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Topic: Completely pointless Thought Of The Day thread  (Read 2017627 times)


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messed up that only your hair starts turning white/gray as you age, it should happen to the rest of your body as well, that way the transformation into being a ghost is easier
A Meat, December 25, 2021, 12:19:31 am

I'm already pale enough, I don't need to be more white. I also already got some grey hairs at 22, I don't need any help.

A Meat

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A slumber party and a snoozefest are the same thing yet very different

Semantic Weeb

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Breaking my to do list into the smallest possible tasks so I can microdose dopamine
thelizzerd Antivehicular Salubrious Rex A Meat Frank West


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Is there good steampunk or is it all pretty cringey?

chai tea latte

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Is there good steampunk or is it all pretty cringey?
organburner, January 06, 2022, 05:09:17 am
the latter. Neo-victorianism is a regressive ass philosophy, from which good media can not grow.
Dr. Buttplug organburner

Dr. Buttplug

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Is there good steampunk or is it all pretty cringey?
organburner, January 06, 2022, 05:09:17 am
the latter. Neo-victorianism is a regressive ass philosophy, from which good media can not grow.
chai tea latte, January 06, 2022, 08:33:40 am
I hear "The Difference Engine" was a pretty good book, but everything it has since spawned is steamy hot farts.


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Is there good steampunk or is it all pretty cringey?
organburner, January 06, 2022, 05:09:17 am
the latter. Neo-victorianism is a regressive ass philosophy, from which good media can not grow.
chai tea latte, January 06, 2022, 08:33:40 am
I hear "The Difference Engine" was a pretty good book, but everything it has since spawned is steamy hot farts.
Dr. Buttplug, January 06, 2022, 09:55:56 am

I forgot about that book, I read it ages ago and can not remember anything about it.
Would Jules Verne qualify as steam punk I wonder?

A Meat

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You'd think a womanizer is someone who turns people into women, but the English language has failed us
Dr. Buttplug Sauce chai tea latte Salubrious Rex RoeCocoa


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english accent tier list

1) australian
2) italian-american
3) scottish if i can understand it

all the rest

last) received pronunciation
even below last) however they speak in Apple commercials
Salubrious Rex

Victor Laszlo

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I'm a firm believer that language evolves but I cannot countenance the transition of the spelling of "whoa" to "woah".  Using the latter form makes my brain discount any other thought you've expressed.
chai tea latte xX_sp00ks_Xx


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Is there good steampunk or is it all pretty cringey?
organburner, January 06, 2022, 05:09:17 am


That you need to go that far off normal steampunk to get something cool says a lot about how bad steampunk is.

Shell Game

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I'm a firm believer that language evolves but I cannot countenance the transition of the spelling of "whoa" to "woah".  Using the latter form makes my brain discount any other thought you've expressed.
Victor Laszlo, January 07, 2022, 10:57:36 am
chai tea latte Salubrious Rex


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I'm a firm believer that language evolves but I cannot countenance the transition of the spelling of "whoa" to "woah".  Using the latter form makes my brain discount any other thought you've expressed.
Victor Laszlo, January 07, 2022, 10:57:36 am

I've seen cowards go with whoah. Just showing the world you know the correct choice but you're cowed by an incorrect society.

Shell Game

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I'm a firm believer that language evolves but I cannot countenance the transition of the spelling of "whoa" to "woah".  Using the latter form makes my brain discount any other thought you've expressed.
Victor Laszlo, January 07, 2022, 10:57:36 am

I've seen cowards go with whoah. Just showing the world you know the correct choice but you're cowed by an incorrect society.
Sauce, January 07, 2022, 02:47:22 pm


  • Common-gender prole
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I'm a firm believer that language evolves but I cannot countenance the transition of the spelling of "whoa" to "woah".  Using the latter form makes my brain discount any other thought you've expressed.
Victor Laszlo, January 07, 2022, 10:57:36 am

I've seen cowards go with whoah. Just showing the world you know the correct choice but you're cowed by an incorrect society.
Sauce, January 07, 2022, 02:47:22 pm
Shell Game, January 07, 2022, 02:48:25 pm

moooo566 (taylor's version) Salubrious Rex chai tea latte