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Topic: Stumbling across old F+ subjects in my daily life  (Read 171126 times)

positive stress

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"Are you a fan of negativity and criticism?" seems like a really loaded question.
Bobalay, January 07, 2015, 03:37:03 pm

I'm a fan of negativity and criticism, is it normal?


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I didn't experience it personally, but while walking dogs with a friend and fellow F Plus listener, she told me a work story prefaced with the question "What kind of F Plus subject was this guy?"

My friend was working the late shift alone in a small specialty footwear shop. My friend is an attractive lady. A man entered the store towards the end of the evening and made a confusing request. When my friend indicated footwear on display, asking if these were what he was referring to, he became belligerent and accused her of "getting lost in" his eyes. When he finally got to the point where he was trying something on, he announced that it felt like he was "walking on spears". When asked to clarify this statement in a socially recognizable way he said it felt like his entire body was "made of spears".

MRA, PUA, or serial killer?

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Shroomery user?


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Shroomery user?
fifty cents, January 12, 2015, 03:21:07 pm

I never even considered this possibility! I'm sorry, members of the shroomery, for not considering that you could also be weirdly aggressive and vaguely misogynistic about your customer service interactions!

Cat Planet

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My friend has just found a whole collection of PUA books in her boyfriend's house, skimmed through several of them and told me that he uses some of the phrases and techniques mentioned on her, She's pretty repulsed. I'd tell her to dump him but she knows that I like her and probably wouldn't think of my advice as unbiased. I did send her the Roosh V episode to listen to though.

Tiny Prancer

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A friend of mine recently used the term "crotch dumpling" in casual conversation and my instant reaction was "oh jesus god no"


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-sighs sadly- furries. otherkin. neopagans, wiccans. multiple systems. every single minute and specific sexuality description you want. bronies and pegasisters alike. fandoms of the weirdest and most horrifying sorts, including superwholock (or wait, was the episode on that JUST sherlock). and I haven's even left the list of people I LIKE.

i suppose my best stories would be about pagans if I could think of any good ones. i think it should suffice to say that i have never, for one second, been surprised by ANYTHING in ANY pagans/wiccians/newagers episode.


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I was just thinking 'aw I can't think of anything paticular to put in this thread even though i have some crazy friends' and then I go on tumblr and one of the first posts I see is a person i follow asking their followers for tips as they start trying astral projection. ah yes i forgot i followed surprisingly sweet crazy fictionkin furries

I mean, I also have a friend who has an altar to Odin because they're Norse Pantheon Neopagan but that's not too strange.... right?

I may also have very little grip on what is truly very strange


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I was just thinking 'aw I can't think of anything paticular to put in this thread even though i have some crazy friends' and then I go on tumblr and one of the first posts I see is a person i follow asking their followers for tips as they start trying astral projection. ah yes i forgot i followed surprisingly sweet crazy fictionkin furries

I mean, I also have a friend who has an altar to Odin because they're Norse Pantheon Neopagan but that's not too strange.... right?

I may also have very little grip on what is truly very strange
YetAnotherAmber, January 27, 2015, 12:49:09 am

Take heart in the fact that it has never been easier in history to find strange things as it is now

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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(or wait, was the episode on that JUST sherlock).
QueenSyreen, January 26, 2015, 09:32:47 pm
It was. It's still the only episode I've never been able to listen to more than once, because it legitimately felt like something precious from my childhood had been jizzed on. I think a Superwholock episode of F Plus might contain actually lethal amounts of secondhand embarrassment.

positive stress

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Alright, who's gonna make the superwholockdoc


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(or wait, was the episode on that JUST sherlock).
QueenSyreen, January 26, 2015, 09:32:47 pm
It was. It's still the only episode I've never been able to listen to more than once, because it legitimately felt like something precious from my childhood had been jizzed on. I think a Superwholock episode of F Plus might contain actually lethal amounts of secondhand embarrassment.
Cuddlesquid with cranberry sauce, January 27, 2015, 11:02:08 am

I felt so exactly the same. I have tried to listen to that particular episode... a few times? But like many tumblrite episodes, I just can't. It's too close to home. I'm pretty sure I followed people who were featured in that episode for the longest time. It just feels wrong. I dealt with the madness of that tumblr corner for so long before flipping and blocking them all, I don't want to relive it. THE THINGS I HAVE DEALT WITH FOR THE SAKE OF MAKING THINGS HOMOSEXUAL THAT BY ALL RIGHTS SHOULD NOT BE not that I'm under the impression that it isn't my fault but I still have a close friend that cosplays faunlock on the regular and I'm trying to leave this all in the dark shadows of my life. I enjoy being in the front lines of weird fad fandoms but God if that one didn't go off the rails

Alright, who's gonna make the superwholockdoc
fruithag, January 27, 2015, 11:03:59 am

NOSE GOES -touches nose-

Nikaer Drekin

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I recently found out that a friend I had a huge crush on in high school is very much into tumblr/asexual type stuff now. She's not nearly as dumb as the people featured in the podcast, but all the same it makes me feel not quite as bad that things didn't work out between us.


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Once at the state fair (in minnesota, mind you) I was working at an ice cream stand and three huge guys sporting Insane Clown Posse shirts came up to get ice cream. I had a moment of awe upon realizing that i was giving juggalos ice cream


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Once at the state fair (in minnesota, mind you) I was working at an ice cream stand and three huge guys sporting Insane Clown Posse shirts came up to get ice cream. I had a moment of awe upon realizing that i was giving juggalos ice cream
YetAnotherAmber, January 28, 2015, 08:22:24 pm

A lot of the carnies that worked our county fair were juggalos because you know, carnies