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Topic: SatanInAZootSuit posts about his early internet years for no reason  (Read 4290 times)


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One day, I decided to get into my Excite Email so that I could read and laugh at everything 7 through 15-year-old Satan did and signed up for. This journey led me to guess passwords and usernames for days until I decided to contact support directly. Surprisingly, excite.com support is still alive and kicking! It was exciting, the prospect of getting to see what bullshit I got up to in the early 2000s (more like the mid-2000s, but hey).
So, I reset my password and got into the old girl. The homepage loaded up, everything as I left it when I made the switch to Yahoo/MSN (including the tasteful cheetah print background), and I clicked on the email link to go back into the nostalgic, cringy memories...

Except it turns out, excite deleted EVERYTHING. I asked why, and I found out that they apparently wiped all the emails for my account because it was inactive for too long. Damn, that makes this difficult.
(But hey, I got back into my myspace! None of the videos work, but at least, the Naruto pictures are all still there!)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2016, 06:38:32 pm by SatanInAZootSuit »


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So, I remember doing four things a lot during my child/teenhood. They are as follows:

Furcadia. I started playing this as soon as we got dial up (net10 I think) in our house (I was probably 7). It's a weird furry RP game where you have a regular chat thing with a graphical UI. I just went around and annoyed people while trying to figure out how commands worked. I spent most the time creating characters and exploring. Furcadia deletes characters that go a full year without any activity, so this is a no-go for re-access. I do remember going to the R18+ section when I was like 9, and someone asking me to talk dirty to them, so I quit. Nothing special here, but I totally did that thing where you make a second account, but it was just for an RP I was in so I could have a posse and create some narrative drama. I think I did it in a general 'hang-out and chat' server, though.

Warrior Cats Roleplay. When I was a youngin (I'm going to say 11-13 probably?) I really REALLY liked the Warriors Cats books. Imagine my delight when I discovered that internet based roleplay was a thing, and Warrior Cats were a very common theme! I was crap at it, and most of the ones I visited were dead or dying. Nothing special here, but I want to read some crappy writing from when I was a kid.

Gaia Online Roleplay. I have indirect access to my account still, but they banned my account for (entirely legitimate) reasons.  This site was primarily 13 through 15 year old me's entire time on the internet, so I had a big reason to figure out how to get back into this. All of it is terrible and anime and special snowflake and lolrandom, so good times for all. Have a link.  . You may be wondering if there was ever a background to the account page, but I think that I honestly liked it like this. You might notice (if you can stand the design) that I have a favorite animes section. I probably lied there, because I didn't watch death note until freshman year of high school, I have no idea what the Big O or Blue Dragon is, and I saw all of Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood in a Highschool class, entirely convinced that I'd never seen it before. Maybe I just listed some anime that I had seen one episode of and enjoyed, or maybe I was just an otaku poser, because I remember severely disliking Bleach. Here's my Journal, in which you can read a terrible, very anime story where I only wrote a sentence at a time every week or so. And here's every roleplay post I ever wrote on Gaia online. I played with a select group of friends. You might notice a heavy use of the name Draco, right? Well, I have an explanation: That was my go-to roleplay name for years and years, which lasted until I stopped doing forum roleplays.

Runescape/AdventureQuest. They're both crappy online fantasy games. Runescape is a reasonably well-known Java MMORPG, and it's okay. AdventureQuest (and everything else made by Artix Studios) is a single player browser based flash game in which you have no contact with any player outside of yourself (unless you go to the forums I never went to), have a lot of referential humor, and are very anime. I liked AdventureQuest more (Probably because there wasn't a multiplayer aspect), but it's not a good game. It's just button mashing and level grinding, with basic JRPG style combat. I used to love it, though, so obviously they did something. These have barely any interesting stories, except for the time I got Runescape married and also met a 60-year-old woman who played Runescape because her grandkids liked it. I didn't believe it then, and I honestly still don't. I probably talked to a few potential rapist folk, but I was a smart kid and made sure to pretend to have to go when they tried to ask me private things. I also attempted to scam people sometimes. My plan was to sell my account for in-game currency and then immediately change my password. That was a terrible idea, in retrospect. I mean, there wasn't a limit on accounts and I wasn't that great, and they were giving money to the account I was offering to sell.

Also included in crappy games on the internet I played is Roblox, but I did that with friends. I tried to make a rival group to a group that centered on a video game reference that I didn't know about, but that isn't exactly fun, it's just stupid kid stuff.


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Warrior Cats Roleplay. When I was a youngin (I'm going to say 11-13 probably?) I really REALLY liked the Warriors Cats books. Imagine my delight when I discovered that internet based roleplay was a thing, and Warrior Cats were a very common theme! I was crap at it, and most of the ones I visited were dead or dying. Nothing special here, but I want to read some crappy writing from when I was a kid.
SatanInAZootSuit, April 11, 2016, 06:38:09 pm

I think we should talk, because this is a phenomenon that BAFFLES THE SHIT OUT OF ME.

I was in the same boat!  I loved Warriors, I was the sort of person to talk to people about her cats from a very early age, and suddenly there was a fictional context I could apply to them to think of them as mighty heroes.  My reasons for being into it don't confuse me at all, but what does is the SUPER-prevalent following it has. 

It's almost like Harry Potter in that there are very few sites devoted to it specifically, but vestiges of its fandom crop up naturally like a fungus in other forums.  If Harry Potter is mold, Warrior Cats is black mold, more rare and deadly by far.