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Topic: Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen  (Read 23640 times)

Adam Bozarth

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Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen #15
Throughout this episode, all I could think was how lazy these people are in their pursuit of becoming like Batman. Instead of working out, learning a martial art, studying criminal science, learning to fly helicopters, or anything at all, they do silly little prayers they hacked together from Wikipedia.

I'd like to say that this is a product of the internet, but I think it's the general problem with human spiritualism. As much as we love and desire to emulate our gods (so to speak), most people are just content to memorize stories and recite silly mantras that do you the same good as some silent contemplation.

This is basically cargo cult spiritualism, taking the ritual away from it's context and expecting it to yield the same results. If these dopes had used the same time they used up writing this dreck just doing something like push-ups, they'd be much closer to being physically similar to Batman than 'manifesting' a fake city out their east window.
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Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen #16
Whatever happened those Russians who worshiped a character from Rescue Rangers?


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Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen #17
To provide some clarification for something non-comic-related: Tumblr users tend to use browser extensions to block posts with certain tags or content, which is why that "gif warning" tag was used despite it ending up at the bottom of the post. That tag was likely an attempt at giving people with epilepsy a way to avoid seeing something that could cause a seizure.

Which is to say that the tag was almost certainly completely unnecessary, because while it's true that some gifs can actually do that, one of a cartoon horse moving slightly sure won't.


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Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen #18
I like to imagine it's for people still on 14k modems who want to browse Tumblr on their Windows 3.11 For Workstations computer.


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Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen #19
To provide some clarification for something non-comic-related: Tumblr users tend to use browser extensions to block posts with certain tags or content, which is why that "gif warning" tag was used despite it ending up at the bottom of the post. That tag was likely an attempt at giving people with epilepsy a way to avoid seeing something that could cause a seizure.

Which is to say that the tag was almost certainly completely unnecessary, because while it's true that some gifs can actually do that, one of a cartoon horse moving slightly sure won't.
BTA, January 11, 2014, 11:43:43 am

There was a huge blow-up on tumblr over that tag a while back. Actual epileptics were saying that the tag was unnecessary, since anyone who can have a seizure from moving or flashing images will generally disable all image movement browser-wide to be safe. Naturally, the people using the tag fought valiantly against the people they were claiming to help, throwing a complete hissy fit over the idea that what they were doing wasn't useful.


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Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen #20
It ain't about helping epileptics at all. It's Tumblr, so it's all about "me." Specifically, in this case, "But how will people know how conscientious and thoughtful I am if I don't use this tag?"
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Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen #21
If you had a sensitivity to animated GIFs, why would you be on the one site where animated GIFs are used like horizontal rules? Thats like BuzzFeed marking a specific news article as "vacuous".
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 06:35:19 pm by Lemon »


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Episode 122: The Gospel of Saint Jimmy Olsen #22
Moving things trigger me, that's why I have to sit inside all day and only look at my fanfics.