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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 238203 times)

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #90

Last night, I watched Room In Rome. I just finished re-watching it, and I think I finally have an opinion on it.

Room In Rome is a movie that bills itself, in both its official synopsis and trailer, about two women meeting up at a bar and having passionate sex and then never seeing each other again. This is a lie, but that's okay, because it is, centrally, a movie about lying. (nb: there is a lot of sex in the movie but it's shot and scored in such a way as to make it almost pedestrian; the characters use sex as a way of escaping from the far more interesting and emotionally vulnerable conversations they keep having. The use of nudity throughout the film might seem purely titillating to some but I think it has some very important things to do with the theme of vulnerability the rest of the story explores.)

Early on, the woman who introduces herself as Natasha says "What, you mean you told me your real name?" and laughs. This, I think, is where the movie actually begins. It is revealed over a large laminated map of caesar's rome that Alba's hotel room (the setting for the entire movie) is over where a roman theatre used to be. The question of acting comes up again throughout Natasha's development of the plot, and Medem (the director) does a ton of stuff with maps as an overarching theme (including a puzzling Bing-branded google earth lookalike that ends up being fairly important to the plot of the second half of the movie). He's not terribly subtle about this, either; Alba compliments the "cartography of [Natasha's] skin" in an early scene that I thought was confusing until I rewatched it.

It's beautifully shot, and somehow a single hotel room manages to not be a confining environment. There's a lot of stuff about renaissance art as prompts for the (real or invented) stories the two women tell each other, and there's some really massive use of reflections to underscore the basic theme of the story (in a really pivotal scene, we only see the two women's faces in the bathroom mirror, while they talk to each other's reflection), as well as the more subtle reflection of stories through the art lining the room's walls. Both women lie about whether or not they're actresses pretty early on, which helps the viewer to make these connections. I've seen arthouse movies where the only way to actually 'get' the movie is to go and read the director's commentary after watching it, Room In Rome is kind and patient watchers should get most of it the first time through (and even more the second).

Room In Rome is a weird movie, but nevertheless I think a pretty good one, a lot deeper than a number of criticisms I read online seem to get. This is, I think, because it bills itself as something it isn't, but that's not a weakness, that's a strength. It's a fucked up movie with fucked up characters and the acting is incredible and the score (except for the oddly-recurring-forever theme song "Loving Strangers") does a really good job.

I think it's a very good movie that rewards critical monster cockysis, with a few weak spots (sometimes Medem forgets about subtlety, the fucking chorus of the theme song plays probably six or seven times (and while this is a setup for the end of the movie where we hear one of the verses I think it's too much work for not enough payoff), and sometimes the symbolism is a little heavy-handed) that get balanced out by the absolutely fucking incredible work by both leads (but especially the woman who plays Alba). Also there are attractive people without clothes on and they occasionally have sex with each other so I guess that's a plus as well.

If this sounds at all interesting to you, it's on Netflix.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #91
I watched The Theater Bizarre because Netflix has a lot of anthology horror movies on it for some reason.  It's got six segments and one framing segment, so I'll talk about them each separately.

The framing segment is pretty much an excuse for creepy stage puppets.  It makes no real sense, and not in a good way, but it's pretty short and limited to just a girl looking kinda weepy and a puppet guy spouting off philosophical sounding bullshit about the last segment.

The Mother of Toads is the first segment and it is by the books horror.  Just about everything is telegraphed.  I found myself doubting where it would go, because no, it can't be that obvious, but every time it was exactly what you expected.  Also it's way longer than it needs to be and that's kind of a running theme with these.

I Love You is the second segment and it is the most European horror short I've ever seen.  No spoilers, but for about ten to fifteen minutes it's a couple who talks about their sex lives, has sex, then talks about their sex lives again.  It's not terrible but it's a good ten minutes longer than it needed to be.

Wet Dreams is smarter than The Mother of Toads but it's also meta up it's own fucking ass and is mostly just uncomfortable mutilation stuff.  Not really worth it and it doesn't make a ton of sense in the end because of dream logic.

The Accident is just not horror.  It's got an uncomfortable scene where a guy kills a suffering deer after a motorcycle accident, but it's not horror.  It's not bad, but it seriously is just a mother and a daughter having a serious talk about death.  It was kinda boring, too, and doesn't match the tone of any of the rest.

Vision Stains is the fifth and maybe I was starved for energy after The Accident but it's far and away the best.  It's got an interesting premise, enough that I don't really want to spoil it.  It's honestly more speculative fiction than horror, but unlike The Accident, not being horror doesn't really take away from it, because it's still uncomfortable and tense.  Literally just skip the others and watch this if you want to.

Sweets is someone's feeder fetish porn through a Katy Perry filter that ends with a visual reference to The Last Supper and a wink at the camera.  (It sucked.)

Framing segment sucked, segments one through four sucked, segment five was pretty neat, segment six sucked.

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #92
I just (at the suggestion of someone else I know) watched The Craft. It is a vile and disgusting film which, it seems to me, exists only to bring misery and emotional trauma upon its watchers. 0/10, burn all copies.

also i think less of my friend for suggesting it. what a terrible experience.

e: it was billed to me as 'teenagers have magic powers and deal with high school problems' and not the perhaps more appropriate 'insane high schoolers misuse their magic powers and also there's lots of attempted suicide'
« Last Edit: November 05, 2013, 01:15:26 am by kal-elk »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #93
It sounds like a realistic depiction of what teenagers would do with magic powers, then.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #94
I just (at the suggestion of someone else I know) watched The Craft. It is a vile and disgusting film which, it seems to me, exists only to bring misery and emotional trauma upon its watchers. 0/10, burn all copies.
kal-elk, November 05, 2013, 12:55:34 am

I guess I'm curious what you were actually expecting out The Craft. It was, quite obviously, an attempt to sell movie tickets on the mid-90's attraction to goth girls. "Let's make The Lost Boys but with goth chicks in catholic school outfits!" To that end, I'd say they were successful. Fairuza Balk looked terrific in that movie. I couldn't tell you what happened in the plot. I remember  them doing that "stiff as a board light as a feather" thing, and Neve Campbell tried to slit her wrists the wrong way. I also remember renting Little Witches soon after, which is basically the same movie except it has nudity.

