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Topic: Movies We've Seen Recently  (Read 238203 times)


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Movies We've Seen Recently #375
I saw The Purge: Election Year. It's dumb and not particularly subtle, and the villains are Saturday Morning cartoons, but that movie is bonkers enough to be my jam.
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lazzer grardaion?

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Movies We've Seen Recently #376
I got to see 'Lights Out', the feature film based on the internet short of the same name. It is a horror movie built around the premise of a ghost/monster that only appears in darkness.

Here is how 'Lights Out' works as a horror movie:

-Show a spooky thing
-Continue showing a spooky thing
-Have a character stare at the spooky thing while making a 'buh?' face
-Continue showing a spooky thing
-Have the spooky thing jump at the character while a loud noise plays.

Here is how you watch 'Lights Out' if you are a 20-something midwestern college girl.

-When a character is introduced, enters a scene, leaves a scene, opens a door, turns around, or looks at something, say 'Oh, he gonna die!'
-Whenever the lights flicker, go dim, or go out completely, which happens pretty frequently considering the premise of the film, say 'OH SNAP!'
-Whenever the aforementioned spooky thing jumps, make sure to scream in a high-pitched staccato directly into the ear of the person sitting in the row in front of you.

And here are my feelings on the movie that are independent from the circumstances in which I watched it:

'Lights Out' is a movie that's pretty clearly about abusive relationships. The mother character is haunted by the ghost of a spooky evil girl she knew when she was institutionalized for her depression, who has convinced her that it's her friend. The ghost then proceeds to prey on her when she's at her most vulnerable, isolate her by killing her husband and making her think he abandoned her, prevent her from taking her medication, and drive away her children who want to see her get better. The two children of the movie have taken opposite paths with respect to their mother. The older daughter has decided that she can't stand living with the mother she thinks is crazy, and decides to leave, while the younger son feels that it's his responsibility to stay and support her. The decision of whether to stay or leave when faced with an abusive parental relationship is an interesting conflict to explore, and has a lot of potential as a theme for a horror movie. Let's see where they go with this!

So, the climax of the film comes around,  and the mother comes to the realization that the ghost is not her friend, gains its strength by abusing her, and is a danger to her and her children. She proceeds to protect her children, and stop the ghost, by blowing her own brains out with a handgun, and that's the end of the movie. Like, seriously? You couldn't have come up with a more thematically consistent ending than that? If you're in an abusive relationship and it's hurting your children, you should just kill yourself?

Fuck you movie, I'm gonna go watch The Babadook a million more times and never sleep again.

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Movies We've Seen Recently #377
Last night I saw Queen of Katwe with my dad. It's based on the life of Ugandan chess champion Phiona Mutesi, and god damn did I love it.

Not least because the music in it is amazing:

A Meat

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Movies We've Seen Recently #378
I watched Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School, a movie I loved as a young child.

Honestly, I still enjoyed it, it's goofy enough and if you enjoy bad puns and bad sound effects you're in for a treat. Don't take it seriously and you'll be just fine

On the other hand because I hate myself, I also found out that there's a bunch of rule 34 shit for the movie, because of course people want to fuck underaged monster girls, why did I even doubt it

Agent (gobble, gobble) Coop

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Movies We've Seen Recently #379
I watched Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School, a movie I loved as a young child.

Honestly, I still enjoyed it, it's goofy enough and if you enjoy bad puns and bad sound effects you're in for a treat. Don't take it seriously and you'll be just fine

On the other hand because I hate myself, I also found out that there's a bunch of rule 34 shit for the movie, because of course people want to fuck underaged monster girls, why did I even doubt it
A Meat, October 16, 2016, 07:35:38 pm
ruh roh

A Meat

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Movies We've Seen Recently #380
I watched Scooby Doo and the Ghoul School, a movie I loved as a young child.

Honestly, I still enjoyed it, it's goofy enough and if you enjoy bad puns and bad sound effects you're in for a treat. Don't take it seriously and you'll be just fine

On the other hand because I hate myself, I also found out that there's a bunch of rule 34 shit for the movie, because of course people want to fuck underaged monster girls, why did I even doubt it
A Meat, October 16, 2016, 07:35:38 pm
ruh roh
The Coop That Came To Sarnath, October 16, 2016, 07:41:21 pm
i also found out that people have drawn porn of Scooby-dum, Scooby-doo's hick cousin.

