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Topic: I want to cause physical harm to Wayne LaPierre.  (Read 49633 times)


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Because I keep looking at Isfahan's pictures of gun porn but then have to follow up on stories about the real world.

NRA Unveils School Shield

Here's the story so far: After a mass shooting of small children at a Conneticut elementary school was pretty much agreed upon to be The Worst Fucking Thing We Can Possibly Imagine, NRA CEO and Man With Unpleasant Face Wayne LaPierre immediately held some well attended press conferences insisting that people not lose perspective and try to take steps this same exact thing doesn't happen again tomorrow.

That doesn't go well, so LaPierre proposes his own solution: More guns! If the inside of elementary school looked like a Call of Duty game, then the end result is a World of Safety. LaPierre later goes on to propose that every school should have paid staff to patrol school grounds carrying automatic rifles. We're already treating schools like prisons, so hey - they might as well look the part. The NRA promises to create a rational plan that will please everyone.

This morning: The plan is released. What is the plan? Well, it's the exact same thing as mentioned above, except removing the word "paid", because that was troubling to the deficit hawks. So here's the new idea: Each and every school gets to start it's own militia! You recruit volunteers to come to your school at agreed upon times, bring your own arsenal with you, and you know, just hang out and make sure everything is safe. This means recruiting from a pool of people who have their own stockpiles of firearms and have nothing else to do during the weekdays but sit around and hope that violence occurs near them, and I have run out of my capacity for heavy-handed sarcasm. Just... fuck you, Wayne LaPierre.


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this is where i point out that almost immediately after sandyhook some school DID hire its own armed guards

and within a week, an armed guard left a loaded gun sitting by the sink in a student bathroom.

edit - the news story i linked to says it was unloaded, but when the story broke i remember people saying it was loaded. either way, leaving a gun floating around a school and then calling "no harm no foul" on it is kinda BS
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 12:44:37 pm by icarus »


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Lemon, if you're going to cause physical harm to LaPierre, I don't know what to suggest. Shooting him would be somewhat hypocritical and would probably create more problems than it'd solve. A knife would be more ironic (Just think of the headlines!). Personally, I think "Swift kick in the bollocks" is good. At least 100, in order to ensure he can't have any more offspring.

Sorry, this just hit a nerve somewhere in my brain that made me just shout "Fucking WHAT" out loud.


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Once Bush Jr. took office and it became very very difficult to latch onto a gun-grabbing boogeyman, the fat and complacent NRA pretty much became a parody of itself. I'm a gun enthusiast but I've never given them a dime, nor will I associate myself with them in any way.

For those of you who were around for the PoE days, MalfunctionBob, a gunsperg who makes me look like a Call of Duty kiddie, pretty much echoed my opinions regarding the NRA.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 12:49:36 pm by Isfahan »

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His dick probably hasn't worked in years, Chaz, thus the slobbering, crazy-eyed defense of GUNS GUNS GUNS ALWAYS GUNS AND MORE GUNS

The worst thing I can wish on him is that the shame and horror of what he's supported slam into his brain at full force when he's in the middle of trying to justify his gross ideology to a grieving parent.


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See people, this is why I keep telling you we need to invent a machine that can punch people through the Internet. Fuck the new iPhone, I want to inflict violence on unsuspecting idiots with a dangerous agenda.

Minor pet peeve, how hard it is to understand the difference between a fascist and a socialist? You'd think how often people mention Hitler and Nazis in online conversation most people would know the difference by now.


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i'm gonna go out on a limb here and suspect that it has to do with the fact that the nazi party was started under the guise of being a socialist political party. not that it actually WAS...

plus you know years of the cold war teaching the public SOCIALISTS ARE BADDDDD NEWSSSSS caused the lines to blur just a wee bit


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The NRA sometimes reminds me of PETA. On the forefront of a national debate is a well-funded lobbying group so morally destitute and embarassingly theatrical that two things happen:
  • The people who agree with the general principal the group is supposed to be lobbying for become skittish about their position.
  • The people who disagree with the general principal of the group becomes more militant as they're forced to assume the loudest position is actually the most common. Many, many, many years ago, being an NRA member was just being part of being a gun owner. If you own a .22 rifle, you join the NRA for help on the proper care of that rifle. If I thought that every current gun owner agreed with the NRA, hearing that somebody owned a gun would be like hearing "this would be a nice place if we could take care of the blacks"
The only real difference between the two organizations is that the NRA actually has the ability to affect policy, whereas PETA mostly uses its influence to convince terrible people do terrible photoshoots.



