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September 20, 2024, 07:52:49 pm

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Topic: 255: Thermodynamic Martinets & Jar Jar Breasts  (Read 26232 times)


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Shell Game Achilles' Heelies chai tea latte Yavuz Sherman Tank GirlKisser420 RoeCocoa Nikaer Drekin NotHelpingMatters Salubrious Rex

Achilles' Heelies

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Lemon, July 03, 2017, 03:49:24 pm
How did you find my OKcupid profile?
Corn Syrup I Liked That Joke Shell Game Salubrious Rex


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Please And Thanks

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┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐fuk timon fuk pumbaa ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐


Sherman Tank

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Holy shit this guy lives in my city.

Shell Game

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It's always nice to go back to Star Wars internet bullshit. Decades of percolating had rendered them into such a wonderful shit slurry.

Also Frank West's enthusiasm is a wonderful thing to witness.

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
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Christ, this episode is giving me a headache.

"somehow not a dozerfleet episode", "rants", "pop culture", "insanity", "hopelessly broken", "star trek", "titan a.e.", "tumblr", "essays", "cartoons", "internet whining", "star wars", "deviantart"
Please And Thanks znarf Lemon


  • some people's reactions such as the fuck,the hell,wtf, or what the hell
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For the whole Timon and Pumbaa rant, I was waiting for "...and that's how I got my fetish".


  • Fave: Heavily Excessive Prekumquatxop
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  • whats up you cem loving fuck
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This was such a great episode. I love the episodes that focus in on one really weird person. And boy howdy, was this guy weird.
Shell Game Captain Nobeard znarf RoeCocoa Immoral Filth Eider Duck xX_sp00ks_Xx Down10 Puppy Time Liatai


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The majority of this episode gave me the same feeling I've only ever had before when reading plot synopses of later Kingdom Hearts games. Just enough faintly-recognizable names and words to figure out that it's just impossible to understand.
NotHelpingMatters Liatai

Fatty Bo Batty

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NSFW content. Click to show.

adrenochrome dome

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I second adding the tag "somehow not a dozerfleet episode." Any episode that has Important opinions on pop culture and obsessing over bmonster cock childhood events would qualify.


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This guy was watching The Phantom Menace and got his first boner when that fish ate that other fish.
Please And Thanks Sherman Tank Yavuz chai tea latte


  • Fave: Heavily Excessive Prekumquatxop
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  • whats up you cem loving fuck
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This guy was watching The Phantom Menace and got his first boner when that fish ate that other fish.
Spacebat, July 04, 2017, 05:02:12 pm

"I cast Summon Bigger Fish."
Sherman Tank

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
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Autism is a spectrum, and this guy hits every single point on that spectrum simultaneously.
Lemon I Liked That Joke Eider Duck Down10 Liatai