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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215225 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #675
Cecil B. Demented is a wild, absurdist comedy and I highly recommend it.

Salubrious Rex

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Movies We've Seen Recently #676
Oh fuck, The Fifth Element is really good?
chai tea latte Mix moooo566 (taylor's version) Mr. Hunky Academia


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Movies We've Seen Recently #677
I decided that if I can't decide on something to watch, I just have to watch whatever's on the bottom of my Netflix queue, so I'm watching Juwanna Mann at 4:53am.

So far, I can recommend it if you want something 90s as Hell.

edit: It apparently came out in 2002. My point still stands.

edit 2: Hell yeah, this movie contains some Tommy D comedy.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2020, 04:23:20 am by sambair »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #678
Guns Akimbo is great.
Watch it.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #679
Uncut Gems is the best movie I've seen in a long fucking time. I've reacted to it in ways I've never reacted to a movie. Watch it
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop chai tea latte sambair


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Movies We've Seen Recently #680
Uncut Gems is the best movie I've seen in a long fucking time. I've reacted to it in ways I've never reacted to a movie. Watch it
Wrought, June 19, 2020, 01:51:40 pm

I finally watched it a couple days ago, and I concur.

Jack Burden

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Movies We've Seen Recently #681
Uncut Gems is the best movie I've seen in a long fucking time. I've reacted to it in ways I've never reacted to a movie. Watch it
Wrought, June 19, 2020, 01:51:40 pm

Man, I saw that six months ago and I still can't quite decide what I think of it. I have never seen a any other movie that created and sustained tension like it did, but the experience of watching it was so agonizing I have had no desire to revisit it.

Mr. Hunky Academia

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Movies We've Seen Recently #682
Finally made myself watch a movie that isn't Mandy. Ended up tracking down the mysterious cult-classic Machotaildrop (2009).

It's like if Wes Anderson made a movie about the horrors of capitalism in the form of an anachronistic world-spanning skateboard company located in a European castle headed by a circus performer turned aristocrat.

It would be easy for such a concept to read like twee garbo but the anachronisms are pushed far enough that it transforms into something more esoteric and alien. While the writing is spotty the core concept and the aesthetics are engaging enough to carry it through. Easily the best skate movie I've ever seen.

Adam Bozarth

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Movies We've Seen Recently #683
Last night, I watched "An Evening With Beverly Luff Linn" based mostly on our household's love for Jemaine Clement, Matthew Berry, and Aubrey Plaza.

I would describe it as a more intentionally funny David Lynch movie. It's cheap and bizarre. The characters are absurd and the casting is equally strange. The music goes from being droning to silly. I really enjoyed watching it, for the most part. It doesn't stick a great landing, but it's a fun weird world to visit. It's not a perfect movie, it's not a smart movie, it's not always that funny, but it is different like an old indie comedy movie.

The basic plot is that Lulu Danger, an unhappily married woman, has a criminal drifter help her get back together with her former lover Beverly Luff Linn, who has shown up in town unexpectedly to perform a theatrical event billed as "A Magical Evening with Beverly Luff Linn." It's a very strange love story that is punctuated with impossible weird personalities in a musty, retro landscape.

I think if the first scene or two doesn't make you laugh, then it's probably not going to be entertaining. I will also mention that one of the things that made me laugh the hardest was an old man coughing for about a minute when he was asked for a pen and paper. It just struck me funny, and maybe I am so starved for social interactions that even the slightest subversion of interpersonal communication has funny.

I appreciated the shake-up it offered, but wish it were better. It has a 51% on RottenTomatoes.com, so it's definitely a love it or hate it movie.
chai tea latte


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Movies We've Seen Recently #684
The Vast of Night: a very good low-budget movie about spooky stuff happening in a small New Mexico town. Nothing you haven't seen before, but it's a good period piece and both the acting and the audio/visual aesthetic is spot on.

Mandy: what if an 80's exploitation biker revenge flick, but with Nic Cage in "actually trying" mode? Very Heavy Metal, fun surreal visuals, chainsaw duels, you name it.

Color Out of Space: Oh no, a bad horror movie crashed into a good Lovecraft story! Interesting and a decent adaptation, but relies a bit too much on modern horror stuff. Nic Cage is in "goofing around" mode.
lazzer grardaion? chai tea latte Mr. Hunky Academia

lazzer grardaion?

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Movies We've Seen Recently #685
Fuuuuuuuck yeah! The official Gundam youtube channel uploaded the three Gundam compilation movies:

For animation from 1979, these hold up incredibly. These are a fantastic introduction to Gundam, and just stand up fantastically well on their own two giant robot feet.


Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Great Joe Salubrious Rex


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Movies We've Seen Recently #686
Dune (1984) is...
How is this a beloved cult classic?
It's one of the worst paced movies I've ever seen, they tell you a lot of things instead of showing, and it's just so... All over the place.
I'm told there's an extended edition but I don't want to subject myself to more of that.

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #687
Dune (1984) is...
How is this a beloved cult classic?
It's one of the worst paced movies I've ever seen, they tell you a lot of things instead of showing, and it's just so... All over the place.
I'm told there's an extended edition but I don't want to subject myself to more of that.
Ambious, July 17, 2020, 05:58:41 pm
just go back to jerking off to children's cartoons then and leave the david lynch movies for the rest of us
Great Joe Wrought Vinny Possum Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop
« Last Edit: July 20, 2020, 09:41:48 pm by chai tea latte »

Nikaer Drekin

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Movies We've Seen Recently #688
Dune (1984) is...
How is this a beloved cult classic?
It's one of the worst paced movies I've ever seen, they tell you a lot of things instead of showing, and it's just so... All over the place.
I'm told there's an extended edition but I don't want to subject myself to more of that.
Ambious, July 17, 2020, 05:58:41 pm
just go back to jerking off to children's cartoons then and leave the david lynch movies for the rest of us
chai tea latte, July 20, 2020, 09:39:03 pm

To be fair, Lynch himself had a miserable time making Dune and doesn't like the finished product. I honestly don't think it's considered that beloved of a cult classic - I haven't seen it myself but I feel like it's usually considered one of his weakest films.

Dr. Buttplug

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Movies We've Seen Recently #689
Just did a double feature of Uncut Gems and Police Story 1985, the effect is a study in tone. Uncut Gems didn't have that much action but my nerves were freyed (TW: Uncut Gems is probably too much for someone with serious anxiety issues, seriously). Police Story has murder, drugs action intrigue, but I felt at home watching it. It was a treat after a challenging task.

I'm bingeing movies and tv while dog sitting I might post more.

Edit: Why did I wait so long to watch Solaris (1976) and Yojimbo? They're both such briliant movies that appeal perfectly to my aesthetic. I guess they were hard to find sometimes. Liking the Criterion Channel a lot, wish it was easier to navigate.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2020, 02:37:07 pm by Dr. Buttplug »