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Minor pet peeve, how hard it is to understand the difference between a fascist and a socialist? You'd think how often people mention Hitler and Nazis in online conversation most people would know the difference by now.
montrith, April 02, 2013, 01:04:54 pm
Interestingly, I did once meet a man who was both a Trotskyist and a John Bircher.  He was fucking insane in so many ways.


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Also, here in my beloved home state of Georgia this happened.

Georgia: Hey, at least it isn't Alabama!


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Oh, also Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Crazytown) came out with a truly beautiful argument against limiting high capacity clips that somehow manages to be homophobic in addition to making no sense and only being tangentially connected to the actual topic he was ostensibly discussing.  Here it is!  Seriously, he managed to work his opposition to gay marriage into an argument about gun control, and that is some kind of accomplishment.


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Anywhere not arizona: Hey, at least it isn't Arizona!
Runic, April 02, 2013, 03:06:45 pm

fixed that for ya

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Some good news on Connecticut, however;


Connecticut gun bill

    Background checks on all gun sales
    Extends assault weapons ban to include 100 new types of firearm
    clips of 10 rounds or more must be registered
    Creates the first state registry of dangerous weapon offenders
    Creates an "ammunition eligibility" certificate
    Gun restrictions for people previously admitted to mental health facilities
    State grants for school safety improvements

On the other hand that one also linked me to a related article titled "Will Gun Laws Hurt the Mentally Ill", arguing that not letting people with a history of severe mental illness own guns "has set back stigma a trillion years"

Please tell me I'm not the only person absolutely fuming over this 'argument'. What part of not letting people with a worrisome psychiatric history own guns tantamount to stigmatization? I think it's the best fucking idea ever. Even if only a tiny fraction of the mentally ill are perpetrators of violent crimes, it still makes it harder for people who are unhinged to have access to easy-kill weapons.

The worst part is that the second article tries to argue that restrictions on mentally ill people owning guns... will make mentally ill people not want to seek treatment at all. Un-fucking-fathomable. Are there really people out there with depression and bipolar and anxiety who are going to prioritize someday possibly owning a gun above, you know, alleviating one's own suffering caused by their condition? Unlike healthcare coverage and the right not to be discriminated against when applying for work, guns aren't something everyone is entitled to.
« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 06:39:12 pm by Al »


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Some good news on Connecticut, however; Al, April 02, 2013, 06:31:17 pm

I'd say mixed news at best. Banning guns? Registering clips? Ammunition eligibility certificate? None of that is going to prevent shit.

Criminals buy their guns illegally. The Newtown shooter stole the gun he used from his mother. I suppose they could try to pass some hilarious secure-your-gun legislation which would be completely unenforceable, but the problem here is that people are still thinking that this shit could be avoided if we only figure out what law will prevent it.

I mean, it's already pretty illegal to murder somebody, and not just with a gun, and yet it keeps happening.


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There are certainly issues with mental health here.
Some good news on Connecticut, however; Al, April 02, 2013, 06:31:17 pm

I'd say mixed news at best. Banning guns? Registering clips? Ammunition eligibility certificate? None of that is going to prevent shit.

Criminals buy their guns illegally. The Newtown shooter stole the gun he used from his mother. I suppose they could try to pass some hilarious secure-your-gun legislation which would be completely unenforceable, but the problem here is that people are still thinking that this shit could be avoided if we only figure out what law will prevent it.

I mean, it's already pretty illegal to murder somebody, and not just with a gun, and yet it keeps happening.
Isfahan, April 02, 2013, 06:45:27 pm

As a side note 30 rounds is standard capacity, not high capacity.
I really believe that the issue is not entirely the availability of weapons, its more who ends up with them. Certainly there need to be restrictions on people who are clearly insane who own, or want to own guns. Banning things like pistol grips is going to get you nowhere, unless you count your approval ratings.

The NRA is insane, and Dianne Feinstein is insane. 99% of gun owners however are not running down the street screaming 'ITS HAPPENING' or plotting some kind of coup. A lot of people really just like shooting at targets. The whole has got a lot more to do with politicking now than it has to do with caring about how safe anyone is. For example my campus had 5 armed robberies in one week, and a sexual assault/kidnapping a month before. Now they dropped the ban on pepper spray, and are considering dropping the restriction on CCW.