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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 238195 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #60
Various types of movie pee scenes are listed here. Some are funny, some are erotic, and some are sad.

And yet my Kickstarter for a urinal that plays the Incredible Hulk theme was never funded.

A list such as this serves multiple purposes:

    It is a resource for scholars and film enthusiasts who are interested in researching this topic. I know of at least one graduate student who used the Pee Movie List as a reference when writing her thesis.

What...what kind of thesis would that even be?  Other than a failing one?

What is the history of the Pee Movie List?

In 1992, Sabina Tomas compiled a list entitled "Urination in Movies and Videos." This list was posted to various Internet newsgroups, and it became the starting point for the Pee Movie List that I assembled in 1995. Also in 1995, Patches' Place became the first web site devoted to the subject of urination. Patches offered to host the Pee Movie List as a free resource for the Internet community, and it has grown from around 100 films to 3657 today.

The Pee Movie List has received some publicity over the years, not all of it positive. In early 1996, it was named to the famous Mirsky's Worst of the Web. Mirsky pointed out similarities with a list of movies containing bagpipes, a comparison that angered the creator of the bagpipe list so badly that he temporarily took his site off-line! A couple of months later, journalist Jon Auerbach criticized the Pee Movie List in the Boston Globe newspaper, citing it as an example of a "tacky, boring, and infantile" web site that could be encountered by "surfers not watching where they're going."

Despite its detractors, the Pee Movie List has survived. It has even been completely overhauled twice, first to replace its drab text format with HTML, and again in 2005 to add photographs and replace the static pages with dynamically created content that can accept comments and ratings from users.

wait did they say a site about a list of movies with bagpipes oh man I am all up on that


ETA: Please note that The Bagpipes Go to The Movies now requires Javascript (as of Feb. 2001)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #61
ETA: Please note that The Bagpipes Go to The Movies now requires Javascript (as of Feb. 2001)
Delcat, August 05, 2013, 11:14:13 pm

Is it Netscape Navigator compatible?

And it's kind of depressing the Movie Pee Index is older than I am. :(

If you are interested in pooping you will have to look elsewhere for a comprehensive list, though the "Also of interest" section of some of the films on this list will contain relevant information.)Quote from

Christ, I didn't know this site was run by anti-pooping extremists. Fascists.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #62

ETA: Please note that The Bagpipes Go to The Movies now requires Javascript (as of Feb. 2001)
Delcat, August 05, 2013, 11:14:13 pm

why do bagpipers walk when they play

to get away from the awful noise!


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Movies We've Seen Recently #63
My school is super into bagpipes (we are frequent world champions of this majestic art) and perhaps accordingly I'm actually kind of pleased by that list. So many bagpiping movies I hadn't seen!


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Movies We've Seen Recently #64
I'm a couple generations removed from Scotland, I've been to Scotland, I used to go to the Highland Games every year in Michigan, I love me some bagpipes as only my ancestry can, and...I still don't get it, riffs aside.

Kinda telling that one of the first things you see, alphabetically, is double-nerd rage:

Army of Darkness: Directed by Sam Raime, this movie is a violent comedy in which the main character played by Bruce Campbell and his car are transported back in time to the midst of an Arthurian war. It contains a short clip of skeleton soldiers marching with bagpipes, but the only bagpipey-like sound is a fake orchestral drone.

The dead hold the bag under the right arm
Army of Darkness



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Movies We've Seen Recently #65
I saw Fruitvale Station recently and ohhhh God it's sad, don't see it alone. It was the first movie in recent memory to make me genuinely weep (I waited until I was out in my car before I let it out because I'm a Big Strong Man). It was a dramatization of the last day of the life of Oscar Grant and explored the events that lead Oscar to the place of his untimely death.

I initially thought it was going to be more of a rogue's gallery of social forces that contribute to the limited life-chances of young black men like Oscar, but it turned out instead to be an incredibly restrained character piece that tried to humanize the victim of a tragedy rather than present him as a statistic. As a result, the audience can't help but feel like they know the main character better than they did when he was just a name in a news story. By the end of the movie you feel an incredible sense of loss, and the film's ending was edited such that it elicited a powerful emotional response.

In short, Fruitvale Station is a terrible date movie.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #66
Just caught Elysium, and I have to say, I was fairly impressed with it. It's a very good mix of sci-fi action with a fascinating world and interesting characters. I kind of wish it would have expanded a bit more on Elysium itself (most of the focus is on the protagonist, Max, trying to reach Elysium) but it was very enjoyable.

Although I'm pretty sure this whole Earth vs. Elysium thing would never have happened if the leaders of Elysium weren't such greedy pricks.  All I'll say is that the film's ending scene shows that it would have been ridiculously easy for them to avert the entire crisis long before it started.

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #67
Just caught Elysium, and I have to say, I was fairly impressed with it. It's a very good mix of sci-fi action with a fascinating world and interesting characters. I kind of wish it would have expanded a bit more on Elysium itself (most of the focus is on the protagonist, Max, trying to reach Elysium) but it was very enjoyable.

Although I'm pretty sure this whole Earth vs. Elysium thing would never have happened if the leaders of Elysium weren't such greedy pricks.  All I'll say is that the film's ending scene shows that it would have been ridiculously easy for them to avert the entire crisis long before it started.
Locclo, August 11, 2013, 02:53:40 am

I think that's kind of the point of the movie?


