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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215227 times)

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Movies We've Seen Recently #270
Eraserhead changed my life

Nikaer Drekin

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Movies We've Seen Recently #271
I watched Mulholland Drive for the first time in 10 years. Still pretty fucked up!
Ike, August 15, 2015, 04:57:51 pm

This thread is about movies, not abortions.
Ambious, August 16, 2015, 06:50:52 am

Mulholland Drive is probably David Lynch's masterpiece and I won't hear any slights against it.
Nikaer Drekin, August 17, 2015, 10:20:15 am

Come on, even Lynch himself has no fucking clue what's going on in that "film". He just threw together a random bunch of unrelated scenes to seem eclectic and weird, but it's absolutely unwatchable.
Ambious, August 17, 2015, 11:30:17 am

If you're trying to understand the plot of Mulholland Drive you're watching it in a fundamentally wrong way. It's like saying, "Fuck Picasso, the dude had no idea how to draw a goddamn face!"


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Movies We've Seen Recently #272
I watched Mulholland Drive for the first time in 10 years. Still pretty fucked up!
Ike, August 15, 2015, 04:57:51 pm

This thread is about movies, not abortions.
Ambious, August 16, 2015, 06:50:52 am

Mulholland Drive is probably David Lynch's masterpiece and I won't hear any slights against it.
Nikaer Drekin, August 17, 2015, 10:20:15 am

Come on, even Lynch himself has no fucking clue what's going on in that "film". He just threw together a random bunch of unrelated scenes to seem eclectic and weird, but it's absolutely unwatchable.
Ambious, August 17, 2015, 11:30:17 am

If you're trying to understand the plot of Mulholland Drive you're watching it in a fundamentally wrong way. It's like saying, "Fuck Picasso, the dude had no idea how to draw a goddamn face!"
Nikaer Drekin, August 19, 2015, 02:28:10 pm

I'll concede to that.
It just failed to captivate me in any capacity, but perhaps that's an accounting of taste.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #273
I saw "What We Did On Our Holiday" recently, I wasn't expecting much but overall I found it to be the most charming film I've seen in a long time, albeit in a somewhat ridiculous way.

It was only when watching the credits I noticed that it was written and directed by Andy Hamilton and Guy Jenkin, and everything about it made sense to me from there.

A Meat

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Movies We've Seen Recently #274
I saw Ender's Game today

what a thoroughly unenjoyable movie. I wish the child actors and the direction were better so they could make this excuse for a plot and characters better, but everything felt wooden and fake and it was really predictable all the way through.

I want those two hours back. I think I'll watch a good movie now to cleanse the bad taste this left in my mouth.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #275
I watched Enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal the other day. Overall it was alright, it had some nice shots and it kept you guessing. The only problem is the ending, and I had to watch a Youtube video explaining all of the sort of forced yet almost too subtle symbolism to understand the actual story, so that sucked. Apparently it's based off of a novel, so I'm guessing they just didn't know how to properly portray the Fight Club-esque uncertainty. Honestly, I probably wouldn't recommend it.

Nikaer Drekin

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Movies We've Seen Recently #276
I want those two hours back. I think I'll watch a good movie now to cleanse the bad taste this left in my mouth.
A Meat, August 23, 2015, 06:40:34 am

Well, if you're looking for something good, just go see the new Fantastic Four!

(Don't do that.)

I saw it with a bunch of my friends toward the end of our school's trip to Scotland. We were bored, tired, and somewhat drunk, and figured we'd just watch TV back at our flat anyways, so we gave it a shot.

It wasn't even worth it. You could not ask for a more rote, uninspired, by-the-numbers superhero movie. It's a shame, because the main four are a group of really talented young actors (though, with Miles Teller, you wouldn't know it, he's surprisingly bad in it). I guess when you don't gave a shit about the script and expect everyone to gobble up your new superhero franchise just because, it doesn't go so well!

Also, surprisingly short, but that ended up being a blessing because we just wanted to leave. Also, not even a mid- or post-credits scene. They just didn't give a fuck about this, so I'm happy to react the same way.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #277
Me and my friends watched Drownsman, hoping that with a title that stupid we were in for some really terrible schlock horror. Well, it was terrible, but not in a funny way. In the first 10 minutes it becomes obvious that the whole movie is just a vessel for someone's disgusting fetish for wet, terrified, weeping women. The camera loving films every second of various women being drowned by the killer, but not before they've been pointlessly ambling around in wet clothes while crying for at least 5 minutes. Hell, the actual murder scenes come as a relief after all that "this is obviously turning someone on" preamble.

Oh, and the killers motive? He's a fucking demon baby who spent two years in his mother's womb and now just wants to hear women's hearts beating before they die.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #278
I watched Enemy with Jake Gyllenhaal the other day. Overall it was alright, it had some nice shots and it kept you guessing. The only problem is the ending, and I had to watch a Youtube video explaining all of the sort of forced yet almost too subtle symbolism to understand the actual story, so that sucked. Apparently it's based off of a novel, so I'm guessing they just didn't know how to properly portray the Fight Club-esque uncertainty. Honestly, I probably wouldn't recommend it.
Sovereign, August 23, 2015, 09:17:27 am

That's some garbage advice. Everyone should watch this movie.

