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Topic: Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1  (Read 39229 times)

Guts Going Nutz

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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #75
I still can't listen to the Troper Tales episode because the content is just so horribly awkward
Cleretic, January 18, 2016, 08:28:05 pm

I have a similar problem, except for me I can't listen to it because I've already listened to it more than almost any other episode.
Old_Zircon, January 18, 2016, 08:34:14 pm

"I'm in a similar situation, except the opposite."


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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #76
"I'm skinny, goodbye!"
Old_Zircon RoeCocoa


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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #77
that flash animation of the stillborn baby spirit dwaggyn belting out "Hello My Ragtime GAAAAL"
CormansInferno, January 19, 2016, 12:55:59 pm

I don't remember that one!  Do you know if it's still out there anywhere?
Old_Zircon, January 19, 2016, 01:03:24 pm

Yup (auto-playing sound, FYI)
It's one of the very few remaining bits of POE memorabilia that I somehow still have. Portaxx would be the person to go into the backstory of this one, if she's so inclined.

Bonus: it was an edit of an earlier, less defensible, animation made for one of the stillborn shrine websites.

I wish I still had Jockojones' comics. Those were fucking great.
a gross spider, January 19, 2016, 10:08:11 pm

Wow, that was simultaneously far worse and far better than I expected!

I have a zip somewhere with at least 3/4 of Superfister69's old signature images that he shared on Facebook a year or two ago, I'll try to find them and upload them someplace.

I also have every photo from PoEcon 1 but I feel like those are probably better forgotten.


If you have fond memories of them be warned - quite a few of them don't hold up so well (but there are still plenty of gems).  Also obviously NSFW.

If anyone has any record of TEDA's web site where you could pledge money to buy him beer I'd love to see that again.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2016, 10:05:13 pm by Old_Zircon »

Sherman Tank

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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #78
Bonus: it was an edit of an earlier, less defensible, animation made for one of the stillborn shrine websites.
a gross spider, January 19, 2016, 10:08:11 pm

Oh my God, those people. It's been a decade or so since I learned about them, and it's still the saddest, most broken and most depressing thing on the internet to me.


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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #79
I still can't listen to the Troper Tales episode because the content is just so horribly awkward
Cleretic, January 18, 2016, 08:28:05 pm

I have a similar problem, except for me I can't listen to it because I've already listened to it more than almost any other episode.
Old_Zircon, January 18, 2016, 08:34:14 pm

"I'm in a similar situation, except the opposite."
Guts Going Nutz, January 20, 2016, 06:35:32 pm


Fatty Bo Batty

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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #80
The show notes brought me back to Lemon's YouTube channel, and that ultra slow Crash Test Dummies song still cracks me the fuck up.


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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #81
I love this, I'm a sucker for origin stories.


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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #82
Because it was mentioned, I am going to post a link to the still-extent feed for the Garbage Day Cabalcast.

With this comes a few disclaimers:
1) Don't listen to this.
2) I'm not joking. This isn't like when Lemon says that episode #1 isn't good. This is an orders of magnitude difference. I mean it.
3) It is not well produced. As mentioned, these are hours long files of TF2 gameplay. They are they sounds of me mostly playing Scout and Spy, though I do think I once made the terrible mistake of playing Engineer. *clank* *clank* *clank*
4) For all the non-production I did, I somehow felt it a good idea to give it an introduction. Holy shit did I do a poor job at that.
5) There's one specific episode, I believe one of the early Mike Tyson?! episodes, that should end at least 30 minutes before it actually does, but instead I left in a huge chunk of bullshit in there. I'm not proud. I suggest you skip it once it becomes obvious that shit is over. You have been warned.
Acierocolotl Sherman Tank


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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #83
One day, my lovely sister (littlewhitemouse on here) and I were home alone. We've always shared interests, including being giant nerds and fond of horror tourism, this day she goes. 'Hold on. There's this podcast I've just found and you have to listen to this episode.' And proceeded to play me It's Only Supernatural. Definitely still my favorite episode, to be honest. There's nothing like the hot slice of concentrated crazy that is kinkmemes


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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #84
I remember, I played it while we were wrapping Christmas presents. It was festive.

Emperor Jack Chick

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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #85
Because it was mentioned, I am going to post a link to the still-extent feed for the Garbage Day Cabalcast.

With this comes a few disclaimers:
1) Don't listen to this.
2) I'm not joking. This isn't like when Lemon says that episode #1 isn't good. This is an orders of magnitude difference. I mean it.
3) It is not well produced. As mentioned, these are hours long files of TF2 gameplay. They are they sounds of me mostly playing Scout and Spy, though I do think I once made the terrible mistake of playing Engineer. *clank* *clank* *clank*
4) For all the non-production I did, I somehow felt it a good idea to give it an introduction. Holy shit did I do a poor job at that.
5) There's one specific episode, I believe one of the early Mike Tyson?! episodes, that should end at least 30 minutes before it actually does, but instead I left in a huge chunk of bullshit in there. I'm not proud. I suggest you skip it once it becomes obvious that shit is over. You have been warned.
Turtle, January 21, 2016, 10:24:41 pm

this brings back a lot of memories and i'm glad we've moved on.


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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #86
I remember being introduced to The F Plus in about December 2012. One of my friends who always manages to find crazy stuff on the internet (she's the one that I collaborated with on the VampireWebsite.net episode) introduced me to this podcast. The first episode I listened to was "I Can See Your Retch Marks" about super expanding breasts and I thought it was *okay*. In retrospect, that episode wasn't super memorable. After that though, I went through with that friend and basically marathoned them until I'd gotten through all of the previous episodes, which took about a month or two.

I think I've listened through all of them at least twice now and submitted a few docs, which has been fun. I think I've ended up listening to the Asexuals episode about 16/17 times now, which is probably a few times too many if I'll be honest.

Corn Syrup

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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #87
Back around 2004, I stumbled across a forum called GodAwful FanFiction. I had visited some pretty dark corners of the internet before, but this was the first time I had found a community built around intentionally finding terrible material and sharing it. GAFF had some distinct shortcomings. Not the least of which being their narrow focus, which led to stagnation and eventual closure from lack of interest on the owner's part.

GAFF wasn't long for this world, but my interest was piqued. I've had a few friends over the years who got the same kick out of seeing the products of fundamentally broken minds that I did, so I never really got involved in any Atrocity Tourism communities online. I used to keep weird internet shit I had found bookmarked and read it out loud to them when we hung out in person. I just thought of it as good practice for not getting tripped up when going through a tough script. Then I found Lou Reads and This Troper and it finally clicked with me. Giving this stuff a dramatic reading highlights the insanity and can bring out the humor in otherwise painful material.

I heard about The FPlus when someone mentioned the Dozerfleet episode in a chat for a weekly writing contest over on SA. Come to think of it, that was about a year ago, and I still haven't reentered that contest since. Oops.

Fatty Bo Batty

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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #88
Does anyone have links to John Toast's reading of Sass Girls X?

Frank West

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Episode 200a: Retrospective | Part 1 #89
Does anyone have links to John Toast's reading of Sass Girls X?
FattyBoBatty, January 14, 2017, 05:25:46 pm


This one?