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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215227 times)

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #630
Yeah big ups to Hobbs & Shaw it was everything I wanted it to be


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Movies We've Seen Recently #631
Motherfucker killed Han.
chai tea latte Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #632
Motherfucker killed Han.
Turtle, August 06, 2019, 03:35:04 pm
GirlKisser420 Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop FinchChunk Shell Game


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Movies We've Seen Recently #633
Just got back  from  Hobbs and Shaw,  I'll +1 that.  Trailer was for once  a good indicator of  whether you'll enjoy the  movie. I was  pleasantly surprised the girl also  got to kill lots of bad guys and remain in play through to the end. 10/10 go  see it, but  you can skip  the 3 (for fuck's sake) post credit sequences, they're worthless. 


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Movies We've Seen Recently #634
Finally got around to watching Fury Road Black & Chrome and it turns out the movie still rips ass, who knew?
Macho Masc Sangy Savage Dr. Buttplug


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Movies We've Seen Recently #635
The Invader Zim movie is on Netflix. If you liked the show, you'll like it, because it does literally all the same things that the show did.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #636
The Invader Zim movie is on Netflix. If you liked the show, you'll like it, because it does literally all the same things that the show did.
Neal, August 17, 2019, 10:15:57 pm
I'll clarify this with 'it does all the good things the show did'. If you're worried that it's going to be like one of the bad episodes, don't worry, because it's not.

It's interesting to contrast it with the Rocko's Modern Life reboot. Because while the passage of time since the original run are actual parts of the story in both cases, Rocko's all about that passage of time and things changing, telling a story that literally couldn't have existed in the original run. Meanwhile, Zim's movie feels like it could've been released the day after the original run.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #637
The Invader Zim movie is on Netflix. If you liked the show, you'll like it, because it does literally all the same things that the show did.
Neal, August 17, 2019, 10:15:57 pm
I'll clarify this with 'it does all the good things the show did'. If you're worried that it's going to be like one of the bad episodes, don't worry, because it's not.

It's interesting to contrast it with the Rocko's Modern Life reboot. Because while the passage of time since the original run are actual parts of the story in both cases, Rocko's all about that passage of time and things changing, telling a story that literally couldn't have existed in the original run. Meanwhile, Zim's movie feels like it could've been released the day after the original run.
Cleretic, August 17, 2019, 11:53:54 pm

This is an excellent elaboration.

Mr. Hunky Academia

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Movies We've Seen Recently #638
I watched Furby Island Adventure

I used to watch good movies by directors like Bela Tarr, Krzysztof Kieślowski and Apichatpong Weerasethakul

Now I just watch Furby Island Adventure
Cleretic chai tea latte GirlKisser420 adrenochrome dome

Dr. Buttplug

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Movies We've Seen Recently #639
Hereditary is great. If you liked VVitch and It Follows you'd like it. For all the horror and gore the dinner scene half way through was the most intense part for me.
chai tea latte sambair FinchChunk

Dr. Buttplug

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Movies We've Seen Recently #640
I hate to double post but, I guess nobody else saw any movies worth talking about in over a month?

I watched Kong: Skull Island and it is better than Godzilla: King of the Monsters and especially Godzilla (2014). The best thing is that the monster fights and the human stuff are well balanced and equally well developed. I do have two minor complaints, really tiny ones.

One, the movie does not raise the specter of racism, which is cool, we don't need a monster movie's hot take on Samuel L's character's struggle in 1970s america. Besides it's an alternate universe where King Kong exists so why not forget that racism is a thing for the run time of the movie? Cool great, but they did make a sexist joke within ten minutes of the movie starting. So this is a cool movie set in a world that doesn't other POCs but women are still expected to stay in the kitchen and not pursue a career in war photography? Just seems out of place.

Second, why did Brie Larson choose to touch the part of KK's nose where boogers drip out? That's just gross.

Also I watched Stalker (1979) and that was pretty good.

Shell Game

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Movies We've Seen Recently #641
Watched The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari this weekend with a buncha pals. The tints and cards from the original 1920 version was restored to some extend and this version used a score from the 90s that really worked despite being obviously anachronistic.

The set design and costuming was great! The costumes and acting was fantastic! The editing! Ohhhh... the editing. SO GOOD! There's cuts in that movie that could be utilized today and they'd still be as impactful.

Plus, the movie is credited as being the first to implement a twist ending in a feature film.  And, y'know what? It's a well-executed twist!

Very good movie, would recommend!
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Macho Masc Sangy Savage RoeCocoa Nikaer Drekin


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Movies We've Seen Recently #642
Go see One Cut of the Dead without looking up anything about it.  If you like horror or meta film making, you'll love it
chai tea latte

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Movies We've Seen Recently #643
I'm struggling to actually think of anything to write about Gemini Man. It's exactly what I thought I was going to see having seen a poster and read a short summary on a "films out this year" listicle.

Cast is good, face youngening technology is cool, and the action is appropriately shooty and punchy. I've walked out of the cinema with exactly no major emotions in any direction.

If you like Will Smith and you've got £10 spare and nothing else to do with your Saturday, I'd heartily recommend it.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Movies We've Seen Recently #644
Terminator: Dark Fate: Definitely the best Terminator film of the millenium - not a high bar but it cleared it with enough room to fit an entire Arnie in there. It's a big dumb action movie about robots and people getting very emotional about robots, and apparently that's just not what the public or the critics want because this is a pretty damn good iteration of that.