-up reimagining of The Far Side
ikaribattousai Boots Raingear GirlKisser420 Immoral Filth Dr. Buttplug Mr. Hunky Academia Vinny Possum Frank West


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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #2
Some of those puns were just inhumane

Shell Game

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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #3
A Meat Salubrious Rex Lemon Boots Raingear Frank West

junior associate faguar

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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #4
I dated a lesbian hucow
thelizzerd GirlKisser420 xX_sp00ks_Xx


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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #5
I get that Riverdale did well enough, but did we really need a sexed-up reimagining of The Far Side
kalensc, April 10, 2022, 10:12:51 pm
No cow tools joke, 0/10 episode. Honestly though multiple gags annihilated me throughout, especially Kumquat's second Moo and the Blizzard joke. Great stuff

A Meat

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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #6
I hope that by taking 5 grams of fenugreek a day she was just eating yemenite or ethiopean food (I think they also have hilbeh in egypt but do not quote me on this)

not that it would help her tits make milk or anything

e: thanks for not having more racist shit in the episode, because there's a lot about this that's dangerously close
« Last Edit: April 11, 2022, 02:21:47 pm by A Meat »


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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #7
e: thanks for not having more racist shit in the episode, because there's a lot about this that's dangerously close
A Meat, April 11, 2022, 12:12:14 pm

Trust me, in researching this doc there was very much more racist shit that didn't make the doc.
Lemon SHAMBA~1.SBB Shell Game Doctor Interrogative junior associate faguar Dr. Buttplug oscaruglyface jim and the mammograms

The Killer Dynamo

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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #8
God damn, y'all. Openly howled at a few of these.

Hu-daism? Kumquat is a madman and a genius.
thelizzerd Tenerence Salubrious Rex


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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #9
I'm glad none of this is actually happening in real life. Otherwise I'm sure we'd end up with multiple hucow related deaths, and the true crime podcasts made about them would be insufferable.
thelizzerd Vinny Possum Salubrious Rex


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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #10
Is this vegan? Asking for a friend

Dr. Buttplug

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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #11
Is this vegan? Asking for a friend
GirlKisser420, April 14, 2022, 04:12:47 am
as vegan as placenta! make it a smoothie!

Doctor Interrogative

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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #12
Kumquat's rectangle MOOOOO is possibly the hardest I've ever laughed at an F Plus bit. Pure gold. God bless you, Kumquat.


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370: I Am Hucow, And I Need To Be Milked #13
I logged back in after like a year to commend Shell Game's commitment to the read while being lowered into the dip
Dr. Buttplug A Meat GirlKisser420 chai tea latte Lemon Achilles' Heelies thelizzerd Salubrious Rex Doctor Interrogative ikaribattousai oscaruglyface Shell Game


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Amazing episode! Miss you guys and hope the long wait for the next one is over soon.
Doctor Interrogative ikaribattousai thelizzerd oscaruglyface Immoral Filth sockpuppetkingdom Boots Raingear