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June 02, 2024, 10:12:56 am

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Topic: I illustrated a board game  (Read 6661 times)


  • Winner of Karaoke - 2016 and 2017
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I illustrated a board game
I've been working on this board game for about a year now - it's been my huge project since graduating college, and it's been a crazy introduction into the world of design. I did all of the illustration and graphic design for the game, and it's been crazy to see how much I've grown as an artist during and after working on it. I can't say anything about them, but I'm already illustrating more games, and it's so weird finally putting out a game I've wrapped up on about half a year ago.

Would really appreciate people checking out the Kickstarter page and sharing it to their buddies that dig on board games! The goal is just under $5,000 and the game is already finished from a design and illustration standpoint, so all that's needed is funds to actually print and ship the copies.


Bear in mind the Kickstarter page is still a work in progress - it's not live for backing yet, the video isn't up, stretch goals haven't been put in, and the backing prices are gonna change - but I might as well let you guys know ahead of time!

So, the board game!
It's kind of a monster-training game where you roll dice to determine where you put your resources to train your adorable beasts. I hope they're adorable, anyway, I drew them as cute as I could. At the end of each 3-month season, you compete in a tournament with your beast using the resources you've gathered to try and win fans and fame. The winner of the game is determined by how famous them and their beast are!
The designer tells me it's based on euro worker-placement games - I'm not huge into board games yet, so you'll have to take his word on it. He's had tons and tons of people playtest it so it's all fair and fun and fast, I've played a few test runs of the game myself, and it's a cute little game you can play with your friends.

I always feel weird posting stuff for people to buy that I've made, but I assure you guys that I'm super proud of the work I've done on this game, and I hope if any of you back/buy it enjoy playing it as much as I've enjoyed working on it!
Emperor Jack Chick Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Achilles' Heelies Vinny Possum Yavuz Frank West Boots Raingear NutshellGulag


  • Winner of Karaoke - 2016 and 2017
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I illustrated a board game #1
The project has launched!


Please give it a look, and share it with your buddies that would dig a monster-raising boardgame! We'll be having a live playthrough and Q&A at about 5:30CST today, and I'll post the link to the stream then so people can see my goony ass.
Emperor Jack Chick dijon du jour Achilles' Heelies Lemon


  • Winner of Karaoke - 2016 and 2017
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I illustrated a board game #2
Come check out our live play!

dijon du jour


  • Winner of Karaoke - 2016 and 2017
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I illustrated a board game #3
So, uh...

Kickstarter didn't work out.

We're gonna be re-releasing with completely new art and graphic design, as well as new gameplay mechanics. Been a crazy few weeks, since my boss wanted to shut down the Kickstarter on the first day since it didn't hit 100% in the first few hours.


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I illustrated a board game #4
So, uh...

Kickstarter didn't work out.

We're gonna be re-releasing with completely new art and graphic design, as well as new gameplay mechanics. Been a crazy few weeks, since my boss wanted to shut down the Kickstarter on the first day since it didn't hit 100% in the first few hours.
Trav, March 02, 2017, 03:07:25 am

Sorry the project didn't make it, but sounds like your boss had some unreasonable expectations.


  • Winner of Karaoke - 2016 and 2017
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I illustrated a board game #5

Project is being delayed into October.

A huge amount of animation work got put onto me - work that would take weeks - to be done in 3 days. Obviously, I couldn't finish it. So, now the project is going to be re-released in 7 months.

Anyone know someone that needs an illustrator/graphic designer?