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September 20, 2024, 05:14:09 pm

ballp.it is the community forum for The F Plus.

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Sep 20 01:18am
There are some ballpit features that deserve to be used more.vaMpiresoftWare, Yesterday at 09:20:21 am

Sep 19 10:35pm

CTRL+V and post it (post #1594)

Just because he's a black Nazi doesn't mean he's bad at sex. We have to be willing to admit that.
Sep 19 06:28pm
Football was invented by grass as a means of self-propagation
Sep 19 02:20pm
There are some ballpit features that deserve to be used more.
Sep 18 01:44am

F Plus Quotes Thread (post #1316)

Whenever I find a desiccant packet I whisper “desiccant” to myself like Stog saying it in Episode 319.
Sep 17 05:00pm
It’s not that recent but I periodically remember that I watched To The Bone and that it should not exist.
Sep 17 02:35pm

F Plus Quotes Thread (post #1316)

It's not a quote per se, but in the Monster Girls episode (174), the one-two punch of Acier's reading of "HELLISH PENIS WASHING" followed by Jack Chick's frenzied giggling always gets me
Sep 17 12:22am
its funny how ive developed a personal brand where people occassionally tag me to show deranged fetish shit or australians
Sep 16 07:16pm
I really like earnest but goofy guys like this, just putting dumb shit out onto the internet for the pure love of the art.
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