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Movies We've Seen Recently #68
Just caught Elysium, and I have to say, I was fairly impressed with it. It's a very good mix of sci-fi action with a fascinating world and interesting characters. I kind of wish it would have expanded a bit more on Elysium itself (most of the focus is on the protagonist, Max, trying to reach Elysium) but it was very enjoyable.

Although I'm pretty sure this whole Earth vs. Elysium thing would never have happened if the leaders of Elysium weren't such greedy pricks.  All I'll say is that the film's ending scene shows that it would have been ridiculously easy for them to avert the entire crisis long before it started.
Locclo, August 11, 2013, 02:53:40 am

I think that's kind of the point of the movie?
kal-elk, August 11, 2013, 03:02:41 am

It's mainly just the ending scene that really hammered it in for me. I mean, I can understand the motivations of the people on Elysium, and it's interesting that they sort of grew to view the people of Earth as utterly subhuman. But there's one point right at the end that shows that they would have barely had to lift a finger, and Earth and Elysium probably would have gotten along just fine.

It's mostly just me nitpicking it, though. It's still a great movie.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #69
i watched noroi last night.

i was not expecting the combination of the usually formulaic japanese horror genre to mix so well with the equally formulaic western found-footage horror genre, but damn. what a perfect storm of creepy.

the director clearly takes a lot of influence from the pacing, formatting and cutting of texas chainsaw massacre. not the gore or anything, though. it's fairly low in the gore department. there's also the usual influences of japanese horror - there's some creepy ghost kid action, some croaking/groaning creepily. but this is kept to a kind of a minimum so that when it does happen it's not completely played out and dull.

it was interesting to me especially that the director departed from some really common pitfalls in both genres.

found footage always to me has a shortcoming in that you're stuck with a pack of young adults who you really don't care about. you don't want to get to know them, and the movie kind of forces you to, and it just makes you dislike them. in this, the real focus was on the "documentary maker" who was a middle-aged stocky man. there was no effort to stumble around his character, because it was presented as a real documentary would be in that the maker is kind of you know...only the eyepiece through which you see the subject of the documentary.

also the story was actually written out, so it wasn't just an unconnected series of creepy events (which is usually the case with found footage). it all came together in the end, there wasn't a giant gaping plothole that was left just for the sake of a cheap scare.

it also didn't really fall into the usual trope of GHOST DEAD. GHOST MAD. GHOST KILL EVERYONE! DOMINO EFFECT! of asian horror. and though there was some minor creepy kid action there was no like slow crawling croaking ghost with long hair nonsense that we've seen a thousand times. japanese horror especially has a hard time being original, because they just sort of copy the last successful thing that came along with a wee bit of a personal spin on it. i guess because this director looked outside his own country for a format to emulate, he avoided creating something that was just another samey jp supernatural horror story.

it also resolved things. like, it was still sort of THE END? but it actually explained what was going on and ended it in a way where you felt satisfied. no JOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH THUMPTHUMPTHUMPJOOOOOOOOOSH THE END GOODNIGHT

it is long though, but for that length what it accomplishes is worth it. it's almost 2 hours which is really unusual for horror. it makes good use of the time.

A+ actually creepy found footage horror totally going to check out the director's other work now
« Last Edit: August 11, 2013, 10:55:58 am by icarus »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #70
in direct opposition to noroi:

sadako is dumb and has zero atmosphere to it. it's just soulless and boring and stupid and for some reason now sadako is a frog woman. i haven't seen a franchise go this downhill since jason goes to hell.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #71
i haven't seen a franchise go this downhill since jason goes to hell.icarus, August 12, 2013, 07:18:43 am

You missed a joke opportunity there.

"I haven't seen a franchise go to hell like this since Jason Goes to Hell."
icarus count_actuala

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Movies We've Seen Recently #72
Didn't Jason also go to space, though? That was pretty dumb.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #73
Didn't Jason also go to space, though? That was pretty dumb.
Cuddlegoose, August 12, 2013, 12:42:52 pm

yeah but it was dumb in a way where the entire movie just commited to how rediculous the concept was and had fun with it

bad movies can be fun if the crew realizes they're dumb and decides they'd rather laugh with you than be laughed at

sadako (and jason goes to hell) took themselves seriously and were terrible/stupid which makes them no fun to watch


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Movies We've Seen Recently #74
i watched noroi last night.
icarus, August 11, 2013, 10:51:49 am

I just watched this movie on your suggestion and you're right, it's a great flick. It avoids the annoyances of so many modern horror movies (jump-scares particularly) and maintains a pervasive creepy atmosphere from start to finish that's as restrained as it is unsettling, which was exactly what I was hoping to get out of it. I also appreciated that it relied mostly on practical effects, which worked to

In a similar vein, I would suggest to those interested in the found footage genre of horror films to give The Bay a view. It's definitely not as good as Noroi at creating pervasive creepiness, but it sure as hell was unnerving. The Bay is in the "biological agent runs amok" subgenre of found footage films, the particulars of said agent being what will make your skin crawl. The film also has a bit of a political message but it doesn't get in the way of the rest of the experience. If you can stand a little bit of politics in your horror movie, I would highly recommend this one.