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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215222 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #660
The new HP Lovecraft / Nic Cage / Richard Stanley movie Color Out of Space is pretty great.  Visually influenced by Mandy but much better all around.  They did a good job depicting an indescribable color.
jim and the mammograms


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Movies We've Seen Recently #661
The new HP Lovecraft / Nic Cage / Richard Stanley movie Color Out of Space is pretty great.  Visually influenced by Mandy but much better all around.  They did a good job depicting an indescribable color.
duz, January 23, 2020, 08:38:30 am

I think Richard Stanley may have read up on how magenta doesn't actually exist before filming this, but, yeah. I just got back from the theater; enjoyed it apart from a couple of pacing oddities.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #662
Jojo Rabbit is really good, made me cry.
Salubrious Rex, January 05, 2020, 08:54:07 pm

Everyone in this movie is brilliant.
Strong "Springtime for Hitler" vibes in many scenes, and very strong and emotional commentary in others (not always, though, sometimes the ridicule itself is as strong and poignant a commentary as the most dramatic scenes).
Also, and this might mean different and opposite things to different people, Mel Brooks gave it very high praise.
Salubrious Rex

Mr. Hunky Academia

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Movies We've Seen Recently #663
My friend called in sick to our viewing of Color out of Space so instead I decided to throw a couple bucks on this weird CGI movie I found on a list of cinematic atrocities.

Folks, once again I have completely melted my own brain.

The Misty Green Sky

Imagine this, an 81 minute long hard sci-fi about religion, curiosity, deceit, colonial imperialist politicking and love acted out by "sexy" second life avatars in a world of a handful of assets bought from the Unity asset store and explosion.mp4. Now I don't know if that is exactly the case but I do know that the director just lifts designs form Dr. Who, Lost in Space and Aliens and puts them in this movie.

Not a valid vimeo URL

Not sure what the story is? Don't worry, there is basically none. Things just kinda happen until they don't anymore. All those themes I told you about? Just hinted at in scenes with horrible facial animations and the voice-actors breathing into the mics. They try to tell you what the movie is about towards the end (they tell you because they can't show you). And by the time they've managed to craft an idea of what could have been a decent story they decide to take it all bake in the lamest way possible.

And then it happened, the ending. The ending itself is not worth mentioning but the credits are because as soon as they started  my head was violently thrown back. Eric Satie's Gnossienne No.1. The same piece used in ZAPdramatics masterpiece Ambition. Jesus...

Not only is this movie bad, it was supposed to be the first in a trilogy of sci-fi movies according to this indiegogo. "Oh no, the video presentation isn't working" you say, don't worry I found that too:
Not a valid vimeo URL
Salubrious Rex The Smoking Dad Frank West

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #664
I had a plane journey and downloaded all the lesbian movies available on Netflix Canada. A series of bullet reviews follows. I assign movies 3 stars plus a star each for excellent writing or performance and minus a star for coming-out bildungsromans, Suffering(TM) narratives, and so on.

The Feels: 3.5 stars. Cute romance movie about a bachelorette party thrown awry when one bride-to-be reveals she's never had an orgasm. Lots of meditation on girlhood experiences of sexuality, ranging from the benevolent to the malign. The framing narrative is pleasant and Constance Wu dazzles as the other bride-to-be. Way too much drama about straight people having sex with each other! We all know gay people have gay friends.

Professor Marsden and the Wonder Women:
3.5 stars. Nice little romance about a thrupple in the 1930s. Points for serious exploration of lesbian desire and feminism without being overbearing. Four stars if I'm being generous because the film was extremely erotic.

Lez Bomb: comedy of errors thanksgiving family dinner movie. Two stars because it's a coming out movie, but I watched it on a plane so two was enough? There's real chemistry between the leads and it carries the film.

Unfreedom: one star for objectifying women's love instead of celebrating it. The fundamentalist terrorist played by Bhanu Uday is the best part of the film, and he has basically nothing to do with the lesbian plotline. Pass.

Carol - 5 stars
Portrait d'une jeune fille en feu: 5.5 stars

jim and the mammograms
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 09:41:18 am by chai tea latte »

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #665
Ps i wasn't kidding when i said the wonder woman movie was hot:


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Movies We've Seen Recently #666
Knives Out was really awesome.
I never imagined Daniel Craig could be funny.

moooo566 (taylor's version)

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Movies We've Seen Recently #667
Birds of Prey is a lot of fun, with some caveats. It's a huge improvement on Suicide Squad, I was pleasantly surprised. Similar style but far more consistent and much better executed. It does rely on you to like the dumb jokes and silly fight scenes but if that's you it's well worth a watch. Special mention for the soundtrack which was fantastic throughout.

I did spill some of my popcorn though so the overall cinema experience was affected.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #668
RIP the theater.

chai tea latte Salubrious Rex


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Movies We've Seen Recently #669
If you love lower-budget, non-MCU comic book superhero movies, and also Vin Diesel, you will love Bloodshot.
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Movies We've Seen Recently #670
Portrait of a Lady on Fire is now available on Hulu and everyone should watch it especially if you're into queer cinema.  It is a beautiful movie and not just the cinematography.

Also the director and one of the leads walked out of the French Oscars when Roman Polanski won the best director award.
chai tea latte Yavuz Dr. Buttplug jim and the mammograms

adrenochrome dome

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Movies We've Seen Recently #671
I watched The Lighthouse last night. I thought it was great, but I'm still processing the balls to the wall weird.
sambair Ambious


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Movies We've Seen Recently #672
With the exception of one short 3-second scene using the bad F word, Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventures holds up as an incredibly fun and positive movie.
Highly recommended, A++
adrenochrome dome


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Movies We've Seen Recently #673
I shut off The Invisible Maniac after like the 10th minute that was a "nightmare" scene where a dude gets beaten up by nude women, about an hour in. There's comedy value in this film existing, but I'm sad to say that both Castle Freak and Head of the Family are far better movies.

A couple years ago, I saw a shitty Tamil-dubbed Youtube video version that was like 54 minutes long, and that was probably for the best.
lazzer grardaion? Dr. Buttplug


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Movies We've Seen Recently #674
Finally watching Spider-Man Far From Home during a break from playing Spider-Man on PS4 all day. I don't know if it's just because I haven't watched an MCU movie in a while, but why is everyone an enormous asshole in this movie?

edit: It picks up an hour in, but holy hell there's a lot of bad Hollywood "conflict predicated on the protagonist being an idiot" in the setup.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 02:56:50 pm by sambair »