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Topic: If we're really quiet, maybe they won't notice that we're talking about ANIME  (Read 174532 times)

Fatty Bo Batty

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That Berserk show is not great. The CGI is fucking atrocious. And I don't mind CG in anime usually. But wow.

Also, Casca is wonder-bread white now, apparently.

For those of you who don't know how ridiculous this is...

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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That Berserk show is not great. The CGI is fucking atrocious. And I don't mind CG in anime usually. But wow.

Also, Casca is wonder-bread white now, apparently.

For those of you who don't know how ridiculous this is...

FattyBoBatty, July 08, 2016, 09:04:28 pm
Yeah, it's a real shame, berserk deserves better. That CG legitimately looks like cutscene for some unreleased bersek ps2 game


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For those interested in the bizarro world of Dorohedoro. There was a licensed soundtrack recently released. It's got Shackleton and Igorrr on it's list of producers if that says anything.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2016, 04:32:36 pm by MISANDRY CANNON »

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So I got a question: should I give Neon Genesis Evangelion a chance?
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Nifty Nif

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Anyone who's into slice-of-life/comedy type stuff should check out Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge, I'm liking it a lot so far. It's only on the third episode right now, get it while it's hot!
fruithag, April 27, 2016, 05:57:23 pm

Wow I can't believe I completely neglected to follow up on this so here we go

TANAKA-KUN IS THE GOD DAMN BEST and I highly urge everyone to watch it. If you're into slow-paced SOL comedy, you will love this show. You might not love the first episode but I promise even if you don't you will love the rest (I did love the first episode but I've heard people say it's a weak start? idk) It's a really chill, funny show and I fell in love with the entire cast. Watching this show was literally the thing I looked forward to most every week while it was airing, hopefully it gets a second season

Also the ED is catchy as hell

Nifty Nif

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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So I got a question: should I give Neon Genesis Evangelion a chance?
Kaleidoscope, July 26, 2016, 11:28:09 pm
I would recommend it, I dig it a lot.

Nifty Nif

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So I got a question: should I give Neon Genesis Evangelion a chance?
Kaleidoscope, July 26, 2016, 11:28:09 pm

YES. Maybe just watch the rebuild movies? There will be four in total. The first 3 are out already and the 4th will be out soon. Or you can suffer through the original series, The End of Evangelion, other supplementary material, and then watch the rebuild. In my opinion, the rebuild is a better realization of the original concept, but others may disagree.

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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As much as I really like the rebuilds I feel like the third really went off the rails and a 26 episode series/hour an twenty minute long movie isn't a ton of a commitment, so I would recommend watching the series first, but I have a ton of bias because I really like the original episodes of NGE
Nifty Nif


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So I got a question: should I give Neon Genesis Evangelion a chance?
Kaleidoscope, July 26, 2016, 11:28:09 pm
Or you can suffer through the original series
Nifty Nif, July 27, 2016, 10:00:53 pm
That's the entire point, why would you want anything else out of it? The original series is the product of a depressed man during one of the worst times of his life, trying to make do with limited resources. The product is flawed but wholly unique.

The rebuilds are made by a man with limitless time and money. Gendo advertises shaving cream. The difference shows.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Gyro

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So I've always heard everyone talk about K-On! and how much they love it but I had never seen it since it's not on Crunchyroll, but thanks to the Very Good anime stream search engine because.moe I am finally watching it aaaaaand I don't get it. Like, it's fine. It's not bad. It just seems like any average SOL series that people might mildly enjoy and then forget. I don't see why this is something all of my friends have watched. I don't see why a friend of mine got one of these characters tattooed on his leg.

This feels to me like if all of my friends and everyone on the internet hyped the shit out of Kiniro Mosaic like "dude you HAVE to watch Kiniro Mosaic it's the SHIT" yeah nobody has to watch Kiniro Mosaic. I've seen every episode of Kiniro Mosaic and I forgot it existed until just now when I looked at my anime list and searched for the lowest rated series I've completed

Fatty Bo Batty

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On the subject of Evangelion, I would watch the series first. That way, you can fully comprehend how the rebuilds are a masterclass in fucking with a shitty fanbase.
Nifty Nif

Nifty Nif

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So I got a question: should I give Neon Genesis Evangelion a chance?
Kaleidoscope, July 26, 2016, 11:28:09 pm
Or you can suffer through the original series
Nifty Nif, July 27, 2016, 10:00:53 pm
That's the entire point, why would you want anything else out of it? The original series is the product of a depressed man during one of the worst times of his life, trying to make do with limited resources. The product is flawed but wholly unique.

The rebuilds are made by a man with limitless time and money. Gendo advertises shaving cream. The difference shows.
Turtle, July 28, 2016, 03:35:59 pm

I'm not going to bother debating this, my original opinion stands. As stated, others may disagree.


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So I got a question: should I give Neon Genesis Evangelion a chance?
Kaleidoscope, July 26, 2016, 11:28:09 pm
Or you can suffer through the original series
Nifty Nif, July 27, 2016, 10:00:53 pm
That's the entire point, why would you want anything else out of it? The original series is the product of a depressed man during one of the worst times of his life, trying to make do with limited resources. The product is flawed but wholly unique.

The rebuilds are made by a man with limitless time and money. Gendo advertises shaving cream. The difference shows.
Turtle, July 28, 2016, 03:35:59 pm

I'm not going to bother debating this, my original opinion stands. As stated, others may disagree.
Nifty Nif, July 29, 2016, 05:45:18 pm
You state that others may disagree, then one person does and you find it necessary to post this passive aggressive "I'm not going to bother" bullshit. If you actually think others are entitled to their opinions, you shouldn't feel the need to defend yours.