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Topic: The Grossest Episode?  (Read 26259 times)


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The Grossest Episode? #45
I am so honored that you are all grossed out at the plushophiles episode. But for me, that's one of the 'gross' episodes I'm just not grossed out by, because by the end of it I was completely desensitised (there are even more awful things in that episode's doc they didn't read).

For me, the adult babies one is just unbelievably gross. I made the mistake of listening to it in public and nearly threw up waiting to have a haircut. The times when I've gone through and listened to all of the episodes again, I've always marked that one as played so I don't have to listen to it again. The bugs one is also pretty damn weird.


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The Grossest Episode? #46
Adult Babies was severely creepy but the dickbugs episode actually made me start dry heaving. Insects crawling on me has always sent a chill down my spine and imagining that people want that sensation on their fucking genitals made the ol' gorge rise. Also I don't know why but any time clown fetishism is brought up it makes me feel deeply unpleasant. There is probably something not right in your soul if ancient vaudeville routines give you a boner.


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The Grossest Episode? #47
I think the only episode that actually made me nauseated was the foot fetish one with food in shoes and whatnot, though the sheer amount of mayonnaise and ranch dressing in the food eps runs a close second.

The ones that really disturbed me, on the other hand, besides the plushophiles and the adult babies were the Juggalos (doughy white trash blegh) and, strangely enough, the bit where whoever was writing the post kept going on about his 'sexual area.'  That's a serial killer right there.


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The Grossest Episode? #48
I am surprised that so many people have an issue with Pioneers of Squatcracking. Yeah what they do is unhygienic but at least they don't take that extra step of fetishizing the filth. They're just regular people with the lowest possible standards.
At the same time they're so nonchalant about the horrible conditions they're in that even if you sympathize with their problems they don't seem to have any bad feelings to empathize with.
"I mean, this stuff looked pretty gnarly, but we dropped the tabs in, and about 30 minutes later when the tadpoles were floating we had some life saving water."

The male pregnancy episode is the one that grosses me out most. Also IDKYBILY.


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The Grossest Episode? #49
It would happen to be the "imaging your fave" episode, because why would you do that? Why would you put your most favorite character in such bad scenarios?

chai tea latte

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The Grossest Episode? #50
It would happen to be the "imaging your fave" episode, because why would you do that? Why would you put your most favorite character in such bad scenarios?
dractivisionary, May 24, 2016, 09:34:23 pm
So you can jerk off to it duh
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Gyro


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The Grossest Episode? #51
After Dozerfleet 2:  The Dozerfleetening I'm starting to think of who the grossest subject is. 


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The Grossest Episode? #52
After Dozerfleet 2:  The Dozerfleetening I'm starting to think of who the grossest subject is.
znarf, May 26, 2016, 01:09:51 am

I realize Dozerfleet is more topical, but let's not even pretend that the grossest FPlus subject isn't Roosh V.
RoeCocoa Runic


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The Grossest Episode? #53
You have a point.  He is pretty gross.  In hindsight Einstein is a strong runner up though.
Amelia Blank


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The Grossest Episode? #54
After Dozerfleet 2:  The Dozerfleetening I'm starting to think of who the grossest subject is.
znarf, May 26, 2016, 01:09:51 am

I realize Dozerfleet is more topical, but let's not even pretend that the grossest FPlus subject isn't Roosh V.
Gyro, May 26, 2016, 08:23:55 am

Mike bike gives him a run for his money, though

Sherman Tank

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The Grossest Episode? #55
As much as I enjoy listening to the Dickbugs episode, I would've shot myself if I'd been one of the poor bastards who actually read the shit in that episode.

Dr. Buttplug

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The Grossest Episode? #56
Guess who had forgotten about Dollfucking and wishes you hadn't brought it up? Guest!
fruithag, May 22, 2016, 11:41:30 pm


I'm quite jaded but the only episode to really disgust me was the clown fetish episode (113 "Boink The Clown") I don't have a fear of clowns but for some reason the idea of someone wanting to fuck one or turn into one against their will made me truly sick.

In a related anecdote an actress I worked with for my video production company did some porn on the side, and only after she moved away we found out she had done some clown porn. I rather liked the woman, she was an excellent conversationalist, a talented actress and quite attractive, but after watching that I can't unsee that awful green wig and white grease paint.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2016, 10:23:22 pm by Jackal Flapnasty »