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Topic: 309: !sleep  (Read 32712 times)


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309: !sleep #15
I actually went through a period of a few years, back when the whole creepypasta thing was just starting to emerge as a thing, where I was pretty big into reading through scary stories on the internet and even back then you saw a lot of the same problems with these stories cropping up again and again.

Stray observations:
   - The whole "Don't be a buzzkill" rule seems like it was specifically set up to stifle any sort of criticism or constructive discussion of the actual writing process.
   - The fact that so many creepypastas are set up as some kind of Blair Witch "found footage" story really works against them as it puts this expectation into people's head that they have to be "realistic" or "plausible", which in practice leads to a glut of boring "I met a serial killer" stories.
   - Probably the most common writing mistake I'd always see in bad creepypasta was 'useless tiny detail fetish'.
   - The other big problem most bad creepypasta has is a weird need on the part of the writer to just explain fucking everything and leave absolutely no mystery or unsolved questions. Because, as we all know, mystery is completely antithetical to horror!
   - I want to see a story where the main character is a hit-man, but it's entirely incidental to the story. Like, it's a story about a guy who's a contract killer who runs into a dracula in the basement of his apartment complex on his day off.
   - Why is everyone so obsessed with the dark web?


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309: !sleep #16
I can see the don't be a buzzkill rule as well-intentioned. Remember that this is reddit, so people making comments are going to be way more "um actually" than constructive, and it's hard to make an enforceable rule about "any criticism has to be constructive" because everyone will think THEIR useless tiny detail fetish is constructive and everyone else's is just being mean and unhelpful. Plus, "this is all so fake" is a really annoying thing to hear when you're telling a ghost story. The rule they've got is way overcorrecting though. Just say "we know none of these stories actually happened, comments to that effect will be deleted."

I think the found-footage shtick has to do with the reddit format, where they're trying to write it like they're telling reddit about something that happened to them. I've vaguely considered posting some horror stuff I've written to reddit to see how it'd be received, but it seems like part of the keyfabe is the "this actually happened!" format, and they'd be less receptive to something told as a traditional narrative.

Seth "Slimy" Rollins

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309: !sleep #17
yeah i kind of agree that the 'don't be a buzzkill' rule is fairly ok for the format and the kind of writing it tries to be, like real horror stories stuff. for what it's worth there was another subreddit i found on nosleep that wasn't linked in the doc in any way that was some sort of workshop for people to actually critique and comment on people's stories that they wanted to post, so i think the rule makes more sense when you consider that nosleep is supposed to be where people posted their 'finished/refined' stuff. i mean, that's not the case because redditors tend to think what they do is perfect the first go and you can't criticize but w/e


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309: !sleep #18
That This Heat album that includes the outro song also has their song "SPQR", aka the third weirdest thing to make me cry in the last few years. So good onya, whoever the This Heat fan ridiculist is.
SHAMBA~1.SBB Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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309: !sleep #19
I had a reply all typed out. Then my power went out and when I turned my PC back on, a hyper-realistic Waluigi crying tears of blood appeared on my screen and the DK Rap started blaring out of my speakers backwards. So thanks for that.
SHAMBA~1.SBB adrenochrome dome Seth "Slimy" Rollins Lemon KingKalamari Dr. Buttplug Mix awa224 birdie Wyst Deep 13 NutshellGulag


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309: !sleep #20
The concept that a banana is “raw” is throwing me for a loop more than anything else in this episode

… it’s a banana
Monkey’s Paw Wish

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309: !sleep #21
Ah I love creepypasta episodes so much! For some reason, failed attempts to scare are just the funniest to me.

I too tried the podcast version of NoSleep back in the day where I still thought there might be actually entertaining creepypasta out there, and the fact that the podcast was keeping me from actually having to spend time on Reddit seemed like a plus. I was foolishly hoping that the podcast was curating these stories and only, I dunno, good stuff would get in, but of course that was hopelessly naive. There were always really bad ones on every episode of the podcast, some of which wouldn't have been at all out of place on this doc. The kind of stuff where you just want to know just how the writer thought any of it was scary.


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309: !sleep #22
How can these be SO BOOOOORRRRIIINNGGGchai tea latte, August 26, 2019, 08:44:56 pm
I really missed Lemon in this one; we could have had some great "the cat went the wrong way" screams from him.

   - Why is everyone so obsessed with the dark web?KingKalamari, August 27, 2019, 09:40:58 am
It's Reddit.  I'll give you three guesses.
Seth "Slimy" Rollins
« Last Edit: August 27, 2019, 09:33:59 pm by Sham bam bamina! »

adrenochrome dome

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309: !sleep #23
I appreciated Nutshell's deep cryptid reference to the snallygaster.


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309: !sleep #24
Same with "Plantagenets" during the banana story.

Dr. Buttplug

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309: !sleep #25
Man, that monster box escort mission story made me pine for the days of "OMG and then a skeleton popped out!"


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309: !sleep #26
Man, that monster box escort mission story made me pine for the days of "OMG and then a skeleton popped out!"
Dr. Buttplug, August 28, 2019, 07:57:51 am

Man, I've been on this forum too long because I just saw the word "monster" in that sentence and immediately auto-corrected the sentence to "A-N-A-L* escort mission"

* - Typed out weird to get past the monster cock filter
Mix Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Dr. Buttplug


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309: !sleep #27
I think the main thing I've learned about this and the other creepypasta episode is that the most terrifying thing in the world is a buggy video game.


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309: !sleep #28
I think the main thing I've learned about this and the other creepypasta episode is that the most terrifying thing in the world is a buggy video game.
izzy, August 28, 2019, 02:37:10 pm

It is if you've never experienced anything other than a video game in your life.
Wrought Dawnswalker

Macho Masc Sangy Savage

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309: !sleep #29
I refuse to let boots' clever work on the opening go unrecognized any further:

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop