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Topic: What squicks you? (Not much, apparently)  (Read 41385 times)


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #15
I've got a list of four things that will make me run screaming from the room, shiver or just degenerate into mindless babble from fear.

#1: Slugs. No, I don't care if they fulfill some vital ecological niche. They're fucking horrifying things and I would set them all on fire with my mind if I could.

#2: Eye injuries. Gah. Just the suggestion of anything touching my eye and I'll curl up into a ball.

#3: Sea anemones. They're just horrifying. They scare me. Even more than sea SLUGS, which are at least kinda pretty a lot of the time.

#4: Mind control fetish stuff. Just... really weirds me the fuck out! Mind control, hypnosis, drugs, whatever. It just unsettles me.

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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #16
I think Leucochloridium paradoxum was created just to make Purple upset:


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #17
Shit, you beat me to it.  I've got Leucochloridium monster girl porn somewhere and I'm actually surprised there's not more, it ticks off a lot of /d/ fetishes (mind control, parasites, body modification, monster girls).


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #18
You're both horrible people and you deserve what happens to you when the sea anemones invade and I'm the only one who's prepared.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #19
Bodily fluids can squick me pretty badly, but nothing is worse than body modification. I can have a normal conversation with someone with body piercings or other reasonably minor mods after forcibly squashing down my initial involuntary reaction, but I'd never be able to find someone with them attractive because of it. Even tattoos can freak me out a bit if they're on certain areas of the body.

My ultimate squick would be any fetish involving the manipulation of said piercings or body mods.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #20
I can't stand people abusing pets, especially dogs and cats and other furry little animals. It's probably because I grew up around animals and always give pets cute names and develop personalities for them, etc. It's not gross for me, it just brings out a sense of existential dispair and sadness.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #21
Oh, and watch me try to piss off Isfahan.montrith, March 06, 2013, 12:59:57 pm

Airsoft gun. That hole at the bottom of the clip is how you refill the gas these things use as a propellant.

Airsoft gun. That "MAC-10" has a loaded-chamber indicator (that tiny light-gray tab on the side of the gun just above the right hand) which doesn't exist on real models because the gun fires from the open bolt, meaning you wouldn't be able to see it if the gun was ready to fire anyway. I can't see the Beretta pistol in the left hand well enough to tell if it's real, but it's probably airsoft.

Either a pellet gun or a .22. Yawn.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #22
Either a pellet gun or a .22. Yawn.
Isfahan, March 06, 2013, 02:39:21 pm

It's a BB gun. I have the exame same model. The forestock (not sure if that's the right word?) is attached in the front by a lever and you pull the forestock down and push it back up to build up air pressure.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #23
Pellet gun, BB gun, close enough. I suppose I should have noticed that most tube-clip .22s would have the tube run the length of the barrel, because why not, unless it's a single-shot model.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #24
I should have known you'd go for the "what type of gun this is" when I was going for "check out these idiots trying to be cool with guns".

Fine, have it your way.


Ugly enough?

By the way, which one of these guys are you exactly? I'm guessing the one in the tank top.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #25
I should have known you'd go for the "what type of gun this is" when I was going for "check out these idiots trying to be cool with guns". montrith, March 06, 2013, 04:20:52 pm

No, we were out to do the same thing! Even if those guns were real, they'd still look like idiots, after all. I, however, can share an extra layer of amusement to help folks enjoy their ridicule that much more.

I mean, which is funnier: a guy trying to strike a badass pose with a sword or a guy trying to strike a badass pose with a fake sword he's hoping you'll think is real?

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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #26
I should have known you'd go for the "what type of gun this is" when I was going for "check out these idiots trying to be cool with guns". montrith, March 06, 2013, 04:20:52 pm
I mean, which is funnier: a guy trying to strike a badass pose with a sword or a guy trying to strike a badass pose with a fake sword he's hoping you'll think is real?
Isfahan, March 06, 2013, 04:40:03 pm

There's less chance of an idiot chopping their limbs off with the latter.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #27
I should have known you'd go for the "what type of gun this is" when I was going for "check out these idiots trying to be cool with guns". montrith, March 06, 2013, 04:20:52 pm
I mean, which is funnier: a guy trying to strike a badass pose with a sword or a guy trying to strike a badass pose with a fake sword he's hoping you'll think is real?
Isfahan, March 06, 2013, 04:40:03 pm

There's less chance of an idiot chopping their limbs off with the latter.
Lady Naga, March 06, 2013, 04:44:56 pm

But inadvertently chopping off your own limbs is hilarious!

Lady Naga

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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #28
I should have known you'd go for the "what type of gun this is" when I was going for "check out these idiots trying to be cool with guns". montrith, March 06, 2013, 04:20:52 pm
I mean, which is funnier: a guy trying to strike a badass pose with a sword or a guy trying to strike a badass pose with a fake sword he's hoping you'll think is real?
Isfahan, March 06, 2013, 04:40:03 pm

There's less chance of an idiot chopping their limbs off with the latter.
Lady Naga, March 06, 2013, 04:44:56 pm

But inadvertently chopping off your own limbs is hilarious!
TheCrawlingChaos, March 06, 2013, 04:59:25 pm
My point exactly.


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What squicks you? (Not much, apparently) #29
I'm almost unsquickable, but I have a very specific one... anything to do with stretched lobes. First, I find them unattractive (no offense to anyone who has them, just my personal taste, I'm not really into any sort of piercings). But then I was reading the other day about how they apparently smell terrible, and looking at pictures of people who stretched them too far and ended up tearing their ears apart, and I just... couldn't take it. I guess that while some people are super sensitive about eye/finger torture, I'm a wuss about earlobe torture.