I just have an urge to ruin beautiful things I guess, although I'm gonna blame people on discord for leading me astray and tempting me to look for scooby doo porn when I was just innocently browsing the scooby doo fanon wiki

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Movies We've Seen Recently #381
I finally got to see 10 Cloverfield Lane, a movie in which Ramona Flowers gets kidnapped by Walter Sobchak to live in his underground survivalist bunker, because it looks like it's the end of the fucking world. Most of the movie takes place in a space of four rooms, it has a cast of essentially three people, and everything that happens in the script is tautly laid out, and foreshadowed in a way that is obvious in retrospect, but not obvious at the reveal. John Goodman's natural charisma is played in such a way that makes him super super super creepy, and honestly I think it's the most tense movie I've ever watched. The use of sound is masterful, and the thing the sound design most reminds me of is The Babadook, which I also love.

All in all, a successor that wildly exceeds the original Cloverfield, while retaining the core idea of 'common disaster film scenario viewed from an unusual viewpoint'. Super good.
Nikaer Drekin

Eider Duck

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Movies We've Seen Recently #382
Saw Dr Strange today. It's worth seeing just for the crazy beautiful visuals and fight scenes. And for the first time while watching a Marvel film, I actually liked the musical score!


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Movies We've Seen Recently #383
Saw Dr Strange today. It's worth seeing just for the crazy beautiful visuals and fight scenes. And for the first time while watching a Marvel film, I actually liked the musical score!
Eider Duck, October 28, 2016, 12:32:37 pm
At first I was kind of annoyed they kept him as American, because Doctor Strange always struck me as a very 'British' hero. He just feels like he fits, better than anywhere else, in London.

But then I got to the climax and it's one British accent from just being a Doctor Who finale, so maybe that's for the best.
Eider Duck
« Last Edit: November 18, 2016, 09:27:00 pm by Cleretic »


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Movies We've Seen Recently #384
I saw Hacksaw Ridge and it was really good. Like amazingly good.

Vince Vaughn is in it, playing a drill sergeant and he was fantastic. I give it an A+

Eider Duck

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Movies We've Seen Recently #385
Saw Dr Strange today. It's worth seeing just for the crazy beautiful visuals and fight scenes. And for the first time while watching a Marvel film, I actually liked the musical score!
Eider Duck, October 28, 2016, 12:32:37 pm
At first I was kind of annoyed they kept him as American, because Doctor Strange always struck me as a very 'British' hero. He just feels like he fits, better than anywhere else, in London.

But then I got to the climax and it's one British accent from just being a Doctor Who finale, so maybe that's for the best.
Cleretic, November 18, 2016, 09:25:22 pm

I never thought of Dr Strange being particularly "British." He seemed more like a Frasier Crane type. Though now I'm picturing Dr Strange trying to deal with a monster while fighting off hoards of pigeons in Trafalger square!

I'd never thought of the end being like Doctor Who but it does fit. It's a climax involving wits rather than punching.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #386
Arrival (2016)
One of the smartest movies I've ever seen! It addresses the science, the politics, and the human and personal elements of first contact like nothing before it, and does so in a way that is reminiscent of the underlying themes in Carl Sagan's "Contact" - except it handles it with much more delicacy and respect to the intricate nature of such an event. Where "Contact" becomes preachy and idealistic, "Arrival" transcends with harsh and breathtaking suspense.

tl;dr - "Arrival" is to "Contact" what "The Dark Knight Rises" is to Tim Burton's "Batman"
chai tea latte Dawnswalker


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Movies We've Seen Recently #387
I'd never thought of the end being like Doctor Who but it does fit. It's a climax involving wits rather than punching.
Eider Duck, November 19, 2016, 11:34:39 am
As well as being timey-wimey.

...And literally being the same strategy used in a Peter Capaldi episode, just on an eldritch being instead of a wall.
Eider Duck


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Movies We've Seen Recently #388
Arrival (2016)

You know that movie that takes a fairly simple scientific concept, then aggressively fails to understand it for the sake of the story? Like how gamma radiation gives you super powers?

That, but for linguists, where the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is gamma radiation.

It's pretty good, though. What the other guy said.


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Movies We've Seen Recently #389
I wanted to see Arrival precisely because I figured it would be more or less a 21st century version of Contact. And for the first half or so, that's exactly what it looks like you're getting.

What it actually turned into was something that was pretty much exactly my jam. (If, as aforementioned, a little bit of a swerve away from actual science.)