I thought the uncertainty was handled well, but I never watched no youtube video by some nerd trying to overmonster cockyze the thing. Didn't read the book either.

Another excellent Jake Gyllenhaal movie everyone should watch is Nightcrawler.

EDIT: Wonderful wordfilter
« Last Edit: September 22, 2015, 02:54:10 am by xXNinjaKilla4EverXx »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #279
I watched The Purge: Anarchy with a couple of friends today, and I thought it was pretty fun.  It's kind of a modern version of one of those 80's urban action movies like The Warriors or something.  Instead of being an okay home invasion movie with a high concept, it sort of takes the concept on the road and you get to see how it affects people all across the city, and it leads to some fun action.  The protagonists are varied enough to be interesting, though I cared way more about the Hispanic mother and daughter than the yuppie white couple going through a divorce (who coincidentally fuck things up for the whole group every single time).

There's also some very blunt messages in the movie, blunt enough that as we watched it, we sort of ticked off each time we hit a new message.  It's never subtle, but it's reasonably noble stuff to put in, and I had to check out when in 2014 it came out.  Astonishingly, it came out before Ferguson.

All in all, it's worth a watch if the concept sounds interesting.  Far more worth it than the first movie.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #280
I watched Chinatown all the way through for the first time this weekend. For some reason, I could never get into it before. But damn, it's good! Weird... but good.

I also got to go watch The Godfather on the big screen last night! Awesome.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #281

DANGEROUS MEN is coming out soon. All other movies to be rendered irrelevant afterwards.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #282
I've watched a few movies recently.

Everest is about a real disaster that happened in 1996 during a climbing expedition on Mount Everest. I thought it was pretty great overall - there was great tension when it moved into the second half, and it was really interesting to learn more about the real dangers of the mountain and climbing it. Not knowing the details of the actual story, I think there were a few things that could have been clearer (it got really hard to tell who everyone was because all of the faces were covered) but I really enjoyed it.

Black Mass is another true story, this one about the notorious crime lord James "Whitey" Bulger and how he used the FBI to take down his enemies for him. While I really liked the performances (especially Depp as Bulger) the story isn't told all that well. A lot of things are just sort of glossed over as the movie goes on, and I never really got much of an impression of Bulger's criminal empire that was supposedly being built. Also, I'm not sure who thought Benedict Cumberbatch was the right choice to play an American from Boston, because his accent just did not sound natural at all. Overall a decent movie that's saved by some great acting.

And a bit of a stranger one...tonight I saw The Iron Giant for the first time, because it was shown in theaters for the release of the remastered Signature Edition. I'm not sure how I never saw this before, but as someone seeing it for the first time, it's fucking amazing. Beautiful animation, great comedy, and a very strange, yet touching and emotional story of the relationship between a boy and his 100-foot tall robot. I'm curious to know, if someone who's seen it before and saw it again tonight, what two scenes were added in the new edition, because I don't think there was anything that I saw that I felt was unnecessary to the plot and the characters (though I'm aware that they weren't cut for that reason, they were cut for lack of time). Just a great, great movie that if you haven't seen yet, you should absolutely see at the second showing in a few days.

Nikaer Drekin

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Movies We've Seen Recently #283
And a bit of a stranger one...tonight I saw The Iron Giant for the first time, because it was shown in theaters for the release of the remastered Signature Edition. I'm not sure how I never saw this before, but as someone seeing it for the first time, it's fucking amazing. Beautiful animation, great comedy, and a very strange, yet touching and emotional story of the relationship between a boy and his 100-foot tall robot. I'm curious to know, if someone who's seen it before and saw it again tonight, what two scenes were added in the new edition, because I don't think there was anything that I saw that I felt was unnecessary to the plot and the characters (though I'm aware that they weren't cut for that reason, they were cut for lack of time). Just a great, great movie that if you haven't seen yet, you should absolutely see at the second showing in a few days.
Locclo, September 30, 2015, 09:04:45 pm

I'm a longtime Iron Giant fan who also saw it last night! It was absolutely wonderful, I'm so glad I had the chance to see it on the big screen.

The two additional scenes were the brief conversation between Dean and Annie in the diner before one of the townspeople sells Dean the tractor with a bite out of it (the original cut just has the tractor part), and the second is the Giant's dream that gets broadcast over Dean's TV. I didn't even realize that the first scene was new until after the movie, so I agree that they fit in quite well!
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 04:38:16 pm by Nikaer Drekin »

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Movies We've Seen Recently #284
I missed the September 30 date, but looking it up I ABSOLUTELY have to catch the October 4th showing because I want to see this BADLY. Iron Giant is a movie I didn't appreciate nearly as much as I should have when I was younger, and having the chance to see it on the big screen is something I cannot pass up.