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Topic: Collecting things  (Read 13910 times)


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Collecting things #15
I collect bookmarks.
I hoard bookmarks.
Ever since I started favoriting things on IE several years ago, mostly youtube and dumb things, I realized the potential of it all - but I failed to foresee the inevitable mess. I've accumulated bookmarks on IE, Firefox and now Chrome which is my primary browser. Barely any of it is organized, so I usually just look at what was most recently bookmarked. I sometimes edit the titles of bookmarks after I show them to friends in case I want to keep them but don't want to accidentally send them again in the future.

Here's what I look at every day: http://i.imgur.com/npWjntL.png

So, in order to ascertain the exact number of my current bookmarks I had to export them to an HTML file and CTRL + F a bit of a tag. This is what I found: http://imgur.com/QeMdOgh
If you can't read what it says up there, that's 6,976. I mean, I guess that's not terrible, but this can't be healthy either way.

Edit: I'm disappointed that I didn't get 6969
Maxine Headroom
« Last Edit: March 05, 2015, 09:18:47 am by Sovereign »


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Collecting things #16
I have a very small collection of Orthodox Icons, but I can't get more because they're real expensive.  I'm planning for my next acquisition to be a commissioned St. Patrick and then a St. Augustine, but I don't have a spare $800 lying around :/

Tiny Prancer

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Collecting things #17
I collect bookmarks.
I hoard bookmarks.
Ever since I started favoriting things on IE several years ago, mostly youtube and dumb things, I realized the potential of it all - but I failed to foresee the inevitable mess. I've accumulated bookmarks on IE, Firefox and now Chrome which is my primary browser. Barely any of it is organized, so I usually just look at what was most recently bookmarked. I sometimes edit the titles of bookmarks after I show them to friends in case I want to keep them but don't want to accidentally send them again in the future.

Here's what I look at every day: http://i.imgur.com/npWjntL.png

So, in order to ascertain the exact number of my current bookmarks I had to export them to an HTML file and CTRL + F a bit of a tag. This is what I found: http://imgur.com/QeMdOgh
If you can't read what it says up there, that's 6,976. I mean, I guess that's not terrible, but this can't be healthy either way.

Edit: I'm disappointed that I didn't get 6969
Sovereign, March 05, 2015, 09:15:13 am

As someone with a lot of bookmarks themselves, I have no idea if I have that many, but I gotta say, your organization is bullshit. Here's the REAL way to organize your bookmarks


  • Self-proclaimed writer
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Collecting things #18
I collect bookmarks.
I hoard bookmarks.
Ever since I started favoriting things on IE several years ago, mostly youtube and dumb things, I realized the potential of it all - but I failed to foresee the inevitable mess. I've accumulated bookmarks on IE, Firefox and now Chrome which is my primary browser. Barely any of it is organized, so I usually just look at what was most recently bookmarked. I sometimes edit the titles of bookmarks after I show them to friends in case I want to keep them but don't want to accidentally send them again in the future.

Here's what I look at every day: http://i.imgur.com/npWjntL.png

So, in order to ascertain the exact number of my current bookmarks I had to export them to an HTML file and CTRL + F a bit of a tag. This is what I found: http://imgur.com/QeMdOgh
If you can't read what it says up there, that's 6,976. I mean, I guess that's not terrible, but this can't be healthy either way.

Edit: I'm disappointed that I didn't get 6969
Sovereign, March 05, 2015, 09:15:13 am

As someone with a lot of bookmarks themselves, I have no idea if I have that many, but I gotta say, your organization is bullshit. Here's the REAL way to organize your bookmarks
Tiny Prancer, March 05, 2015, 04:20:53 pm
That's some pretty solid organizing. I don't think I have enough specific types of bookmarks to fill half of those folders though. I'm not a very interesting person.


  • The phased-out byzantine devil.
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Collecting things #19
I've got somewhere between 2500 and 3500 records (I'm estimating maybe 2800) but I don't really actively collect them any more, most of that was from the 6 years I worked at a record store, especially the year when I was also working a couple days a week at a thrift shop and could get, say, 40 middle of the road classic rock records for 50 cents each and then take them t my other job and trade them in for a couple dollars each in store credit.  These days if I buy one record in a month that's a lot.


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Collecting things #20
I've been collecting Dr Who books and memorabilia since the Wilderness Years of the 90s.  Needless to say, my collection has tripled in size since '05.


