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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 215164 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #390
Oh yeah definitely. I wasn't expecting it to be so emotionally affecting - the twist is perfectly executed, and hits like a truck. People in the cinema were actually, literally, honest-to-god crying.

I was just enjoying my moment of professional "um, actually ..."

Frank West

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Movies We've Seen Recently #391
Oh yeah definitely. I wasn't expecting it to be so emotionally affecting - the twist is perfectly executed, and hits like a truck. People in the cinema were actually, literally, honest-to-god crying.

I was just enjoying my moment of professional "um, actually ..."
Muffinator, November 29, 2016, 07:54:36 pm

I mean, if it bothers you, you could argue that it's not the language that makes her unstick from time, but rather it happens when she goes into the alien atmosphere.

Maybe I was in just the right mood, but I did get a little misty-eyed in this movie, which I generally do not. I feel like it earned it's sentiment. I think a lot of people didn't fully get the ending, which might be the movie's biggest weakness. As much as I like a movie that respects me enough to not spell everything out explicitly, I think some of the concepts in the movie are lost if you don't either know what the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis already (it doesn't really explain it) or you weren't already pretty familiar with a lot of sci-fi concepts to help you make sense of it quickly, because the movie kinda doesn't explain some stuff very clearly to the uninitiated. Still, as someone who IS familiar with those things, it's a nearly perfect movie, except maybe they could have spent a little money on the minimal CGI they had to make it look better.
chai tea latte


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Movies We've Seen Recently #392
Moana was so good.

I love Disney (can you tell) and I have been dying to see Moana ever since I heard about it. The movie is not only gorgeously animated but everything just flows together so well. Like the voice actors are perfect and I'm really glad that Disney didn't do that thing were everyone was a big named star. Yes, the Rock is in it but he doesn't take away from the main character and his characters had some really good moments. Really, the best thing about Moana is the main character herself. She's smart, brave, feisty and yet she's very flawed. She feels realistic.

Also, the music? I loved it. So good.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #393
Batman v Superman is on HBO, so since I ran out of Westworld I watched it.

It wasn't as bad as people made it out to be, but it wasn't good.  Slow and dull.

Watched Batman (1989) to get the taste out.  That movie is still fun. 


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Movies We've Seen Recently #394
I saw Suicide Squad in theatres and it was awful. The extended cut is just over ten minutes longer and ...

it's actually a really good movie. It didn't blow my mind, but it's amazing how much heavy lifting those ten minutes did -- I can't fathom why they were cut. It's basically a bunch of short setup scenes for the Joker/Harley Quinn thing but it really pulls everything together. Harley becomes the fulcrum the whole film moves on, instead of annoying eye-candy.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2016, 03:46:43 am by Muffinator »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #395
I went to see Rogue One last night, and I actually enjoyed it! It was a lot more fun than The Force Awakens, and director Gareth Edwards has definitely learned a lot from the mistakes of Godzilla. If you're looking for an action movie you don't have to think too hard about mixed with childhood nostalgia, I'd recommend it.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #396
The Loved Ones is a good horror film. It can be watched (free) on YouTube.

NSFW content. Click to show.

Eider Duck

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Movies We've Seen Recently #397
Finally got around to watching Django Unchained. Really enjoyed it. There was ALOT more goofiness and exploding heads than I expected.

And a certain last shot of Jamie Foxx was glorious.

Goose Goose Honk At Me Now

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Movies We've Seen Recently #398
Just got back from Rogue One. Funnily enough, I liked Force Awakens better, but I felt like both movies did the same things right. The world looks big and old and lived-in and there are plenty of practical effects on display, I cared about the characters, and the majority of the actors look like real people instead of Hollywood models.

I was taken aback by the VFX they use for a particular character (I don't want to say more without giving it away) because holy shit how did you even do that, to the point where it got a little distracting, so be warned you will spend a little time in the Uncanny Valley. But now that it's over I kinda just want to start from the beginning and process it all again.

Also, there's totally a pair of characters that read like an old gay married couple, and I'm about it.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #399
Yeah, I'm not sure if the tech is quite there yet, but something tells me that it's going to get a good workout in Episode VIII now goddamn it.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #400
Yeah, I'm not sure if the tech is quite there yet, but something tells me that it's going to get a good workout in Episode VIII now goddamn it.
Runic, December 30, 2016, 10:33:55 pm

Apparently, she already filmed her Episode VIII scenes. They may have to rewrite Episode IX, though.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #401
I just saw Speed Racer for the first time. In the movie, the villain is trying to get rid of Speed Racer during a big race, so they go to a medieval tavern where a bunch of vikings, including a black viking, are eating sausages.  The villain's goons drop a giant briefcase on the table, then open it to reveal fur pelts.  The vikings eagerly grab at the pelts and agree to join the race.  In the race, they drive cars equipped with spiked flails, large hammers, and beehive catapults.

This is a live-action movie.

I think I love this movie.
chai tea latte Yavuz Goose Goose Honk At Me Now Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop


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Movies We've Seen Recently #402
La La Land is.... ok.
It's a beautiful story, but you already know half of it from a million other stories. When it's not being derivative and falling into classic cliche traps, it's actually great. The visual distinction of this director is something that served him we'll both here and in Whiplash, but with better pacing and a slightly different focus, it could have been an amazing movie. Instead it's "just" good.
I just wish they hadn't wasted half the movie on setting it up like it was an "actress tries to make it in hollywood" movie - which it really isn't.
I honestly almost stopped watching after ~20 minutes, but luckily I didn't.
Basically I guess I'm saying I wish it was more about Seb, or - in other words - more like Whiplash.
Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie - but it could have been so much better.

A Meat

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Movies We've Seen Recently #403
I just saw Speed Racer for the first time. In the movie, the villain is trying to get rid of Speed Racer during a big race, so they go to a medieval tavern where a bunch of vikings, including a black viking, are eating sausages.  The villain's goons drop a giant briefcase on the table, then open it to reveal fur pelts.  The vikings eagerly grab at the pelts and agree to join the race.  In the race, they drive cars equipped with spiked flails, large hammers, and beehive catapults.

This is a live-action movie.

I think I love this movie.
EYE OF ZA, January 03, 2017, 07:42:23 pm
You better watch the cartoon, here's my favorite episode to recommend to people:

It's fucking nuts


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Movies We've Seen Recently #404
Justice League Dark
Like everything post New-52 in the DC Animated Universe, the Justice League franchise is best when it doesn't focus on the Justice League itself. It's a well written, well directed, thrilling story with wonderful characters and great action.