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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215164 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #120
I watched the Ballad of Nessie short that came before some movie.  The Pooh movie maybe?

Anyway, it was really cute and I liked it.  I want to see if anyone has drawn any nice pictures inspired by it, but it's got a female anthropomorphic main character, so that's out.  Oh well.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #121
I just walked/staggered out of The Raid 2. You know how most sequels are hot trash? This ... is not. Frankly everybody's action movie credentials should be revoked unless they make something up to the standard of The Raid 2. It's everything that made the first Raid a classic but with the entire country of Jakarta as a setpiece for an all-out fist/gun/whatever's within reach fight.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #122
Jakarta, while very populous, is still only the capital city of its country, Indonesia.

Also, finally saw 12 Years a Slave a few days ago (i never got around to it when it was airing, and the theatre by me brought it back after it won the award thing) and it is very good. this is probably zero percent a surprise to anyone but it is very very good and the entire cast are phenomenal.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #123
Jakarta, while very populous, is still only the capital city of its country, Indonesia.kal-elk, March 14, 2014, 04:50:05 am

Yeah, but man oh man, remember how The Raid utilized every inch of the building for its action sequences? Raid 2 does that with just about every damn brick in the city.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #124
I don't care what anyone says, Metropolis is goddamn better with Giorgio Moroder providing the soundtrack.

Of course, it's never going to be as complete an experience, but fuck that, I want Freddie Mercury singing about how love kills.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #125
I don't care what anyone says, Metropolis is goddamn better with Giorgio Moroder providing the soundtrack.

Of course, it's never going to be as complete an experience, but fuck that, I want Freddie Mercury singing about how love kills.
STOG, March 16, 2014, 07:14:23 am
Accept no substitutes.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #126
Watched Pontypool earlier tonight. Didn't know what to expect, but came out of it with a lot of respect for the film. That's how you do a low-budget horror movie. Though that ending was a bit, uh. I could have done without a lot of the ending.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #127
Just got back from The Lego Movie, which I loved. The cameos alone are worth the price of admission--although, to be honest, so was the little 80s spaceman Lego character. I remember building moon bases with those guys back in the day!

Also, saw Fargo last week, and loved it.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #128
I guess I saw Dallas Buyers Club like a month ago, it was a good movie and I liked McConaughey in it. I however hated the subtitles that aired with it, because Hebrew is a gendered language and they fucked it up with the pronouns.

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Movies We've Seen Recently #129
I got Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist a few days ago on Amazon video.  I actually liked it a lot.  It was pretty good - not great, but good.

The acting was good; their Father Merrin did a good job, and several of the supporting actors were good as well.  The setting was also nice; a Colonial African town where British missionaries are trying to stamp out the local culture and religion is a pretty nifty setting to put a priest having doubts.  They also used it well in the film.  They also managed to build a good aura of menace around the demon; he's a very effective, threatening character, and the conflict between him and Merrin is great.

It's got some problems, tho.  Maybe the most obvious is the spots of really horrible graphics.  A lot of the CG looks pretty bad - it never blends in at all, it's often obviously being rendered at a different resolution and it's never lit right.  The CG hyenas look particularly bad, and the aura affect is both needless (there'd be more than enough weight behind the sequence it's in without it) and poorly-done.

There are also parts of the confrontation between the demon and Merrin that are a little too post-Star-Wars.

I also have a problem with them changing the character of the demon - spoilers ahead.  In this movie, there's pretty strong evidence that the demon is not just Some Demon, but in fact Satan himself.  In a way, the demon is underwhelming as Satan: while it causes some horrible things, this is right after World War 2; killing some local children and an army major and giving a priest nightmares sort of pales in comparison to, you know, the Holocaust.  It also stretches credibility that Rachel could be stuck unconscious in an altar-chamber with Satan himself overnight and come out basically none the worse for wear.  This is ostensibly the same demon that, in the Exorcist, killed a man by snapping his head around and then pitched the body out a window after being left alone with him for a few minutes.

As a final note, I feel like they raise a valid question and never answer it - again, spoilers ahead.  Father Merrin lost his faith over an incident he was involved in during the Nazi occupation of Denmark (I think).  Significantly, A Nazi officer tells him that "God is not here today," after which "why does God allow these things to happen" becomes the major question that drives Merrin's crisis of faith.  Well, if the movie ever gave us an answer to that question, I missed it; while casting out a demon convinces Merrin that God and Satan are obviously real, it doesn't explain at all why God allows atrocities to happen, which leaves me wondering - even in the context of the theology of the film - if a victory for God is really the best outcome that could have happened.

4/5 ~ $Bill
« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 03:50:03 pm by Fizzlebang the Wise »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #130
I got Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist a few days ago on Amazon video.  I actually liked it a lot.  It was pretty good - not great, but good.

The acting was good; their Father Merrin did a good job, and several of the supporting actors were good as well.  The setting was also nice; a Colonial African town where British missionaries are trying to stamp out the local culture and religion is a pretty nifty setting to put a priest having doubts.  They also used it well in the film.  They also managed to build a good aura of menace around the demon; he's a very effective, threatening character, and the conflict between him and Merrin is great.