  • The Gilligan's Planet of Second Base
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Collecting things #21
For awhile I collected Megazords, but I pretty much got all the good ones I could afford. After Time Force, the quality took a nosedive (except the Mystic Force series which are at least thematically interesting). I'm really liking the LEGO Architecture kits right now, but they're quite expensive. I highly recommend Fallingwater.


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  • 2
Collecting things #22
I collect those nintendo amiibo figures that I'm way too old to be collecting. So far I have Fox, Megaman, Sonic, Pikachu, both DKs, Bowser and Wii fit trainer. Gonna buy Pac-man tomorrow.


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Collecting things #23
I used to collect children's books and stamps. I've stopped for now.


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Collecting things #24
I have a couple of small and ridiculous collections tucked away here and there. I have a cool rocks/crystals collection from my new age days, a coin collection that's largely someone else's collection I found in a pile of stuff being given away, some assorted little dolls and figures (I have a terrible weakness for tiny dollhouse things and this is the closest I will allow myself to get to this) and a little jar somewhere with some cool dead bugs in it. Other than that it's mostly art supplies and books/comics.

I guess I also collect weird freeware PC games because I've had friends remark about be knowing about a lot of those.
Tiny Prancer, February 09, 2015, 01:35:05 am

I realize this is digging up a p old post but if you're still looking at this, any suggestions? I love me some freeware, something about a game in which one person got to chuck all their weirdness at an rpg maker without any sort of editing or censoring always delights me. Probably if it's any sort of well known I've at least heard of it but idk any you're fond of in particular? I always like having more weird freeware to try.

Needless to say my games folder is also kind of overdone. I used to collect tea bags tho. Not the tea receptacle itself, but the paper envelope surrounding it. I drink tea every day and used to just have tea bags instead of loose leaf and and for reasons unknown to me I collected the paper envelopes for YEARS and had thousands of them for a while. I would collect as many brands and flavors as I could because I just liked having a whole bunch of different ones. I liked the colors, it was spergy as FUCK. Then I moved houses often enough that I came to the realization that having piles of literal trash is not ideal when you can't even move around your actually useful belongings with any sort of efficiency, so the tea bag collection should PROBABLY be all gone by now. But I've found forgotten boxes packed SOLID with that shit several times before cleaning out a closet or a desk or whatever and I can't shake the feeling that I'll just find a fucking stack of slightly torn bigelow bags where I least expect it. In a sock drawer probably.


  • Is Putting A Donk On It
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Collecting things #25

Nikaer Drekin

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Collecting things #26
I collect records!! I'm a huge White Stripes fan so a lot of my collection consists of exclusive White Stripes/Jack White solo live shows his record label has released in their special "Vault" program. The ones I have so far are:

Live at the Gold Dollar (Detroit, 1997, their first live show. White vinyl.)
Jack White and the Bricks (a live side project recorded at a bowling alley, bowling pin white vinyl.)
Live Under the Lights of the Rising Sun (Tokyo, 2000. Two discs, black and red vinyl.)
Nine Miles from the White City (Chicago, 2003. Two discs, red and white vinyl.)
Under Amazonian Lights (Manuas, Brazil, 2005. Two discs, both red vinyl with a black swirl. Also a kickass box set.)
Live in Mississippi (their last live show, 2007. Black vinyl.)
Jack White Live at Third Man Records  (Nashville, 2012. Two discs, both half-black, half-blue)
Jack White Live at Bonnaroo 2014 (another kickass box set! Three discs, black, white, and blue vinyl.)

On the cheaper side of things, I also collect old movie soundtracks on vinyl that I find used. For instance, I just found a copy of the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid score for two bucks!

Sun Smasher

  • The one who consumes too much Whiskey
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Collecting things #27
I love collecting things. What I collect goes in phases. My biggest collection was a massive collection of comic books, (50,000 books. Literally a comic book store... hell, bigger than some stores I've been in). Right now though I'm collecting pins. I don't have them with me to take a beautiful picture of them, but I have a (nearly) complete set of DOTA 2 pins, a bunch of the Disney and Pinny Arcade pins, and now I'm gathering pins from the places I travel.


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Collecting things #28
I collect designer vinyl toys (I wish there was a better name for them, "designer vinyl" sounds so pretentious) and some sofubi, but I fell off the wagon a little bit last year. I'm starting to get the itch again, though.