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September 20, 2024, 08:50:45 pm

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Topic: CTRL+V and post it  (Read 599990 times)

Vinny Possum

  • Garfield's cosmic love katana.
  • Paid
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  • -16
CTRL+V and post it #540

A Meat

  • Artificial Man Pop Seasoning
  • Paid
  • filled with delicious dude meat
  • 4,705
  • 132

Vinny Possum

  • Garfield's cosmic love katana.
  • Paid
  • 1,240
  • -16
CTRL+V and post it #542
命を守る行動をとってください #台風18号

Sherman Tank

  • Licensed Kadir-Buxton Method Practitioner
  • Associate Tag Director, East
  • I'm over 30 years old and I like fried chicken.
  • 2,659
  • 17

moooo566 (taylor's version)

  • Paid
  • 2,551
  • 92
CTRL+V and post it #544

A perfect collision of two awful things. A man who makes bad music writes about a bad person's love of said bad music.

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,839
  • -420
CTRL+V and post it #545
two years ago I moved to Astoria to surf the big wave that's gonna fuck the coastline up when nibiru passes and to my dismay and horror I find out that the band that inspired me to sew patches all over my clothes with dental floss doesn't play shows in Portland anymore, I have respect for Ward and Kelly, you need a new LP Cut by PROFANE EXISTENCE and a reunion show I heard a rumor these guys went on to form DEFIANCE another Portland Classic band I love you guys fuck off for throwin in the towel and there is a lot of Heroin here but that's everywhere stick with beer and meth.

(a youtube comment on a Resist album)
Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Gyro

Vinny Possum

  • Garfield's cosmic love katana.
  • Paid
  • 1,240
  • -16
CTRL+V and post it #546
Hi there Guys, Some people have been saying that I'm dead, but it's not true. I just didn't feel like drawing for a while because of things in my Life. I don't know if I will draw for fun anymore because I don't have a lot of Time for it anymore and I just donnt have so much inspiration. I am watching Steven Universe and I like the Gems but, For some reason I just don't want to draw it. But, I think I will still do comissions, It  seems fun to me to draw different stuff from people and it would help me out in life.

Guts Going Nutz

  • Paid
    • 281
    • -4
CTRL+V and post it #547
After looking through your youtube feed, I can safely say that you are very much included in that special clade of people I mentioned. Don't worry though. With the recent rightward shift, you'll go the way of the cambrian creatures that just popped the hell out of nowhere or else you'll adapt and come to realize the massive holes in your worldview, because let me tell you, there is no world where you chuds get to play king anymore, as the collapse of the Soviet Union should have dictated to you scabs.


  • Every corpse on Mount Everest
  • Paid
  • was once an extremely motivated person.
  • 3,730
  • 141
CTRL+V and post it #548
My GREATEST WISH has always been to have an elephant. I won a new clowny friend for my birthday, which is FANTASTIC... but I can't help being a TINY bit disappointed. I really would have loved to win the elephant. My new clowny friend notices my disappointment, and excitedly lets me know that since its my birthday, she can grant me ONE WISH using circus magic. I about burst with excitement, and ask if she can pretty pleeease turn herself into an elephant.ITS MAGIC! First big, floppy ears burst from the clown's head!! Her trunk starts to TRUMPET, then turn long and grey, with beautiful white tusks! I squeal and jump in excitement, ready to hop on the elephant's back for a ride! Wheeee!

Vinny Possum

  • Garfield's cosmic love katana.
  • Paid
  • 1,240
  • -16

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
  • Paid
  • 12 cellphones and I look like kurt angle
  • 3,922
  • 240
CTRL+V and post it #550
“There are things he’s said on the bench,” the baseball fan told the audience, “where if I had a baseball bat, I might have used it.”

Sotomayor's really angling for a spot on Run The Jewels 3


  • Paid
    • 872
    • 54
CTRL+V and post it #551
chai tea latte A Meat Vinny Possum Yavuz Gyro Cirr Corn Syrup cube abuser

chai tea latte

  • TheftBot is, simply put, a fully sentient robot for stealing automatic teller machines
  • Paid
  • (ATMs) from nearby convenience stores.
  • 5,839
  • -420
CTRL+V and post it #552
👏Don't 👏claim 👏to 👏be 👏a 👏Nintendo 👏fan 👏unless 👏you 👏can 👏shove 👏an 👏entire 👏Nintendo 👏👏GameCube 👏up 👏your 👏ass👏
lazzer grardaion? Bodark Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop Yavuz Dr. Buttplug BARK RANGER Gyro Sherman Tank Fanzay Goose Goose Honk At Me Now


  • Joan Ocean's #1 Fansquatch
  • Paid
  • I'm real and I tried to suck your dick.
  • 852
  • 55

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

  • Trill Lesh
  • Paid
  • 12 cellphones and I look like kurt angle
  • 3,922
  • 240
CTRL+V and post it #554