It's got some problems, tho.  Maybe the most obvious is the spots of really horrible graphics.  A lot of the CG looks pretty bad - it never blends in at all, it's often obviously being rendered at a different resolution and it's never lit right.  The CG hyenas look particularly bad, and the aura affect is both needless (there'd be more than enough weight behind the sequence it's in without it) and poorly-done.

There are also parts of the confrontation between the demon and Merrin that are a little too post-Star-Wars.

I also have a problem with them changing the character of the demon - spoilers ahead.  In this movie, there's pretty strong evidence that the demon is not just Some Demon, but in fact Satan himself.  In a way, the demon is underwhelming as Satan: while it causes some horrible things, this is right after World War 2; killing some local children and an army major and giving a priest nightmares sort of pales in comparison to, you know, the Holocaust.  It also stretches credibility that Rachel could be stuck unconscious in an altar-chamber with Satan himself overnight and come out basically none the worse for wear.  This is ostensibly the same demon that, in the Exorcist, killed a man by snapping his head around and then pitched the body out a window after being left alone with him for a few minutes.

As a final note, I feel like they raise a valid question and never answer it - again, spoilers ahead.  Father Merrin lost his faith over an incident he was involved in during the Nazi occupation of Denmark (I think).  Significantly, A Nazi officer tells him that "God is not here today," after which "why does God allow these things to happen" becomes the major question that drives Merrin's crisis of faith.  Well, if the movie ever gave us an answer to that question, I missed it; while casting out a demon convinces Merrin that God and Satan are obviously real, it doesn't explain at all why God allows atrocities to happen, which leaves me wondering - even in the context of the theology of the film - if a victory for God is really the best outcome that could have happened.

4/5 ~ $Bill
Fizzlebang the Wise, March 25, 2014, 03:44:51 pm

[neckbeard grows]Actually, the canonical name for the demon that Fr. Merin fights in all of the Exorcist movies is Pazuzu.  Pazuzu is the statue he uncovers in the first five minutes of the original Exorcist. [neckbeard retracts]

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Movies We've Seen Recently #131
[neckbeard grows]Actually, the canonical name for the demon that Fr. Merin fights in all of the Exorcist movies is Pazuzu.  Pazuzu is the statue he uncovers in the first five minutes of the original Exorcist. [neckbeard retracts]
Smoking Crow, March 25, 2014, 04:48:48 pm

[infineckbeard]Actually, I don't think the demon is named in the first movie; it's only in the sequel [comic-book-guy](which I do not acknowledge)[/comic-book-guy] that he's identified as Pazuzuz[/infineckbeard]


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Movies We've Seen Recently #132
If the doc Jodorowsky's DUNE is playing near you, I heartily recommend it. Hopefully it generates enough interest that HBO or some other premium cable channel throws enough millions at Jordorowsky to make a TV maxiseries out of it (Jodorowsky and Moebius already wrote and storyboarded the entire thing). If Hollywood had gotten its act together and made this movie a reality Star Wars wouldn't be shit.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #133
[neckbeard grows]Actually, the canonical name for the demon that Fr. Merin fights in all of the Exorcist movies is Pazuzu.  Pazuzu is the statue he uncovers in the first five minutes of the original Exorcist. [neckbeard retracts]
Smoking Crow, March 25, 2014, 04:48:48 pm

[infineckbeard]Actually, I don't think the demon is named in the first movie; it's only in the sequel [comic-book-guy](which I do not acknowledge)[/comic-book-guy] that he's identified as Pazuzuz[/infineckbeard]
Crypto-Anarchy the Toothpaste-Haired Hoers, March 27, 2014, 12:53:24 am

Actually, [neckbeard grows infinitely] using my knowledge of Near Eastern folklore, I know that the statue Merin uncovers is of the Babylonian wind demon Pazuzu, and the filmmaker would not put that scene in there if they did not want to make the connection between the demon and the statue. [neckbeard explodes]

A Whirring Bone-White Gleech

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Movies We've Seen Recently #134
[neckbeard grows]Actually, the canonical name for the demon that Fr. Merin fights in all of the Exorcist movies is Pazuzu.  Pazuzu is the statue he uncovers in the first five minutes of the original Exorcist. [neckbeard retracts]
Smoking Crow, March 25, 2014, 04:48:48 pm

[infineckbeard]Actually, I don't think the demon is named in the first movie; it's only in the sequel [comic-book-guy](which I do not acknowledge)[/comic-book-guy] that he's identified as Pazuzuz[/infineckbeard]
Crypto-Anarchy the Toothpaste-Haired Hoers, March 27, 2014, 12:53:24 am

Actually, [neckbeard grows infinitely] using my knowledge of Near Eastern folklore, I know that the statue Merin uncovers is of the Babylonian wind demon Pazuzu, and the filmmaker would not put that scene in there if they did not want to make the connection between the demon and the statue. [neckbeard explodes]
Smoking Crow, April 03, 2014, 11:51:42 am

God damn it.  Very well, you win this neck-beard battle - you and your relevant topical knowledge.

Although that does make it more absurd that it's implied in Dominion that the demon that Merrin is fighting is Lucifer himself.  Unless they're implying that the two are the same demon, I don't know.