Projects > The F Plus

307: D'Deer In The Head'dlights

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Sherman Tank:
It's been far too long since we've had a good ol' crowdfunding episode. This was wonderful.

driving behind this car today and all I could hear was lemon in my head saying “kokorikoooo”

Does anybody have a link to the "box you charge with Internet" mentioned in the wrap-up? I really want to read it for myself.

Boots Raingear:
Does anybody have a link to the "box you charge with Internet" mentioned in the wrap-up? I really want to read it for myself.
Neal, August 24, 2019, 08:14:18 pm
--- End quote ---

This one was actually too scammy for even IndieGoGo, but the video pitch is still on youtube.

Shell Game:
This is amazing.

I can't believe how many gigabytes I can get. And then I can charge my megabytes and see how many kilobytes I've used. AND I can go to their website??? I better go give them my money. With audio quality like that, how could I not???


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