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Topic: Favourite Voices  (Read 89185 times)


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Favourite Voices #30
Victor's sad voice is actually the funniest thing to listen to, because I always feel sorry for him.

Lemon's subdued voice "well they package chips with air because of the vaccum sealed and ok.."

John's Barney impression was spot on.

I think my favourite voice is the anime voice, done by Jack Chick and Lemon (even Portaxx's annie may voice) "WHY DO I HAVE SUCH A HUGE HEAD"


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Favourite Voices #31
One of Kumquatxop's voices makes me crack up every time. I don't know if there's a name for it (Or if it's already been named here) but his voice when ranting about kids in Suffer The Little Children (Both the "To prevent them from running into my damned legs!" and the little verbal tic he does when he's briefly interrupted by Lemon, sort of a "myuh!" kind of noise) is the one I had in mind.


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Favourite Voices #32
I love that weird feral beast that Lemon does [...] "...I'm tied to a post in the yard."Adam Bozarth, February 08, 2013, 07:56:58 pm
Nice try buddy, that was your line and you know it.

Lady Naga

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Favourite Voices #33
The hell of it is I can think of like a dozen voices to do while I'm shaving or driving to the grocery store, but then comes reading time and my brain locks up.

Lemon will say something like "Okay, Isfahan, take 'Mutil8or', the third post down" and I'm already like Oh god oh god what voice think of a voice uhhhhhh

I'm seriously considering just keeping a .txt file list of voices and having it open next to the browser window while reading.
Isfahan, February 08, 2013, 08:02:26 pm

Oh to be a fly on the wall reading that list...

"Depressed Juggalo"
"Big Game Hunter (Who Is Also From Taiwan)"
"Hypermanic Fey"

Adam Bozarth

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Favourite Voices #34
I love that weird feral beast that Lemon does [...] "...I'm tied to a post in the yard."Adam Bozarth, February 08, 2013, 07:56:58 pm
Nice try buddy, that was your line and you know it.
Lemon, February 09, 2013, 12:03:03 am
It wasn't me! It was JT. So I guess that's the waifu episode.

I'm not that needy.


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Favourite Voices #35
Oh to be a fly on the wall reading that list...

"Depressed Juggalo"
"Big Game Hunter (Who Is Also From Taiwan)"
"Hypermanic Fey"
Lady Naga, February 09, 2013, 12:24:52 am

Haha, I made the list and I'm up to twenty-two so far.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 03:01:29 am by Isfahan »


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Favourite Voices #36
I once tried to make a sort of F-Plus bestiary of voices and went back through all the episodes trying to catalogue all of them.  It proved to be too much for me, but I made it about as far as episode 13.  I was surprised to realize that "Quebecois" is the very first inflected voice to show up on the F-Plus in the sneeze-fic.

I noticed also that Jack Chick's regal voice sort of changes over time...I very much seperate the ones he uses in "The Transformers Radio Variety Hour" and "Sex is Personals"... with those two the regal voice is much more deep and booming with more heavilly rolled 'r's.

The later incarnation that shows up (which I especially love in the facebook fight between "Killa thump wicked ninja 'thumper' clown") is almost more of an erudite villiany sort of thing that I like even more.

Lastly, I wanna give a shout-out to the voice Lemon starts using in "Any Cling You Want" during the pet-store robbery scene.  He brings it back a good number of times and it ALWAYS destroys me.

I could go on, but I'm pretty sure you all wanna stab me by now.

Victor Laszlo

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Favourite Voices #37
Victor's sad voice is actually the funniest thing to listen to, because I always feel sorry for him.
Notm, February 08, 2013, 09:36:56 pm
Yay! I was completely sure this was one thread where I wouldn't be mentioned.

You get a heart!


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Favourite Voices #38
I once tried to make a sort of F-Plus bestiary of voices and went back through all the episodes trying to catalogue all of them.  It proved to be too much for me, but I made it about as far as episode 13.  I was surprised to realize that "Quebecois" is the very first inflected voice to show up on the F-Plus in the sneeze-fic.agentmonster cockogue, February 09, 2013, 05:42:13 pm

And while I'm stroking myself over firsts, you'll note I'm also the first to be saying idiotic shit instead of a proper "hello!" when we're introduced.  I'm a regular trailblazer, I am.

(Though I confess I'm kind of at a loss as to how I qualify so thoroughly for Lady Frenzy.  Well, we all have our quirks.)

Geremy Tibbles

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Favourite Voices #39
All of them~.


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Favourite Voices #40
Everybody's voices are great, but I love the Garfield, the Quebecois, and the Paula Deen the most.

Lady Frenzy

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Favourite Voices #41
(Though I confess I'm kind of at a loss as to how I qualify so thoroughly for Lady Frenzy.  Well, we all have our quirks.)
Acierocolotl, February 09, 2013, 08:49:35 pm

Because I'm Canadian, and as soon as I heard you I knew you were one of us.

Lady Naga

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Favourite Voices #42
(Though I confess I'm kind of at a loss as to how I qualify so thoroughly for Lady Frenzy.  Well, we all have our quirks.)
Acierocolotl, February 09, 2013, 08:49:35 pm

Because I'm Canadian, and as soon as I heard you I knew you were one of us.
Lady Frenzy, February 10, 2013, 10:20:59 pm


I actually visited Quebec for a week, as nice of a place as it was my Ontarian French got me some sideways glances :(
« Last Edit: February 11, 2013, 11:11:01 am by Lady Naga »


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Favourite Voices #43
Huzzah for Canadians, then.  If any of you are within striking distance of Toronto (or preferably Ottawa) we totally need to make something happen.

I actually visited Quebec for a week, as nice of a place as it was my Ontarian French got me some sideways glances :(
Lady Naga, February 11, 2013, 10:30:15 am
It's been my experience, as a Kebekker that's lived in Ontario long enough to trick both sides with my fluency, that most francophones are more impressed that you'd made an effort to speak French, no matter how awkwardly, rather than just barge on ahead in English and hope somebody understands.

That's got nothing to do with favourite voices, though.  I'm going to flatter myself:  I liked my trranyslwanian voice (for the dino dongs), if only for Lemon's anguished cry of, "No Dracula, no!"


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Favourite Voices #44
Hearing the R rolled in "it strrretched me" makes me cringe every time.