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #95
I just (at the suggestion of someone else I know) watched The Craft. It is a vile and disgusting film which, it seems to me, exists only to bring misery and emotional trauma upon its watchers. 0/10, burn all copies.
kal-elk, November 05, 2013, 12:55:34 am

I guess I'm curious what you were actually expecting out The Craft. It was, quite obviously, an attempt to sell movie tickets on the mid-90's attraction to goth girls. "Let's make The Lost Boys but with goth chicks in catholic school outfits!" To that end, I'd say they were successful. Fairuza Balk looked terrific in that movie. I couldn't tell you what happened in the plot. I remember  them doing that "stiff as a board light as a feather" thing, and Neve Campbell tried to slit her wrists the wrong way. I also remember renting Little Witches soon after, which is basically the same movie except it has nudity.
Lemon, November 05, 2013, 10:32:10 am

I grew up outside of the West and didn't really get to familiarize myself with western media, so I honestly had no idea what it was about. I mean, I didn't expect a comedy or anything, but it was darker than I was prepared for.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #96
"Let's make The Lost Boys but with goth chicks in catholic school outfits!"
Lemon, November 05, 2013, 10:32:10 am
Given how many times I watched that movie as a teenager, I suddenly understand why my mom wasn't terribly surprised when I came out as a lesbian.

Also, has anyone ever done Light As A Feather Stiff As A Board at a slumber party, or is it just one of those urban legends that you hear about a friend's cousin's best friend's girlfriend doing?

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #97
"Let's make The Lost Boys but with goth chicks in catholic school outfits!"
Lemon, November 05, 2013, 10:32:10 am
Given how many times I watched that movie as a teenager, I suddenly understand why my mom wasn't terribly surprised when I came out as a lesbian.

Also, has anyone ever done Light As A Feather Stiff As A Board at a slumber party, or is it just one of those urban legends that you hear about a friend's cousin's best friend's girlfriend doing?
Cuddleturkey, November 05, 2013, 12:42:39 pm
I did it in my middle school's Fun With Science club, and once at a youth leadership conference, but never at a slumber party.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #98
I did it in my middle school's Fun With Science club, and once at a youth leadership conference, but never at a slumber party.
kal-elk, November 05, 2013, 01:31:40 pm
1.) Did it work? and
2.) Is it like the thing with a bed of nails where having a bunch of small points to distribute someone's weight on makes it easier?

chai tea latte

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Movies We've Seen Recently #99
I did it in my middle school's Fun With Science club, and once at a youth leadership conference, but never at a slumber party.
kal-elk, November 05, 2013, 01:31:40 pm
1.) Did it work? and
2.) Is it like the thing with a bed of nails where having a bunch of small points to distribute someone's weight on makes it easier?
Cuddleturkey, November 05, 2013, 01:37:11 pm
Yes on both counts! We needed four or five people at least, but it's surprising how easy it is. (nb: you need to lift at some pretty specific points, and if you don't the whole thing just doesn't work.) it's important that the person being lifted stays very still and stiff, and that all the lifters work in unison. Besides that, though, it's not really all that tough.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #100
Yes on both counts! We needed four or five people at least, but it's surprising how easy it is. (nb: you need to lift at some pretty specific points, and if you don't the whole thing just doesn't work.) it's important that the person being lifted stays very still and stiff, and that all the lifters work in unison. Besides that, though, it's not really all that tough.
kal-elk, November 05, 2013, 01:43:34 pm
This is so cool. Thank you, I've been wondering whether it was something that existed outside of the movies for YEARS!

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Movies We've Seen Recently #101
Juice Unlimited and I just watched Foodfight.



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Movies We've Seen Recently #102
Juice Unlimited and I just watched Foodfight.

FUCK THIS MOVIECuddleturkey, November 05, 2013, 08:36:17 pm

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Movies We've Seen Recently #103
Let me clarify this a little.

Foodfight is a gross, joyless CGI movie full of Nazi/Holocaust imagery directed at... wait for it... the mascots of major brands. They're called "icons" but everyone calls them "ikes" for short. It is also, somehow, meant to be a parody of Casablanca. There is a side character called something like Cheesy Weasel who's voiced by the director and meant to be a rip-off of Peter Lorre's character. He's a weasel who sort of looks like a greasy-ass rotisserie turkey but also like he could be the mascot for some dollar-store chain from the mid-90s.

Thus "dollar store turkey grease weasel".

It has Charlie Sheen phoning in his performance with the kind of apathy that drives me to wear pajamas for ten days and eat only canned frosting. It has animation that makes that old show ReBoot look sophisticated. It has a damsel in distress who looks like a quarter-assed Naruto cosplayer. Did I mention the Nazi imagery and phrases like "kill all the ikes"???

You might think, after reading this, that it sounds like a fun way to waste an hour and a half. No. You cannot be drunk enough for it. This movie will wreck your mood, shit on your accomplishments, and give your grandma the finger.

VVVV this guy is voiced by Christopher Lloyd
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 05:01:09 pm by Cuddleturkey »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #104